Chapter 9

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Josh and Sophie talked the entire walk home to her house and Josh had no idea what he was getting himself into. He never thought about Sophie because they were such good friends but him knowing she liked him changed something for him. He was really enjoying talking to her, "thanks for walking me home, you really didn't have to" Sophie said. "I mean what kind of guy would I be if I let a pretty girl like you walk home alone in the dark" Josh said. "I don't know I mean its Adventure Bay what could happen to me?" Sophie said. "Well since my uncle Chase solves a lot of murderers I would say anything could happen" Josh said. "True, thanks Josh and I am glad we are friends even if that is all we will be" Sophie said. They arrived at Sophie's house and she as about to walk away from him but Josh pulled her towards him, "I am so going to regret this later" he said as he kissed her. This caught Sophie off guard but she accepted it and when Josh pulled away she blushed. "Wow um what was that?" Sophie asked, "I have no idea, I enjoyed talking to you Sophie, please let's keep this between us for now I am not sure what it means yet" Josh said walking away. He was feeling super guilty and he needed to figure out what this meant because he just cheated on his girlfriend. 

Sophie sat in her bed and screeched into her pillow, "oh my word!" she said to herself, her crush just kissed her and it was amazing. Even if Josh didn't break up with Melody she was going to cherish that kiss forever it was amazing. Ella came into the room, "you good honey?" she asked, "I am amazing mom thanks" Sophie said, "do I even want to know?" Ella asked, "I can't tell you but I love you" Sophie said. "I love you too baby girl goodnight" Ella said leaving the room. Josh made it home and he saw his sister's bedroom light on and he knocked before entering. "What?" Callie said, "I did something really stupid Callie and I am not sure what to do" Josh said. "Oh man well you were at uncle Chase's house weren't you so how stupid could it be?" Callie said. "Really stupid and I am not sure what to think I am so confused" Josh said, "and you want me to help? I am going to need more here" Callie said, "If I tell you Callie swear to me you won't say anything ever" Josh said, "man is it that bad?" Callie said, "please Callie swear" Josh said, "Okay I swear" Callie said. "I found out tonight that Sophie likes me and at first I didn't think anything of it because I have Melody. We talked a lot tonight and she is super cool, and I walked her home and well I sort of kissed her" Josh said. "Shut up! you kissed Sophie? as in Sophie Green?" Callie said, "yes and will you keep your voice down" Josh said. "I am not sure what to say here I mean wow I am just shocked" Callie said, "that is so not helpful" Josh said. "Sorry okay, how do you feel about Sophie now?" Callie asked, "I don't know Callie she is very pretty and I know a lot of the guys on my team want her. I never thought anything of her until tonight and now I am not sure" Josh said. "Well first you need to figure out if you like Melody more or if you are going to break up with her, either way Josh the right thing to do is to tell Melody. I guarantee if she did find out from someone else it wouldn't be good for you" Callie said, "ugh being a teenager sucks" Josh said. "We are 18 and technically adults but yes I agree. Sophie really I mean she is 15 and you are going to college next year" Callie said, "I am aware thank you for pointing it out, and she is almost 16. Plus I am only going to Toronto university and its not far" Josh said. "It sounds to me like you just made your choice" Callie said. "Damn it!" Josh said as he left her room, Callie sat there in shock, "wow Sophie I mean damn, at least she is hot" Callie said to herself as she crawled into bed.

Josh sat in his room his head was spinning he hated that he cheated on Melody but Callie was right he needed to tell her. Josh knew he was going to see her tomorrow so he figured he would tell her then and he was super nervous as he fell asleep. The next morning Josh woke up and he felt sick still not knowing what he was going to do. He showered and texted Melody,

Josh: hey we still hanging out?

Melody: yes meet on the beach?

Josh: sure see you soon

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