Chapter 76

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Katie made it to the hospital and walked into Max's room it was honestly such a sad environment, "Mom you didn't have to come" Chase said. "Are you kidding me of course I did, is he okay?" Katie asked, "no mom he isn't and honestly I am not sure if I should be mad at him or not. Like I was told this could have all been prevented if he sat down and shut up like everyone else" Chase said. "No offense daddy but when have you ever known Max to shut up about anything when it comes to crime. I think despite it being all a misunderstanding he would have tried to help regardless" Orianna said. "I agree with her honey, I mean Max is probably the most stubborn kid on the planet.  He is a teenager now and it is only going to get worse, you gave your father and I a run for our money and he will do the same. Max is strong and he has his grandpa's fight so he will pull through this. There is no sense in being mad because in the end it won't change what happened" Katie said. "Right now I just need him to be okay, he was talking to me and then all of a sudden he went white and stopped breathing. Mom I felt like my world literally just shattered" Chase said. "I know baby, I felt the same way every time you were hurt, but your father his looking out for him Max is a fighter" Katie said hugging him. Chase cried again and his girls cuddled him. "Thanks girls but you should be asleep" Chase said, "We can't sleep daddy we are worried about Max" Leila said. "I know but for now we know he is okay, I think we should all try and get some sleep" Chase said. Lynne and Leila cuddled on one of the cots and Chase sat in a chair holding Max's hand while Orianna lay on a cot beside him. Skye was on Max's other side and Katie took the couch. 

The next morning the girls were fighting to not have to go to school, "we don't want to leave Max" Lynne cried. "Max will still be here when you are done school, please girls we need to go" Skye said. "Mommy no please" Orianna said as she cried she wished she could tell her brother she was sorry and that she loved him. "Babe just let them stay" Chase said, "I don't think they need to miss school, I know they are worried but school is important" Skye said. "Its the second day they will be fine, plus I think the middle school is shut down for now" Chase said. "Let me take the girls home to get changed and deal with the dogs then we will come back after we have all had something to eat" Katie said. "Thanks mom" Chase said as Katie took Lynne, Leila and Orianna, as soon as they walked in Rex was freaking out. "He knows something is wrong" Orianna said as she knelt down and pet him, "he will be okay buddy" Orianna said as she hugged her brothers dog. Rex whined but he calmed down after her cuddle, he just wanted Max to be okay. Ian came into the room, "hey I hope he is doing okay, the chief asked me to come talk to you" Ian said. "I can't right now Ian I just can't" Chase said, "no there isn't a case but he wants to know what you want to do about Drew. He is very worked up he is sorry he never meant to hurt Max. He never intended to shoot him, but he said Max was very persistent and when Max tackled him the gun went off. He said it was an accident" Ian said. "I know and Drew is what 14? I think he needs help more than anything and should just be monitored and maybe in some sort of therapy" Chase said. "The chief said that too but he wanted to confirm with you, plus we are all praying for him" Ian said. "Thanks Ian" Chase said as his tech left the room, Max had a few more visitors that day as everyone stopped by.

"We are all here for you if you need anything" Marshall said, "I just need someone to watch the dogs for now" Chase said. "Zuma and Wyatt said they are on it" Marshall said, "thanks" Chase said he and Skye were just both emotionally drained. Dr. Shepard came into the room, "hi I would like to see if we can wake him up, his blood pressure is good and I think he is out of the woods" she said. "I am so worried about him" Skye said, "I know and this is every parent's worst fear but he has shown a lot of promise overnight, I think having you all here is helping him. I feel confident he will be okay" Dr. Shepard said. "Lets wake him up then" Chase said as Katie came back with the girls, they all watched as the doctor tried to wake up their brother and son. After a few minutes Max stabilized and opened his eyes, "mom" he said, "I am right here buddy" Skye said. Max looked around and saw his whole family and he smiled, "Max before we get to the hugs and such I need to know how you are feeling? Any pain?" Dr. Shepard said, "yeah I hurt everywhere" Max said, "okay I will get you some meds, can you wiggle your toes for me?" Dr. Shepard said. Max tried with everything and they moved but just barely, "its hurts a lot" Max said. "Its okay honey you rest you did good, go easy on him guys he has a lot of recovering to do" Dr. Shepard said. 

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