Chapter 60

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It was the final week of school, Oliver was super excited to share his science project and he was ready to go to school. Sophie was nervous she needed to write her exams, she wasn't sure how she felt going into them but her entire summer depended on good grades. Sophie said goodbye to her parents as she drove herself to school. Rocky and Ella were both going to Oliver's school, and Carlie was with them she was having a bad morning. "Maybe we should drop her off with your mom" Ella said, "she is probably working its Monday" Rocky said, "well she is not having it today" Ella said. "Carlie honey we are going to go see your brother's project then we can go play okay" Rocky said trying to calm her down. "No daddy no school" Carlie said, "well munchkin you don't have a choice" Rocky said as they drove Oliver to school, "daddy I don't want her to ruin my fair" Oliver said. "She won't Oliver I promise, I am very excited to see what you did" Rocky said. "Okay I will see you all soon" Oliver said as he ran to class, the teachers would be bringing them to the gym to set up. Parents were asked to walk around and observe the school for a few minutes. 

This gave Rocky and Ella a chance to figure out what to do with Carlie, "I will try my mom" Rocky said as he called her. She didn't answer and Rocky knew it meant she was at work, "she didn't answer" Rocky said, "well we will just have to make do, I know Oliver wants both of us here" Ella said. "Yes and I want to be here, munchkin for me can you please, just let us watch your brother" Rocky said. "Okay daddy" Carlie said as she wasn't trapped in her car seat anymore and she was able to run around a bit. "Let's see how this goes" Ella said, as they looked around the school, "this place is awesome, its too bad I never went here. I am so glad that Oliver is getting the chance to" Rocky said. "Me too he is such a bright kid and his project has had him busy the last 2 weeks" Ella said. "I am very excited to see what it is, and to be honest everyone else's too I feel like I might enjoy this" Rocky said. "Yes it is right up your alley" Ella said knowing this was literally not her cup of tea. She was here for Oliver and that was it she really didn't care much for anyone else's project. It was finally starting and Oliver's class was the one's presenting today, there were 5 groups in total. A bunch of project's were explained and as Ella predicted Rocky was right in there excited to see where this went. 

It was Oliver's turn and he explained his project, "I made a robot that will help the elder population with their medical needs. It can be programmed to bring the right medications and everything they would need to survive. It is of course still in testing mode but it will get the job done" Oliver said as he demonstrated. Ella and Rocky were super impressed, "wow did he really invent that?" Ella said. "My boy making the world a better place" Rocky said, after everyone was done, the judges announced the winners, Oliver's robot came in second place and both Ella and Rocky were super proud. "You are amazing bud, I am so proud of you" Rocky said, "thanks dad but I didn't get first" Oliver said a bit disappointed. "Its okay buddy you were first in our minds, that robot will hit it big" Rocky said. "Thanks I am hoping you can help me work out some kinks" Oliver said. "I would be happy too" Rocky said as they hugged him knowing he needed to finish his day at school. Rocky and Ella took Carlie home and as promised Rocky played with her a little bit before putting her down for a nap.

Chase was talking to his mom on the phone, "hey mom its been a while since you guys came for dinner. The kids miss you guys and I think it would be good for them to hang out" he said. "Sure honey that sounds good, are you inviting Cassie?" Katie asked, "I could, I've been meaning to ask how her pregnancy is going anyways" Chase said. "Okay well we will see you this weekend then" Katie said as she hung up and Chase called his sister, "hey" Cassie answered, "hey squirt, you want to come for dinner Saturday the whole family is coming" Chase said. "I don't know" Cassie said, "oh come on you need to come have some fun" Chase said, "fine I will come, I have nothing planned anyways" Cassie said. Chase laughed, as he called Marshall and set it up with him too he said he had the day off and Josh and Callie would be here too so it would be perfect. It would be the first time in a long time the whole family was together. In fact Chase didn't think they had a get together like this since Max was little. Skye was preparing a huge meal and Chase told her not to go all out. "We could just barbeque burgers and hot dogs" Chase said, "that is literally no fun" Skye said, "are you kidding the kids would love it, they can make their own hot dogs on the fire" Chase said. "Okay, I guess it does make it easier for me" Skye said as she went shopping for the ingredients.

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