Chapter 93

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Chase stared at Ian he was talking his sweet time, "Ian" Chase said, "sorry okay so turns out it was in the cream. Cyanide is what was used and if it weren't for Jax more people would have had it" Ian said. "Yes I know he stopped me from drinking my coffee, and it saved my life but who did this?" Chase asked, "I don't know that is what we are trying to figure out, there are no cameras in the lounge. Ian said, "yes but there is one right outside" Chase said as he went to the cameras, he also took his medicine and drank some of it and gagged. "What the hell is this" Chase said, "it is charcoal I am guessing normally it is not ingested, but I am assuming you wanted to leave" Ian said. "Yes I did, damn I am not sure I can drink this" Chase said, "well you need to I suggest just doing it all at once and literally plug your nose or something" Ian said. Chase closed his eyes and plugged his nose as he downed the drink and he gagged a few times but was able to do it. "Ugh that was disgusting and plugging your nose does not help" Chase said. "If you need to puke Chase warn me please" Ian said as he hated listening and seeing others throw up. "I will, lets look at this camera" Chase said as he felt nauseous but he as determined and was looking for anyone who looked suspicious, "there who is that zoom in" Chase said. He found someone entering the room holding cream, "I can't get a shot of his face, whoever it is knows there is a camera there and they avoid it" Ian said, "Okay he has to leave the room at some point" Chase said as he sped up the video a few seconds. "There, are you kidding me?" Chase said. "What?" Ian said, "you don't know who that is?" Chase said, "no should I?" Ian said looking closer. 

Chase left the room and went to talk to the chief, "why are inmates going in and out of our break room?" he asked. "Certain inmates do work, and the break room is a part of that work, why?" the chief asked. "One of them tried to kill me that is why, you need to get Harold off your work detail" Chase said. "It was him?" the chief asked, "yes and it is not the first time he has tried to kill me, chief he was almost successful this time" Chase said as he turned around and threw up in a trash can. "Oh man are you okay?" the chief asked, "yes I am fine I am guessing the medicine is working" Chase said as he threw up again. "It is weird because I never assigned Harold to work the break room yesterday" the chief said, "he should not be working at all he is a threat to me and anyone who comes in contact with him" Chase said. "Understood Chase, and I will add it to his time and speak to a judge see if we can get him on death row" the chief said. "Why he wasn't already after killing all those kids is beyond me but he has done enough to this town and to me for that matter he needs to be gone" Chase said. "I will see what I can do, are you sure you are okay to work?" the chief asked, "I am good" Chase said as he went to help Ian figure out who set that building on fire. Jax lay at Chase's feet and he was cautious of everyone now and anytime something was handed to Chase Jax needed to inspect it first he was not going to let Chase's promise to Skye be broken.

"He is really worried for you" Ian said noticing Jax sniff everything, "well he is good at his job and last night I promised Skye I would always come home to her. This cream incident almost prevented me from doing that and well Jax is just making sure I don't eat my words" Chase said. "Well he is the best, but I am getting no where with these bodies" Ian said, "keep digging Ian you will find something, I am going to go home and rest for a bit you call me when you find something" Chase said. "I will" Ian said as Chase left and Jax was right behind him, Chase could feel the wind it was getting strong. He made it into the house and shut the door as he was tackled by his kids. "We are so glad you are okay" Max said, "me too, Jax saved my life" Chase said as his kids hugged Jax and he licked each of them. "Did you find out who did it?" Skye asked him. "Yes and I never knew inmates were allowed in the break room but they aren't anymore after today it was Harold" Chase said. "Ugh I hate him I hope he dies" Skye said, "the chief is working on it, but for now I am okay Skye" Chase said. "You might be today but what about the next threat that comes along?" Skye said. "We will cross that bridge when we get there" Chase said to his wife as he kissed her and sat down to play with his kids.

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