Chapter 40

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Chase pulled up to Rocky's house and they waited for Sophie to come down, " thanks for doing this Chase she is excited" Ella said, "no problem, I know how much she misses him" Chase said. Sophie finally came down and sad bye to her mom as she followed Chase to his cruiser, Max was in the backseat. "Thanks for letting me crash your trip Max" Sophie said knowing this was his time with his dad. "It's fine Sophie, I hope you get everything you want out of this weekend" Max said. "I only want to see Josh" Sophie said, "my point exactly" Max said, "Max" Chase said, "what we all know what they are going to be doing" Max said, "how you are so observant at 11 is beyond me but you mind your own business" Chase aid. Sophie blushed as they drove out of adventure bay. Chase was really hoping the drive went smoothly since he had Max in the car but of course that was not the case. A car sped past them and Max said "woah he was going fast get him dad" " I am not on duty today" Chase said, "but he was going really fast" Max said. "Okay fine but you stay in the car with Sophie" Chase said as he turned on his sirens and followed the car.

It didn't take long for him to catch up and he pulled up behind the car as it pulled over. Chase called it in this guy was going well over the limit and would be getting his car impounded. Chase walked up to the car, "license and registration" he said and the man handed it over, "Mr. Caliente you were going 50 km over the speed limit, you could have hurt someone" Chase said. "I am sorry officer, I don't know why I was going so fast" Mr. Caliente said, "regardless you will be fined and you car will be impounded for 14 days." Chase said, "I am sorry please don't take my car it's the only way I can get around" Mr. Caliente said, "sorry it's not up to me you should have though of that before speeding down the highway" Chase said writing him a ticket and another cop car arrived. Chase let him takeover as he climbed back into his cruiser after explaining the situation. "You are taking his car away? Max asked, "yes he was going 50 over the speed limit and he was going to kill someone how fast he was going" Chase said. "Harsh dad" Max said. "Those are the rules Max and he was breaking the law so now he needs to pay for it" Chase said. " I get it but still it sucks" Max said,"yes it does but you and Sophie will never have to worry about it because you will not break rules right?" Chase said. "Right" Sophie said and Max laughed in the backseat.

They arrived in Toronto an hour before the game and Chase was excited to be back at his college. They took it all in and Max was running ahead of them, "Max stay close please" Chase said as they headed to the gym. Chase was surprised the place was packed already this being the first game of the season. "Chase Chapman it's good to see you again" a familiar voice said to him as he turned around. "Hey coach you being nice to my nephew?" Chase asked, "you bet his shows real promise could give you a run for your money" coach Barnes said, "he does all the time" Chase said as they laughed. "This is my son Max and Josh's girlfriend Sophie" Chase said, "I see we'll take a seat the game starts soon" coach said, "Coach you think you could let Josh come say hi" Chase asked knowing Sophie was dying to see him. "Sure" coach said as he called Josh over. Josh pulled Sophie in and kissed her and Max made a gagging sound and Chase nudged him. "Thanks for this uncle Chase, and thanks for coming" Josh said. "No problem kick some butt" Chase said as Josh went back to his team. Chase found them all a seat and was hugged from behind. "Hi uncle Chase" Callie said, "hey Callie how are you?" Chase asked, "good I love my classes and I think I chose the right career path" Callie said as she loved everything about being a cop. "I felt that too I'm glad you enjoy it you will be a great cop" Chase said. "You are going to be a cop?" Max asked. " yes and I only hope that I can be as good as your Dad one day." Callie said. Max smiled he knew his dad is the best cop " as cool as that is I don't think anybody could be as good as my dad" Max said. Chase laughed, and he felt a little awkward having everyone talk about him like this.

The game started, and everyone was excited to see how this all played out, the game was intense at first, both team scoring back-and-forth. Josh was doing really well and has scored 20 of the 40 points that they currently had. They were going into the second half behind a little bit, but Chase knew that they could turn it around. Chase had a feeling that the coach was probably giving them a lecture in the locker room knowing he liked to do that. Max was complaining that he was hungry, so Chase bought him some chips to eat and will take him out to eat after the game. Once the second half started the Bulldogs came out strong and were able to tie up the game fairly quickly. Josh was getting double teamed and the rest of his team was trying to get him the ball. A time out was called with only a minute left in the game. The score currently tied. Coach Barnes was hoping to get Josh to score a three pointer. " all right so the goal is to get the ball to Josh as fast as possible. Think you could make a three pointer Josh?" Coach asked. " you bet sir" Josh said really hoping that they can pull this off. Chase already knew what the play was going to be as he felt it was a similar situation to a game that he played here as well. Once the game was back on, the play went perfectly and Josh was able to score and win the game. He ended up being the MVP. Sophie he was really excited as she ran up to him and kissed him after the game.

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