Chapter 36

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It has been a full 24 hours since Chase left for work and Skye couldn't do anything other than panic. She tried to stay strong for her kids but inside she wanted to do everything she could to find him even though she had no idea where to look. "Mom is dad here?" Max asked as he came into the her room. "No" Skye said, "okay so we start panicking now right?" Max asked, "I would rather we didn't panic but we can try figure this out. I am just as worried as all of you are" Skye said. "Okay we have Rex maybe he can sniff out Jax or something" Max said, "We are not going to go up to where your dad is but I will send the right team to go find him okay" Skye said. "Okay but mom please find him" Max said. "I will try" Skye said as she called the chief again, "Hello Skye, first I know what you are thinking and I want to assure you Chase is fine" the chief said "With all do respect sir it has been 24 hours and we have not heard from him" Skye said. "I know and that is per my request, he is undercover right now. I can't have him blowing his cover. We are so close to getting this guy I can feel it" the chief said. "You couldn't tell me this before?" Skye said, "I was hoping it would be resolved by now, this guys is a huge deal and we need him caught, Chase is just waiting for the right moment to strike" the chief said. "I thought he was looking for a missing person" Skye said. "That is what we went with yes but we have eyes on him Skye and he is alive and fine" the chief said. "Okay please make sure he stays that way" Skye said as she hung up. All her kids were looking at her, "he is undercover, he is fine the chief is hoping this will be solved soon" Skye said. "I don't like it mom, I miss him" Orianna said, "I know baby girl and he will be so happy to hear you have your memories back. Let's just pray he is okay and stay strong for him okay" Skye said. "Okay can we go to the park?" Orianna asked, "of course after breakfast" Skye said as she started on breakfast.

Callie was so excited to start college she was already packing and making sure her dorm was going to be perfect. "I wonder who you will be sharing your dorm with" Khloe said, "I wish it was you but no you had to go to another school" Callie said, "not my fault, but we will still be friends right?" Khloe said, "I hope so always, you are my bestie for life" Callie said hugging her friend. "Are you excited Dylan will be with you?" Khloe asked, "I mean of course he is my boyfriend, but I don't know if we are meant to be together forever" Callie said, "well don't pull a Dylan or a Josh it only leads to bad things!" Khloe said. "Oh my gosh yes, but I am sure we can figure something out mutually if we do find another person" Callie said. "Do you think your brother and his girlfriend will last?" Khloe asked, "I don't know the whole long distance thing will be hard and I am sure there will be lots of girls he will have to avoid" Callie said. "Well I for one am excited for us to start the next chapter in our lives" Khloe said, "me too even if we are friends from a distance" Callie said.  Josh was trying to make the most of his time with Sophie as he was currently with her on the beach.

"I am going to miss this" Josh said, "we will still get to do this, just not as often" Sophie said, "I hope so and I want you to know that I am dedicated to make this work" Josh said. "I know so am I, but I do worry that a hot cheerleader might take you from me" Sophie said. "You Sophie Ariella Green have nothing to worry about you are my girl and no one will ever come between us. I love you" Josh said. "I love you too Joshua Chase Davis!" Sophie said, giving him a kiss. "Want to go for a swim?" Josh asked, "sure" Sophie said as they both headed towards the water. It was a perfect summer day and even thought the beach was busy Josh never took his eyes off of Sophie. He made her feel like the entire world revolved around her and she was truly going to miss him. 

Zoe was at the doctor's office it was Annabelle's first appointment for her heart since she was born and she was nervous. Dr. Shepard came to say hello, "Zoe how are you feeling?" Dr. Shepard asked. "I am worried for her everyday, even though she strives and is happy I can't help but feel sick" Zoe said. "That is understandable no parent likes to hear that their baby has any sort of problem. We are ready to check her out and its just a simple check on her heart and you can be with her the entire time" Dr. Shepard said, "thanks" Zoe said as she followed Dr. Shepard and they met with Dr. Samson and another doctor who was a cardiologist. "We are just going to do a quick ultrasound, and then check her heart using this machine, she won't feel anything" the cardiologist Dr. French said. Zoe watched as they checked her daughter's heart as she held her tiny little hand. After a few minutes Dr. French spoke, "her heart is strong, there still is the tiny hole right here but it is not affecting the function of her heart. I would like to patch it up with a simple procedure. I do however would like to wait for her to be a little bit older, I feel the patch will hold better. I want to assure you there is nothing to worry about your baby girl is doing well" Dr. French said. "Thank you but when you say patch it up what do you mean?" Zoe asked, "It will be a simple surgery just to place a patch on the hole so her heart can continue to be strong." Dr. French said. "She needs surgery?" Zoe said a bit nervous, "yes but when she is a bit older, I don't think it is necessary right now, I am still hoping it will relieve itself, as of right now there is no immediate concern" Dr. French said. "Okay and are there signs I should be looking for just in case it does get worse?" Zoe asked, "yes if she seems to be struggling to breathe, or if she turns blue. Zoe there really is not anything to worry about from what I can see her heart function is normal and working perfectly as it should be" Dr. French said. Zoe nodded she still however worried but it came with being a mom and she probably would always worry for her babies.

