Chapter 73

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Everest woke up the next morning and sighed she knew Marshall would be home from work soon, she also knew Josh knew something was wrong. Everest wanted everything to be okay but she wanted so see what Marshall wanted to do first, it was 7 am and she climbed out of bed and made coffee. She had some as her husband walked in the door, "morning love you are up early" Marshall said. "Couldn't sleep" Everest said, "oh is everything okay?" Marshall asked pouring himself some coffee and sitting beside his wife. "I am not sure Marshall I found something out yesterday" Everest said. "Oh no are the kids okay?" Marshall said, "yes this is not about the kids its about me" Everest said. "Are you sick babe? we can figure this out I promise we can get through it together" Marshall said. "I am not sick Marshall, but there is something going on with me" Everest said. "Okay I am listening" Marshall said starting to worry about his wife, "I am not sure how I feel about this just yet, and I honestly don't know if I want to go through with it" Everest said. "I am not following" Marshall said, "Marshall I am pregnant" Everest said, "no way! really?" Marshall said. "Yes and I am not sure how to feel about it" Everest said, "what do you mean this is awesome news!" Marshall said, "Marshall I am 37 years old I don't know if I want another baby. The chances of it having down syndrome or something are higher let alone the risks for me  are higher" Everest said. "We always wanted to have a big family Eve or I did anyways, plus the kids are all older now and will be a huge help. I think this is awesome news" Marshall said, " I don't know if I like this Marshall, I am just not sure I want to go through with this" Everest said. "I will not force you Everest but I don't think abortion is an option at least not for me. I think you will regret it if you choose that, I feel like we can handle another one and I for one am excited for it. I think the kids will be too" Marshall said. "Okay if you want this then I will let it happen but Marshall if the kids aren't on board we need to think of our choices. Plus I know things will be a lot harder if there is something wrong with the baby" Everest said. "Nothing will be wrong Everest I know it, this baby will be perfect just like all our other babies" Marshall said hugging her and giving her a kiss.

Owen came downstairs, "morning" he said, "morning bud" Marshall said, "what is for breakfast?" Owen asked, "can you just have cereal today Owen, mommy is tired" Everest said. "Sure mommy" Owen said as he grabbed a bowl and poured some froot loops into a bowl, Riley came down next. "Mom can I hang out with Carlos today?" she asked, "sure but later" Everest said knowing she wanted to talk to all of them. 

Callie and Josh finally came down, and Everest looked to Marshall and he nodded letting her now everything was going to be okay. "Guys mom has something to tell you" Marshall said, "Mom are you okay? are you sick?" Callie asked, "No honey I am not sick" Everest said, "I think I know mom and its okay" Josh said, "This is a big deal for me at this age and I know it will affect all of you as well but I am pregnant" Everest said. "What!" Riley said, "I know this is unexpected but it is also a blessing" Marshall said. "I am not sure mommy" Owen said, "neither am I buddy but I think you will actually like being a big brother" Everest said. "Okay if you say so" Owen said, "I am cool with it mom and if I make it into the NBA I will help with money" Josh said. "That is not necessary Josh but it super kind of you" Everest said, "I mean I guess its better than you being sick, I mean having another baby will be annoying but I am cool with it too" Callie said, "that was the most insensitive response ever Callie" Josh said annoyed at his sister "its okay Josh, Callie processes things differently, Riley what do you think?" Marshall asked her. "I don't know either, but do I really have a choice here?" Riley asked. "No but in the end the choice is up to your mother" Marshall said. "Mom you can't that is murder!" Callie said, "Callie calm down I am not going to get an abortion" Everest said. "Good, I mean as much as I don't want another sibling I will love it just like I do all my other ones" Callie said, "thanks Callie" Everest said. "I just hope this one is a girl" Riley said, "I don't care either way just as long as they are healthy, and I hope there are no complications" Everest said. "What do you mean?" Riley asked, "with my age there is always a higher risk of the baby having complications like down syndrome" Everest said. "Awe down syndrome babies are so cute" Callie said, "yes but they are also a lot of work, and it will require all of us to pull together and keep them safe" Everest said. "We are the Davis's mom we always stick together and no matter what this baby will be a part of this family and we will help any way we can right guys" Josh said. "Easy for you to say when you are gone half the year" Callie said. "Callie" Josh said, "okay fine we stick together mom" Callie said, "thanks guys" Everest said as she made an appointment with Dr. Samson so she could figure out the due date and if everything was going to be okay.

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