Chapter 23

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Once at home Orianna asked her brother, "Max were not bothered by what the girl was saying?" "No why would I be?" Max said, "she was making fun of you" Orianna said, "I don't care, she can't tell me who I can be friends with. Just because she doesn't like someone doesn't mean I shouldn't" Max said. This made Katie smile as she heard it and she was proud of her grandson, "so you don't care that she was making fun of you?" Orianna said, "nope, I do what I want and she is just jealous that I am better than her" Max said as he ran upstairs. "He is so strange" Orianna said, "he is right though honey, you should never let anyone's words affect who you are as a person" Katie said. "I know but sometimes words hurt" Orianna said, "I know but you are a strong girl Orianna and are amazing just the way you are" Katie said giving her a hug. "Thanks grandma, is Daddy at work?" Orianna asked, "I assume so yes" Katie said, "okay" Orianna said also heading upstairs. The twins were watching a movie and hardly noticed their siblings even came home. Katie made dinner and Skye came home just as she pulled it out of the oven, "thanks Katie you are the best" Skye said glad she didn't have to make dinner. "I do what I can, Max and Orianna are upstairs" Katie said as she kissed the twins and left. Skye helped the twins wash their hands and gave them both some food as she called Max and Orianna down.

Riley was walking home from school she stayed late to work on a class project and she noticed she was being followed. She couldn't tell from a distance but it looked like and older man, she panicked and started to job hoping it was her imagination. She sped up and so did the man and she tried to take an alternate route but the man caught up to her. "Where you off to pretty little thing?" the man asked. Riley knew she was in trouble and her phone was in her back pack, she tried to get away but the man dragged her into the alley. Riley screamed trying to get the attention of anyone, he was strong and he pinned her down as he tried to get under her shirt. Just then the man was pulled back and pepper sprayed as Riley was pulled up and was being lead away. "Are you okay?" a girl asked, "I think so thank you" Riley said, "your welcome I am Klea" Klea said, "Riley, how did you know to do that?" Riley asked, "I heard you scream, I have had my fair share of bad men in and out of my life. My mom's boyfriends were the worst, and I just moved here actually. My grandma is taking care of me now, I am excited actually I think the detective that saved me a few years ago lives here" Klea said. "Detective?" Riley asked as they stopped walking now as they lost the man. "Yeah it was at a concert and I was separated from my mom, she was with some guy and finally noticed I was missing. Pretended to act scared, then he found me and ever since then I wanted to be like him. He was my hero and I for a second felt safe. It is actually my dream to be just like him, and you sort of helped me in a way as you were my first save" Klea said. "Well thank you and the detective in this town is actually my uncle Chase and he is the best" Riley said. "Yes Chase that was his name" Klea said, "oh well I can introduce you to him" Riley said, "that would be amazing, but its late and my grandma will worry" Klea said. "Oh well maybe tomorrow after school?" Riley said, "yeah I go to Adventure Bay middle school" Klea said, "me too" Riley said as she thanked her again and they agreed to meet in front of the school in the morning.

Riley decided to call her uncle just to let him know about this man, she didn't want anyone else to get hurt. He didn't answer she assumed he was busy working so she left a voicemail and hoped he wouldn't freak out to much as she promised him she was safe at home. Klea on the other hand didn't go home like she said she was going to. She wanted to prove that she was strong and she went looking for the man. She found him in the alley where she pepper sprayed him he finally recovered. "Taking advantage of little girls is not nice" Klea said, "neither is pepper spraying people" the man said. "Well I have more if you want to try" Klea said, "whatever kid you are not worth it" the man said trying to walk away. "No I don't think so" Klea said as she ran after him, then she saw lights flashing and she knew there was a cop. "Everything okay here?" Chase asked, "no he tried to rape me" Klea said, "she is lying she pepper sprayed me and then tackled me" the man said. Chase looked at them both and had a feeling this was the guy Riley described to him in her voicemail. "Yeah I am not going to take your word for it" Chase said as he arrested him. "Seriously I didn't do shit" the man said, "not what my niece told me on the phone, you are under arrest" Chase said as he read him his rights and put him in the car. "Wow I can't believe you are in front of me!" Klea said, "Klea I presume, listen what you did was extremely risky and I wish you didn't seek him out" Chase said. "I know but do you remember me?" Klea said, "I think so Detroit purple jacket red shoes" Chase said, "yes I was 6 and you were my hero" Klea said. "I am touched and I am glad you made friend with Riley she is a good friend to have. Klea we will talk soon" Chase said as he drove the man to the police station. Then he drove home to see his family thinking about Klea and hoped she wasn't going to be like Max and go looking for trouble. He had a feeling she was going to do what she could to be like him just like Max and it worried him.

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