Chapter 44

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Zoe sat waiting with Annabelle in the doctor's office today was the day they would find out if she would need surgery. She was finally 6 months old and they were going to find out if they were going to have to fix the hole in her heart. Zoe hugged her baby tight every part of her was nervous and she was glad Annabelle had no idea what was going on. "Zoe we are ready for you" Dr. Yang said. Zoe followed the doctor into the room and waited for the news, "I know this is going to be hard to hear, Annabelle's heart is strong but the hole is not repairing on its own. I would like to patch it up with surgery. I know it sounds scary but it will really give her a better quality of life" Dr. Yang said. "What are the risks? If she doesn't have the surgery would she still be okay?" Zoe asked, "All surgeries come with a risk, but it is a simple patch job and I believe she will pull through just fine. I will give you some paperwork and you can discuss with your husband. She will be fine without surgery but she won't be able to play sports or run fast. She wouldn't get tired easier and just wouldn't thrive as much if she were to have the surgery" Dr. Yang said. "Okay when will she have the surgery?" Zoe asked knowing she wanted her daughter to have a good life. She was nervous as heck but still wanted to talk to Zuma about it all first, "I would like to get her in as soon as possible" Dr. Yang said. "Okay let me talk to my husband and we can figure this all out" Zoe said. "Of course you have my number and I will see you in a few days for a follow up exam" Dr. Yang said as she left the room. Zoe packed Annabelle up and sent out a group text to her friends.

Zoe: I need a girls day, I am feeling sad

Everest: I am in my kids are all out, can I bring Owen?

Skye: I can come to Katie and Ryder have the girls today and Max is at Hunter's

Ella: I have Carlie but I can come too

Zoe: everyone can come, just give me 2 hours or so

Alyssa: perfect Jasper is napping and Trevor will be home by then

Zoe was glad all her friends were coming to support her in this but first she needed to talk to Zuma. "Hey babe how did it go?" Zuma asked as he looked up from playing Lego with Wyatt, "Dr. Yang wants her to have the surgery, I am so scared Zuma" Zoe said. "I know but we talked about this it will improve her quality of life right?" Zuma said. "Yes but she is still so little" Zoe said, "she is but she is tough and after the surgery you will be able to breathe better knowing her heart is 100% rather than only 75%" Zuma said. "I will not be able to breath knowing my baby is having surgery" Zoe said. "We will get through this Zoe, Annabelle is strong and this will make her even stronger. I think we have to do it" Zuma said. "I know ugh I have the girls coming over soon" Zoe said. "Awesome but I need to get ready for work" Zuma said as he went to shower, Zoe put Annabelle down for her nap as she made lunch for her kids. "Mommy is Anna going to be okay?" Zola asked. "She will be baby, she just needs to get her heart fixed" Zoe said, "is it broken?" Zola asked. "Sort of, it has a little hole that makes it not function 100% but her doctor is going to make her all better" Zoe said. "I hope so I don't want her to go anywhere" Zola said, "neither do I baby girl" Zoe said. 

Skye, Everest, Ella and Alyssa all all arrived and Owen immediately went to play with Wyatt, Zola played with Carlie on the floor. "What is going on girl?" Skye asked, "Annabelle needs the surgery and even though I know its good for her I am scared as hell" Zoe said. "Poor girl, but she is strong Zoe and she is young she will heal quick and be able to live a better life" Everest said. "I know but she is going into surgery" Zoe said. "It sounds scary I know, but we are all here for you" Ella said, "I just worry because she is so little" Zoe said, "it is good they are doing it when she is young though it gives her a better chance" Skye said. Zuma made his way downstairs and said bye to his kids and Zoe as he headed to work. "Everything will work out Zoe, I know it will" Alyssa said hugging her bestie knowing her baby was due in a few months. "I know I just worry so much for her" Zoe said. "As you should you are here mother, you will worry for her forever! but she is strong and she will pull through" Skye said. "Thanks guys, Zuma and I will need someone to watch Zola and Wyatt while we are with Annabelle" Zoe said, "I can take them they can keep Owen entertained" Everest said. "Thanks guys, I am sorry for dumping my problems on all of you" Zoe said. "That is what friends are for, and we love you Zoe and your kids we are always willing to help" Skye said. "Thanks" Zoe said as they all hugged. They all hung out for a bit longer  just talking about the upcoming Christmas day.

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