Chapter 59

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Josh was sort of sad that his family was leaving tomorrow, he so badly wished he could go with them. He was starting to feel homesick or maybe it was just Sophie sick he couldn't tell the difference. "Are you coming home soon Josh?" Riley asked, "I wish kiddo, but I have exams all next week then I start my basketball camp, so I am stuck here most of the summer" Josh said. "Boo that sucks, can I come visit you?" Riley asked, "well that is up to mom and dad seeing as you aren't old enough to drive yet" Josh said. "I could always come with Sophie though right?" Riley asked. "I would love that but I sort of want to have Sophie all to myself, and not have my kids sister poking around" Josh said. "Oh sure I mean I get it, it just sucks without you" Riley said. "I know, but you will have Callie coming home after next week, she will be working in the police station I think" Josh said. "No offense to Callie or anything but she is not as fun as you, she sort of just ignores me" Riley said. "I will make sure she doesn't okay kiddo, I love you and I will miss you" Josh said. "I will miss you too!" Riley said as she hugged him and said goodbye as she drove away with her parents to the hotel. They would be leaving in the morning back to Adventure Bay. Josh sighed as he walked back to his room and collapsed on his bed, "do I really want to do this?" he asked himself. 

"Do what?" Dylan asked, Josh jumped, "Damn it Dylan you scared the shit out of me" Josh said, "sorry dude, but do what?" Dylan asked. "Nothing its fine" Josh said, "come on man we used to tell each other everything" Dylan said. "It is just I am having a hard choice here, I don't know if I want to do this basketball camp" Josh said. "What! dude this has been your dream for like ever! I mean you are lucky to even get in. I heard they only pick certain students a year, and dude you killed it out there. You deserve this more than anyone, and in order to play for the NBA you need to do the camp" Dylan said. "I know but it takes me away from Sophie all summer and then if I get in the NBA I will never see her. Plus my sister misses me" Josh said. "I can assure you Callie does not miss you, and Sophie will be okay, she knows that you will be rich after you get in the NBA. Dude you can't give up on your dream over a girl" Dylan said. "Riley not Callie, and she is not just some girl dude, she is my whole world. Sophie is everything to me and it is killing me that we can't be together, plus she still has one more year of high school. If I am in the NBA I will never see her and I just don't know if I can do this" Josh said. "Well I think you are making a mistake, I mean it has always been your dream to be in the NBA don't give that up, Sophie will always be there but the NBA won't they will move on and find someone else. If your relationship is as strong as you say then you will be fine" Dylan said. "Man I just don't know" Josh said as he screamed into his pillow. Dylan sighed as he went to talk to Callie he felt like Josh needed more help than what he alone could give him.

Callie came into Josh's dorm and sat on the bed, "Josh are you really wanting to give up your dream?" she asked. "Damn your boyfriend has a big mouth" Josh said, "Josh this is not about Dylan, you have wanted to play in the NBA ever since you could hold a basketball. I mean I get what you are debating but is it really a debate. Sophie will understand and she will want you to follow your dreams. You can't give up on them, she wouldn't want that for you, plus when you are famous think about all the perks you will get. Traveling all over to play different teams, you will meet all kinds of people. Josh really think about this before you make a decision over a girl" Callie said. "Okay fine, now please leave" Josh said, "why?" Callie said, "I have exams to study for" Josh said. "Fine but don't give up" Callie said as she too went to study for her exams. Josh had a huge decision to make and he felt like his uncle Chase would help him out, but he would call him in the morning as he needed to study. 

Zoe called her bestie over and she agreed to come as Jasper was having a daddy day, she just had Maverick and he was pretty chill. Alyssa arrived and she set Maverick beside Annabelle and they cooed at each other, Maverick as a few months younger but it was still cute, "what is going on?" Alyssa asked, "Wyatt as been really asking questions about Rubble and he wants to know more about him. I mean I only know so much and same with Zuma, we feel like you knew him on a level no one else did. He keeps sitting at his grave and not getting the answers, I mean I am not sure what he is looking for but I thought you could help" Zoe said. "I might be able to but its hard to talk about Rubble you know, I just miss him so much" Alyssa said. "I know and I normally wouldn't ask something like this of you but he asks so many questions" Zoe said. "Okay I will try do you mind watching Maverick?" Alyssa asked, "no problem and thank you Alyssa" Zoe said, Alyssa smiled at her as she went to Wyatt's room. 

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