Zuma was at home with Wyatt and Zola and they were playing doctor, Zola was giving Zuma a check up. "Uh oh daddy you have a fever" Zola said, "Oh no can you make it better?" Zuma asked, "yes but I need to give you a shot" Zola said, "Oh um well can you fix it any other way? I don't like needles" Zuma said. "Nope this is the only way daddy, it will be quick and painless" Zola said. Zuma nodded he knew it was fake but still the thought of needles scared him as Zola used the plastic needle from her doctor kit and said "okay you are all better daddy" Zola said, "thank you sweetheart" Zuma said. Wyatt was building a lego house, "need any help bud?" Zuma asked. "Nope I got this daddy" Wyatt said, "okay what do you guys want for lunch?" Zuma asked. "Grilled Cheese!" they both said as it was their favorite, "done" Zuma said as he stood up and went to make them lunch. Zola was trying to help Wyatt but he didn't want it "No Zola don't touch it!" Wyatt said. "I want to play too" Zola said, "not with this you have your giwl lego ovew thewe" Wyatt said. "I can play with this too!" Zola said, "NO its mine!" Wyatt said, "hey both of you stop or I take it all away" Zuma said. "I don't want hew to touch daddy I don't need help" Wyatt said. "Zola you play with this lego let him build his house okay" Zuma said. Even though Zola wanted to play with her brother she played alone with her own lego, she didn't understand why her brother was so protective of his stuff. Zoe finally came home with Annabelle who was asleep as Zoe put her down. She explained everything to Zuma and he was relieved she was still doing good. He also worried about the surgery but wouldn't worry about it until the time came if it even did at all.

Skye was with her kids at the park she could tell they were trying to have fun but every part of her was worried and she could they were too. Max sat beside her, "I can't just play and pretend I am not scared for him mom" Max said. "I know baby but we need to be strong for your sisters, they don't really understand" Skye said. "I think Orianna does but I get how the twins don't, Mom what if something happens" Max said. "I am hoping nothing does Max if it does we will be okay we have each other" Skye said, "I don't want dad to die" Max said, "Max honey is not going to die, okay he is strong and he is a good detective. Your dad will come home to us" Skye said. "You don't know that for sure though, I mean I feel sick thinking about it and I am nervous" Max said. "I am too honey, but I am trying to stay positive for all of you, I need your help buddy you need to not think negative like this. I need your help with your sisters" Skye said. "Okay but I really need to hear from him soon or I am going to lose it" Max said. "I know baby" Skye said hugging him, they all went home for lunch. Orianna sat on the couch hugging a pillow, the twins sat on the floor playing and Max hugged Rex. "Daddy is going to be okay we need to stop this moping okay. Let's eat lunch and go swimming" Skye said. "Okay" the twins agreed, Max and Orianna were a bit more hesitant but they agreed in the end. Skye knew it was pointless but she tried calling Chase again and it still went to voicemail. She sighed she just wanted to make sure he was okay even just hearing is voice for one second would be enough. 

Skye had the kids in the pool and both Orianna and Max had a friend with them, Hunter and Penelope were also swimming. Skye watched them, the girls were playing in the grass beside her. Skye kept glancing at the kitchen door just hoping Chase would walk through it, every second that went by made her more worried. "Mom can Hunter stay the night?" Max asked, "sure" Skye said hoping it would keep Max calm, "Penny too mommy?" Orianna said, "sure" Skye said as she decided to go make dinner. She was still watching them from inside and everyone as at least having fun. Once dinner was made she brought it outside and everyone ate on the patio. Skye's phone rang and she answered, "hello" "hey beautiful, I am fine okay" Chase said, "I am so worried for you" Skye said, "I know and I don't have long to talk but I am alive and not hurt. I love you and the kids so much" Chase said. "We love you too, do you have time to tell them you are okay?" Skye asked. "Like 5 seconds" Chase said, Skye put it on speaker phone, "Guys I am fine okay, I will try and be home soon be good for mommy and Max help her with your sisters. I love you all" Chase said as he hung up. "He is still working?" Orianna asked, "yes but now we at least know he is okay" Skye said, "yeah I guess" Max said. "It is better than us wondering for who knows how long" Skye said. "I miss him" Orianna said, "I know so do I" Skye said as she gave them all a hug, as Max and Orianna played with their friends and Skye helped the twins get ready for bed. 

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