Chapter 46

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Callie was having a hard time as her classes were getting harder and she realized how much work it actually was being in college. The thing that bothered her the most was watching her boyfriend flirt with other girls, she saw how he talked to the cheerleaders. She tried not to let it bother her but it did, she wanted to trust him again but he wasn't making it easy. Dylan noticed her finally out of class and walked up to her, "hey babe" he said. "Hey" Callie said as she kept walking, "what is wrong?" Dylan asked, "if you don't know then you really are dumb" Callie said. "No babe don't do that tell me okay please did I do something?" Dylan said. "You always do something Dylan, I don't think she could have been any closer to you" Callie said. "Aw Callie come on its harmless I am not interested in Sadie" Dylan said. "Could have fooled me" Callie said as she slammed her dorm room door in his face. "Callie please come on" Dylan said, Callie didn't open the door she was annoyed. Krista looked at her "you good girl?" she asked, "yes I am just annoyed he flirts so much with the cheerleaders. Then he acts as if its no big deal" Callie said. "Mean are pigs sometimes, but there are a few good ones out there. I am sorry want me to teach him a lesson?" Krista asked her roommate. "No, I need to not be so jealous and I did sort of miss him today I am hoping he will listen" Callie said as she changed and opened the door. 

She was not surprised that Dylan wasn't there so she walked over to his dorm hoping he was there. She heard him talking to Josh so she listened, "I don't get your sister man" Dylan said, "What why?" Josh asked, "she is mad at me because I was talking to Sadie" Dylan said, "word of advice don't talk to Sadie" Josh said. "I wasn't doing anything man, I love your sister but she needs to trust me" Dylan said. "She is trying man but you did cheat on her once so forgive her for holding onto her heart this time." Josh said, he was trying to get a facetime in with Sophie but Dylan was there. "I know and if you both keep rubbing that in my face I am going to snap" Dylan said. "As fun as this is man I have a date with my girl so could you please leave" Josh said, "your phone dates are lame anyways" Dylan said as he opened the door to Callie. "Oh, you here to see Josh?" Dylan said, "no I am here for you babe" Callie said, "really because like 10 minutes ago you were mad at me" Dylan said. "I am not mad Dylan I just hate Sadie" Callie said, "I can't just not talk to her love she is cheering for me but I will try and be more sensitive about your feelings" Dylan said. "Perfect that is all I ask" Callie said as she kissed him and he took her on the date he promised her. 

They were having a good time and walking back to campus when they ran into Sadie, and Callie rolled her eyes. "Dylan what the heck you ditched me for her?" Sadie said, "she is my girlfriend so yeah" Dylan said. "Well you need better taste then, I mean I am clearly the better choice" Sadie said. "Did you just call me ugly?" Callie said, "not in so many words" Sadie said, Dylan held Callie back and said, "Sadie fuck off okay, I am not interested in you and no offense but I think Callie is way hotter than you" Dylan said as he pulled Callie along. "I can't believe you just said that" Sadie said she was mad and now she needed to do something about it she couldn't have the 2 hottest guys on the basketball team turning her down. "You can't seriously think I am hotter than her" Callie said. "Babe you are beautiful, I do absolutely think you are hotter and I want you to believe me when I say this I love you" Dylan said. "Thanks Dylan" Callie said as he walked her back to his dorm, Callie noticed Krista was gone so she pulled Dylan inside. "This is against campus rules" Dylan said, "I don't care" Callie said as she kissed him and pulled him onto her bed. Dylan didn't hesitate it has been a long time since he had Callie and he really did want her despite everything that happened between them. Twenty minutes later they were both breathing heavy and Dylan dressed as he watched his girl in bed. "You good?" Dylan asked, "amazing, thanks Dylan for choosing me" Callie said. "I am the lucky one Callie but don't tell your brother we had sex he might kill me" Dylan said as he kissed her and left. 

Josh was done on the phone as Dylan walked in, "everything work out?" Josh asked, "yes" Dylan said as he climbed into bed. "Do I even want to know?" Josh asked, "nope" Dylan said. "Alright but I mean it dude don't hurt her" Josh said. "I won't" Dylan said as he fell asleep, Josh did too they had a big game in the morning and he was excited. Josh knew Sophie couldn't come this weekend and he did just see her over Christmas but this long distance thing was hard and the phone calls were just not the same. Josh was having a hard time falling asleep and Dylan could hear him, "dude you alright?" Dylan asked, "no I can't sleep" Josh said, "well do you mind being quieter" Dylan said. "Shut up man you have your girlfriend here I don't, I miss her" Josh said. "Alright but it was your choice to date her even though she was younger" Dylan said, "wow you are such a supportive friend" Josh said. "I would be more supportive if it wasn't currently 1 am" Dylan said. Josh tossed a pillow at him, "look man I get it is hard but we have like what 4 months left of school then you can so see her for the whole summer" Dylan said. "I know but its hard and 4 months is a long time" Josh said. "You will get through it though" Dylan said as he fell back asleep. Josh sighed but he managed to also fall asleep knowing he needed to for the game.

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