Chapter 65

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Rocky and Ella were getting ready to leave and Josh knew he wanted Sophie to come back with him but he also didn't want to push it. "Rocky, would you be willing to let Sophie come back with me in the morning?" Josh asked. "She was just there for 5 days" Rocky said, "I know but having her there really helps, and we drove in her car" Josh said, "Am I ever going to get so see my daughter this summer?" Rocky asked, "Josh honey, I would like Sophie to stay home a few days her uncle is coming tomorrow. I promise you though I will send her back soon" Ella said. "Alright thanks, and I appreciate it" Josh said. "I know good luck" Ella said as her and Rocky left. Josh sighed, "I can drive you back tomorrow Josh" Marshall said, "I know dad but think is all sucks, I mean I am so worried I am wasting my time" Josh said. "I doubt that and if you don't make it you know you tried. Josh you are a great player and you know it and if they don't see it that is there loss. You can go back too school finish your education or whatever you decide, plus you would be back here with Sophie" Marshall said, "thanks dad, I want to make it so bad for both me and Uncle Chase but it makes me so nervous. Some of the guys are huge compared to me and I feel like we are all good, they have a hard choice to make" Josh said. "Just try your best and that is what matters don't worry about anyone else" Marshall said, "Thanks" Josh said as he hugged him, he knew he needed to spend time with Riley before he left tomorrow she was taking Ryder's death hard. "You okay kiddo?" Josh asked, "yeah I just hate this everyone I love keeps leaving" Riley said, "What? who left you?" Josh said, "first you left me then Grandpa left, I just I am worried someone else I love will leave" Riley said. "Riley I never left you and I am always there if you need me. I promise you can call me anytime and I will always listen, I love you and will always be your big brother. I know it sucks grandpa is gone but he is watching over us and he will always look out for you just like I will" Josh said, "Thanks Josh" Riley said as she hugged him and they watched a movie together.

Alyssa was surprised that she was getting a lot done, she expected Maverick to be up by now. She did start to panic as she went into his room and he wasn't there, she looked everywhere and found him with Jasper. "Jasper honey did you take Maverick out of his crib?" Alyssa asked, "no mommy, daddy did and I told him to bring him here" Jasper said. "That is so sweet, I need to feed him now" Alyssa said, "I did mommy, he is good and I don't want him to go" Jasper said. "Awe you are so sweet, can you play with him in the living room?" Alyssa asked. "Okay mommy" Jasper said as Alyssa picked Maverick up and Jasper followed her. Jasper was so good with his little brother it really did warm Alyssa's heart. She worried so much that it was going to be a challenge but Jasper was getting older and he literally changed overnight. Trevor came downstairs he just finished a shower, "how's it going babe?" Trevor asked, "good, Jasper is amazing with him. I literally haven't heard a peep" Alyssa said. "I know and Maverick just stares at him its incredible, he really is the opposite of Jasper" Trevor said. "Yes, its peaceful in here" Trevor said, " a little to peaceful" Alyssa said as she looked into the living room and Jasper was not there. "Trevor did you see Jasper upstairs?" Alyssa asked, "no, but I will go look" Trevor said as he ran upstairs but Jasper was not up there. Alyssa didn't want to panic because she knew he couldn't have gone far she just saw him. "Did he go outside?" Alyssa asked Trevor, "he can't open the door can he?" Trevor said as he checked and he didn't see any sign of him. "I am not sure what to do here, like do I panic and call the police?" Alyssa said, "I feel like he is just hiding like he was here what like 10 minutes ago?" Trevor said. "Yes it wasn't long, oh my word Trevor what if he is hurt" Alyssa said. "Let me go look around just hang tight" Trevor said as he put on some shoes and went to search for him, Alyssa tried not to panic as she cuddled Maverick who was now crying. Her mommy senses were going nuts and she decided to call Chase.

"Hey Alyssa everything okay?" Chase answered, "we can't find Jasper he just disappeared, he was in the living room one second and then I turned my back and he was gone" Alyssa said, "Hang in there I am coming" Chase said as he grabbed Jax and ran out the door, he arrived shortly after and said "how long has it been?" Chase asked, "like 20 minutes now, Trevor is looking for him but I haven't heard anything" Alyssa said, "its okay, Jax find Jasper" Chase said as he gave Jax his scent, and he ran around the house looking. Chase ended up following Jax outside and he ran off, Chase figured he picked his scent. It didn't take long for Jax to find him, Chase caught up, "Jasper buddy, you gave your parents quite the scare" Chase said, Jasper was crying he fell. "Let me look buddy, its not that bad, let me take you home and we can have your mom clean it up. Why did you leave bud?" Chase asked. "I was helping mommy" Jasper said, "oh what were you helping her with?" Chase asked, "she needed to get diapers for Maverick I was helping" Jasper said. "I see well little dude it is not safe for you to ever leave the house without your mom or dad. They are very scared and worried for you, next time you ask your mom if you can help. I get you were trying to be brave but something bad could have happened to you" Chase said. "Okay I sorry" Jasper said, Chase helped him up and he walked him back home, both Alyssa and Trevor were relieved. "He wanted to help you by getting diapers for Maverick" Chase said, "awe buddy that is sweet but you are not allowed to leave the house without one of us" Trevor said. "I know I sorry, I just wanted to help" Jasper said, "thanks Chase" Alyssa said, "no problem, good job Jax, lets go bud" Chase said as he left, Alyssa was still hugging Jasper. "What do you say bud you and I go get those diapers?" Trevor said, "Okay daddy" Jasper said as Alyssa put a band aid on his knee and he left with his dad. Alyssa was so thankful for Chase but she really hoped that Jasper learned a lesson here he felt like he was still so young and she was glad nothing bad happened.

