Chapter 50

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Monday Max's least favorite day of the week he took after his dad in this way, as he climbed out of bed to get dressed. Skye was getting the twins ready, and Chase had breakfast and lunches ready. "Dad do I have to go to school?" Max said, "yes you do" Chase said, "can Rex come with me?" Max said, "No he can't, you always do this, what is wrong with school?" Chase said. "Its boring" Max said, "well you need to keep going sorry bud, I was the same way but I had to go everyday" Chase said. "You didn't like so either?" Max said, "nope but your grandpa made me go everyday too, and eventually it was over. Hang in there little buddy" Chase said. Max sighed the only good thing about school for him was his friends, he ate his breakfast and grabbed his lunch as he went to the bus. Orianna kissed Chase and said, "bye daddy", "bye princess" Chase said as she ran out the door too. "These 2 are going to need a ride" Skye said, "I will take them" Chase said, "really?" Skye said. "Yes I need to see this boyfriend of hers, I am curious" Chase said, "my goodness, I still think its just friends but you do you honey" Skye said. Chase strapped his twins into the car and drove them to school, "bye daddy" Lynne said hugging him, "bye baby girl" Chase said, Leila hesitated, "daddy Myles is nice you know" Leila said. "Which one is he?" Chase said, Leila pointed to the blonde walking towards them, "Hi Leila!" Myles said, "Hi Myles, this is my daddy" Leila said, "Hi Leila's daddy" Myles said, Chase smiled, "hello Myles" Chase said as Leila ran off with him. Chase said despite his father's dark past Myles seemed like an okay kid so far but Chase wasn't going to let it go.

Chase was hoping for a nice quiet day as he relaxed by his pool, Jax was beside him and Chase was petting him. Jax reacted as he heard someone coming and Chase looked up as his sister sat beside him. "Jesus Cassie you scared me" Chase said, "sorry I knew you were here, I did it Chase" Cassie said. "You did what?" Chase said as he looked at her, "I found my sperm donor and I did it. I will find out in a few days if I am pregnant" Cassie said, "wow that is awesome for you. I didn't think you were going to do it so soon" Chase said. "I am ready and Dr. Shepard said I am doing awesome I am almost done with my rotation then I know what kind of doctor I want to be" Cassie said. "Oh and what kind is that?" Chase said, "Psychiatry I want to help people recognize that they are just as normal as you and me but just need a little help" Cassie said. "Well I hope that works out for you, there are some pretty crazy people out there and trust me I have met them" Chase said. "I know but they are not all bad Chase and some just need a little push in the right direction" Cassie said. "Well if anyone is to help them its you, I wish you luck Cassie. I am excited to become an uncle so hope that little whatever it is grows nicely" Chase said. "Thanks Chase that is sweet in a creepy sort of way" Cassie said, "yes well you are ruining my peaceful day" Chase said. "Sorry, but I just miss you" Cassie said as she stayed and relaxed with him, "I miss you too squirt" Chase said, "man its been a while since you called me that" Cassie said. "Bringing back the tradition" Chase said, "I would rather you didn't" Cassie said, "too bad, are you staying for dinner? I am making steaks on the grill" Chase said. "I would love too" Cassie said. Chase had a few hours of alone time with Cassie before his kids came back and terrorized the house.

"Daddy!" Orianna said, "hey princess, Auntie Cassie is here" Chase said, "Max is in detention!" Orianna said, "I see, I guess I will have to go pick him up then, Cassie you mind?" Chase said. "Sure I will watch them" Cassie said as she played with her nieces, Orianna was playing with her puppy Roxy. Chase drove to the school and found Max sitting there, "hey what gives?" Chase said, "I knew she would tell you, I could have just walked home" Max said. "I know but why were you in detention?" Chase said, "does it matter?" Max said, "yes Max it does" Chase said. "I told someone to fuck off" Max said. "Oh, well I am not sure I like that word, why did you tell them that?" Chase asked. "Because they were bullying me and Korra and I was not having it" Max said. "I see well no more swearing at school, is it the same kid bud this Drew?" Chase asked. "Yes" Max said as they pulled into the driveway and Max ran upstairs and slammed his door. "Oh Jeeze what is bugging him?" Cassie said, "bullies" Chase said, "Oh man, I feel that. I will go talk to him" Cassie said as she followed her nephew upstairs. Cassie knocked before entering, "hey Max, want to talk to me about it?" Cassie said. "I am just so sick of people making fun of me for being friend with Korra. Like what is the big deal, she is a nice person and everyone can just fuck off" Max said. "Language little dude, I hear you a lot of people felt that way about me when I came out. I was the talk of the school, no one really understood me. The guys all stopped talking to me and treated me like the plague. I was happy with who I was Max, I wouldn't change anything about myself because someone told me I wasn't worth it. Let the bullies be bullies, don't let them define you or Korra. Sounds to me like you are the bigger person here and they are just jealous of your awesomeness" Cassie said. "You know that oddly made me feel better, thanks Aunt Cassie" Max said giving her a hug. "Your welcome little dude" Cassie said hugging him back as they headed downstairs.

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