Chapter 95

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Chase drove to Toronto in record time a normal trip taking 3 hours he was there within an hour. "That was awesome" Klea said, "Normally I wouldn't drive this fast but this is not a normal circumstance, Klea where do we go?" Chase said, "hang on let me text her" Klea said as she texted the contact she had in Toronto. Klea was quick to receive a reply and she told Chase where to go. "Hi oh my god Skye is singing live" Valerie said once Klea and Chase arrived, "Where?" Chase asked. "I am not sure its on the website I created someone uploaded it is everything okay?" Valerie asked. "She is missing, can you find out where this video is live from?" Chase asked her. "I am not sure a lot of users upload their videos to my website it might take me time" Valerie said. "What is the website?" Chase asked her, "" Valerie said, Chase called Ian. "I will see what I can do Chase" Ian said as he set to work, Chase in the meantime watched Skye she was signing beautifully and he wondered what this person had on her. "Who is this fan?" Chase asked, "I don't know like I said everyone on here is anonymous but this particular fan is obsessed with Skye. She literally posts stuff on her all the time, this one here says she was going to get her to do a show for us live. I never thought anything of it until Klea said something. Do you think she has Skye?" Valeire asked, "that is my guess yes, I need to know where" Chase said and with that Ian called. "What do you have Ian?" Chase answered, "not a lot Chase I am sorry, this website is very hard to get a handle on, I mean I can't get into the firewall" Ian said. "Hang on, Valerie you said this is your website?" Chase said, "yes I created it" Valerie said, "my tech needs access into your firewall can you do that?" Chase asked, "I can but I don't want anyone to get in" Valerie said, Ian was on speaker, "I need 5 minutes tops" Ian said, "Okay" Valerie said as she disabled her firewall and Ian did his thing. "Chase she is at a house, on Bayview Avenue 457 is the address" Ian said. "Thanks, Klea stay here, and Valerie kill the live feed this is going to get messy" Chase said, as he left with Jax. Valerie was able to kill the feed and put her firewall back up.

"What is going on?" Valerie asked Klea, "he is going to get his wife back" Klea said, "right but how can he do that?" Valerie asked. "He is the worlds greatest detective, I mean he is like insanely good" Klea said. "Why have I never heard of him?" Valerie said, "you don't live in adventure bay" Klea said. "Ah I see, well I hope he gets his wife back, because fans are pissed I killed the live feed" Valerie said showing her the messages.

"Why is the feed stopped! Dammit what is going on, I obviously need to make my own website. Hang in there Skye" the girl said. "Go to hell!" Skye said, "now that won't keep your family safe will it, I mean I have all the power here" the girl said. "You are psycho" Skye said, "just for that there will be no food for you" the girl said as she handcuffed Skye to a chair and left. "Chase I am so sorry! Please help me" Skye said as she cried knowing now in this moment it was her husband who she wanted to save her. She would never question his work again if he walked through that door, she was eating her words in this moment. Chase made it to the house, it was in this moment he wished he had back up. Then he looked to Jax, "buddy you are all I have here, I am not sure of the situation inside but Skye is your responsibility okay" Chase said, Jax liked him and Chase scratched his ears. Chase walked up to the door and knocked, and the girl answered. "Hello" she said, "Hi there I heard some really loud music coming from this address and I was wondering if something was happening" Chase said. "Yeah sorry band practice" the girl said. "Awesome can I come and hear it I am a huge fan of new bands, I am actually an agent" Chase said, "really with a dog?" the girl said, "yeah he is my service dog, but listen I might be able to get your band up and running in an actual studio" Chase said. "Its cool, I already have an agent" the girl said, with that Chase gave Jax a signal and he slipped into the house without the girl noticing. "Right okay well thank you" Chase said, "JAX! oh my god CHASE HELP ME!" Skye yelled. The girl tried to close the door but Chase was faster and he knocked her down. "What did you think was going to happen?" Chase said, "who the hell are you? get off me!" the girl said, "I am your worst nightmare, and you are under arrest for kidnapping" Chase said. "I never kidnapped anyone!" the girl said. "No then why is my wife right there?" Chase said, "that is Skye Sterling and who the fuck are you?" the girl said. "I am a detective and you are under arrest like I said, Skye you okay?" Chase asked, "yes thank you for coming" Skye said, as Chase called dispatch and they promised to contact the Toronto police. 

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