Callie was up early it was her first shift with her new partner and it was there first shift alone, she was nervous she also had no idea who her partner was. Callie walked into the police station and the chief greeted them, "alright my young rookies, here are your partners Callie Davis this is Melissa Benson" Chief said. "Hey Callie, I have heard good thing from you uncle, are you ready?" Melissa asked, "yes but I am nervous" Callie said, "its alright I was nervous too my first day on my own, they gave me a male partner and it was bad" Melissa said, "what happened?" Callie asked. "He just didn't believe woman could be cops, he wouldn't let me do anything on my own and I didn't learn anything. I reported him and have had only female partners since" Melissa said. "Oh man, I know I will be good but it makes me nervous men don't take women as seriously" Callie said. "That girl is where you show them you are just as good as the men out there honey. Trust me I know it and you know it, you wouldn't be here if they didn't think you were good enough" Melissa said. "Thanks" Callie said she liked her partner she felt good about it, they walked out and Callie saw Chase, "Aw man they stuck you with Melissa?" Chase said, "hey I like her" Callie said giving him a hug. "You keep her safe out there Melissa, I don't need to worry right?" Chase said. "She is tough Chase give her some credit and she will be fine, you know how tough I am" Melissa said. "I know but woman cops are not always respected" Chase said, "don't you worry mister detective she will be fine" Melissa said as they left on their first shift. 

Callie was actually having a good day, one thing about Melissa is she didn't take anyone talking bullshit. She was tough like she said and they were able to pull a few people over and arrest 2 people for DUI. Callie felt like it was a good day and knew she was going to enjoy her partner, "well kid it was fun, I will see you tomorrow" Melissa said as she left and Callie walked home. She still didn't have a car as Josh had it with him in Toronto, it didn't take long for something to happen. "Well if it isn't a female cop" a boy said, "what do you want?" Callie said, "to put you in your place, you and your partner arrested my friend" the boy said, "well he must of deserved it then" Callie said trying not to back down. Callie didn't know that he wasn't alone and she was jumped and taken down quickly, "hurry up lets go" the boy said as they put her in a trunk and drove off. Everest was starting to worry as Callie's shift was over an hour ago, "Riley honey can you watch Owen I am going to go see if Callie is still working" Everest said. "Sure mom" Riley said as Everest went to the station, "hey chief have you seen Callie?" she asked, "nope she left an hour ago her shift ended" chief said, "I know and she isn't home I just thought maybe she was still here she is probably at home" Everest said as she left even though she felt something was wrong.  Everest couldn't shake the feeling of something being wrong and she stopped at Chase's house, "hey Eve how was Callie' first day?" Chase asked, "I don't know she didn't come home, Chase something is wrong I can feel it" Everest said. Chase picked up his phone and called Melissa and she confirmed that her and Callie parted at the station. 

Chase put her phone  number into his computer and pinged her cell, "Eve go home I will get her" Chase said as he grabbed his gun and Jax. He knew the area she was in and he most likely new the boys who took her too. Chase arrived and found one of them and gave Jax a signal he knew he was to go look for Callie. "Detective what brings  you to my neck of the woods" the boy said, "cut the shit Trey what are you doing?" Chase asked, "what do you mean I am just hanging here" Trey said. "So you mean to tell me I won't find you doing anything illegal?" Chase asked, "no sir" Trey said, a few minutes later Jax came out with Callie and Chase arrested him on the spot. "You ever touch my niece again then we will have a serious problem. You might not be able to take your issues out on Melissa because she is good at her job but I promise you Trey if you so much as sneeze in my nieces direction I will break both your knees and lock you up so fast your head will spin" Chase said as he tossed him in his cruiser. "Callie you good?" Chase asked, "yes thanks Chase, Jax you make sure she gets home safe and I will meet you there" Chase said as Callie walked with Jax. Chase took Trey to prison and explained to the chief, "breaking parole again why do we even bother letting him out" chief said, "I don't know but this time throw away the key" Chase said as he drove to Everest's to make sure that Callie was alright. 

Callie made it back home and Everest hugged her, "what happened?" Everest asked, "some teenager didn't like that we arrested his friend, he took me to his house" Callie said. Chase arrived, "Callie you good?" Chase asked, "yes thanks, hell of a first day" Callie said, "your telling me I told Melissa and she promised next time to drive you home" Chase said. "Cool, thanks Chase" Callie said as she was now even more determined to be a better cop she needed to work on getting stronger. 

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