Chapter 72

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Josh was having a hard time falling asleep all he was thinking about was the fact he could have another sibling. He didn't hate the idea but he knew it was stressing out his mom and him leaving for months at time for basketball was going to suck. Josh knew Callie was not the most reliable sibling but she was trying and Riley only being 14 was in her own world and Owen Josh knew he would take it the hardest. Owen was such a mama's boy that he knew if she were to stop paying attention to him all the time he would cause problems. Josh also didn't know how is dad would take it and he just wanted everything to work out. Josh sighed as he rolled over looking at the clock it was 2 am and he just couldn't fall asleep. He decided to get up and look into his options as far as what would happen if he did make it into the NBA. The schedule did offer a few days in between but he wondered if he could make it work by living in Adventure Bay but he didn't want to make a decision now since he didn't know if he made it or not. 

Chase rolled over in bed and answered his phone, "Detective Chapman" he said quietly, "sleeping on the job detective, tell me something do you know where your kids are?" A woman said. Chase sat up quickly, "who the fuck is this?' he said getting the attention of Skye beside him, "your worst nightmare" the woman said as he hung up. Chase jumped out of bed and checked his kids and they were all asleep. He had no idea what this idiot meant and now he was frustrated, as he went downstairs. Chase noticed Jax was missing and he checked the whole house, maybe this man took him. Chase checked his GPS on his collar and it showed him in Foggy bottom, Chase grabbed his gun and ran out the door. Skye didn't know why Chase left but she knew it was not good as he ran out of the room quickly. Chase was able to track Jax and he was in a cage and appeared to be asleep. Chase didn't see anyone around and he tried to open the cage but the lock was knew and hard to open. "Good you mad it, see I would have rather taken one of your actual children but this mutt her was in the way. I knew you would come regardless" the woman said. Chase turned around fast and looked at her, "Threatening me is never a good thing and I don't know how you escaped but you will go straight back there" Chase said, "I decided I missed you to much Chase, and as far the hospital is concerned I am still there. I mean a version of me anyways" Beth said. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Chase said, "it means I am smarter than I look, and I will never forget how you make me feel no matter how many meds they stuff down my throat" Beth said. "What is it you want Beth?" Chase said, "you silly, and revenge on that little brat of yours for hitting me with the bat" Beth said. "Well that is not an option and this time you don't have your body guard" Chase said, "no you are right I don't but I am not a weak person and I noticed this pup is different" Beth said. "He might be but he is also a lot smarter than you think, and I wouldn't underestimate him" Chase said. "He can't help you Chase no one can and I will get what I want" Beth said as she charged at Chase. He was expecting it and he was able to avoid her and take her down, "you don't think I expected that, come on who do you think I am?" Chase asked. "Stupid" Beth said as she stabbed him with a needle, Chase didn't have time to react as he fell to the floor. Beth was able to steal some drugs from the hospital before she left and she was able to take Chase to her secret hideout.

Jax finally woke up inside the cage and he was frustrated as he broke his way through, he could smell Chase. He knew his owner was here and he knew that he was most likely in trouble, Jax ran to the police station and barked getting Jess's attention. "Jax where is Chase?" Jess asked, Jax barked again, Ian came over, "weird he is not with Chase" Ian said. "Can you see if he is alright?" Jess asked her boyfriend. Ian called Chase's phone and he didn't answer, and he decided to trace the call hoping it would bring up his location. "Something is wrong Jess, his GPS is off. I can't trace his phone" Ian said, "can you trace him somehow don't they have special things in their badges or something?" Jess said. "Yeah but Chase's is in his cruiser which is in foggy bottom, weird I think we need to call this in. I think he might be in trouble" Ian said. "I think so too otherwise Jax would not be here freaking out" Jess said as Ian told the chief and there was now search going on for Chase. The chief didn't want to worry his family just yet but he had a feeling he would need to soon.

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