Chapter 6

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Chase and Skye woke up nervous for today they had no idea what to expect, "I really hope there is nothing wrong with her" Chase said getting dressed, "me too but her attachment to you is seriously not healthy" Skye said. "It doesn't bother me though" Chase said, "yes well you don't see her tantrums like everyone else" Skye said. Chase went to get Orianna ready as Skye dressed the twins, Max was good on his own as he met everyone downstairs for breakfast. "Morning Max" Chase said, "hi dad, the mornings are peaceful with you here I love it" Max said, "yes well we hope to get to the bottom of it today" Chase said. Max smiled he really hoped they did as he finished his breakfast, "bye mom!" Max said running out the door to catch his bus. "We ready?" Skye said, "no but let's go" Chase said as they put all 3 girls into their car seats. They were dropping of Lynne and Leila at preschool on the way. "Bye my sweets" Skye said giving them a kiss, "bye mommy, bye daddy!" Lynne said, "bye cupcake" Chase said kissing her, "and you little miss be good okay" Chase said kissing Leila knowing she liked to be a daredevil, "yes daddy bye!" Leila said as  they both went into the building with the teacher. "Am I going to school?" Orianna asked, "not today sweetheart we are talking you to talk to someone" Skye said, "talk to who?" Orianna asked now getting nervous, "just a therapist" Skye said. "Why? am I sick?" Orianna asked, "no of course not we just want to understand all the tantrums and how to move past it" Skye said. "I will stop I promise please mommy I am scared" Orianna said, "don't be scared princess mommy and daddy will be with you the whole time" Chase said as they pulled into the parking lot.

"Okay" Orianna said holding Chase's hand as they entered the building, "Morning how are you?" the receptionist greeted them. "Morning good we are here to see Dr. Pearson, our daughter has an appointment" Skye said, "perfect her name is Orianna?" the receptionist asked, "yes" Skye replied, "okay I will let him know you are here just have a seat" the receptionist said. Orianna was nervous she sat on Chase's lap, "do you want to read a book or play with the toys?" Chase asked, "no" Orianna said hugging her dad. Dr. Pearson came down the stairs, "hello Orianna I am Dr. Pearson how are you today?" he asked her. "Fine" Orianna answered, "Alright if you will all follow me" Dr. Pearson said as they followed him to his office. Once they were there Dr. Pearson said, "Orianna I have some games here if you could play with them while I talk to your parents and then we will talk to you okay" Orianna looked to Chase, "you are okay honey we are right here" Chase said as she went over to the table. She never took her eyes off her dad the entire time. "What brings you in today? What is the concern for her?" Dr. Pearson asked, "she has a strong attachment to her father, like to the point where she will scream and cry all day if he is at work. It is a struggle for anyone trying to help her even her teachers, he is a police officer so its hard for him to always be around" Skye said, "I am aware detective Chase is kept very busy in this town, and how is she when you are around Chase?" Dr. Pearson asked, "she is good with me I have no issues. I don't see the tantrums and never experience them so this question should be directed at Skye" Chase said. "Skye?" Dr. Pearson asked her, "literally like her mood changes in a second. She becomes a sweet little angel. She would be an incredible actress as she could be having a complete meltdown and then once she see's Chase its like bam meltdown over I am good" Skye said. "I see, it sounds to me like she might have some sort of separation anxiety towards you. Has she been through a trauma where it involved you?" Dr. Pearson asked, "oh man I mean of course, she watched me literally die in front of her and watched her brother save my life. She has seen me get hurt a lot at work too, does this have something to do with it?" Chase asked. "Most likely children tend to process things differently and she might feel like when you are at work that you won't be coming back" Dr. Pearson said. 

"How do we move past that?" Skye asked, "well we first need to understand what is going through her head, then we will figure out a solution" Dr. Pearson said. "Orianna sweetie come here please" Skye said and she walked over immediately sitting with Chase. "Orianna is it okay if I ask you some questions?" Dr. Pearson asked, "okay" Orianna said, "Orianna I understand you love your daddy very much, when he is at work does it make you sad?" Dr. Pearson asked, "yes" Orianna said, "can you tell me why it makes you sad?" Dr. Pearson asked, "I am scared he won't come back" Orianna said. "You are worried that something might happen to him, and it is okay to feel that way. I just want to understand why you are in a bad mood when he isn't around" Dr. Pearson said. "I don't like when daddy is gone no one ever tells me if he is okay, they just say I will see him after school. Then he isn't there and it makes me sad again, I never know if he is okay" Orianna said. "I understand and that can be very frustrating, there are times where your dad is very busy though and he needs to leave early. I know that if something did happen that you would be told but for now I am going to address your parents okay" Dr. Pearson said. "Okay" Orianna said, "so I understand that you can be busy at work but she needs acknowledgement from you directly that you are safe. I feel if you do leave early a simple or quick phone call for when she wakes up to tell her you love her. Then check in with her if you are going to be late, she will always have that attachment and this is okay. In order for her fears to go away she needs to hear directly from you herself. Hearing it from others is just really not the same" Dr. Pearson said. "Orianna if daddy gets called to work early and he calls you before you go to school to tell you he is alright will that make going to school easier?" Skye asked. "Yes, I just want daddy to be okay" Orianna said, Chase kissed her head, "I promise to try and always be okay, and I will try calling if I am not there so you know I am safe" Chase said. "Okay daddy" Orianna said as she hugged him. "I am also going to suggest some one on one time with her, it will help her in the long run. If things don't improve over the next month I would bring her back in and we can look into it further but lets start off small I don't think she has an underlying issue just a fear" Dr. Pearson said. "Okay thank you" Skye said as they shook hands, and left.

"I am not sure how I feel about that? I don't know if this is going to change her attitude when you are gone" Skye said. "It might lets give it a try, in fact we can try right now, Detective Chapman" Chase said as he answered his phone. "Boss we have another murder" Ian said, "of course we do, I will be there soon need to grab Jax" Chase said. Chase drove them home and said "Orianna daddy needs to go to work, I promise to check in okay and I will be safe" Chase said kissing her. Chase ran out the door with Jax, "you okay honey?" Skye asked, "yes mommy, I am hungry" Orianna said, "okay what would you like to eat?" Skye asked feeling like this was okay so far. "Chicken nuggets please" Orianna said, "I can do that" Skye said as she went to the kitchen to get her nuggets. Orianna took out her crayons and drew a picture, Skye felt like Chase letting her know he was leaving made a difference. Orianna ate her chicken nuggets and curled up on the couch with Skye and watched a movie. "We need to go get your sisters" Skye said, "mommy is daddy okay?" Orianna said, "I am sure he is but I will send him a text okay" Skye said. "Okay" Orianna said as Skye put her in the car and sent the text before driving away as it had been a few hours.

Skye: She is doing really well but is concerned can you check in soon please?

"I sent daddy a text baby girl when he replies I will let you know okay" Skye said, "okay mommy" Orianna said she was scared but she was trying. Skye picked up the girls, "mommy!" Lynne was excited to see her, "hi pretty girl" Skye said as she hugged her, "Mommy look!" Leila said, "oh my goodness" Skye said looking at the teacher, "she scraped her knee outside she is very rough we cleaned it up and put a band aid on it. It is just a small scrape on the knee she did very good and didn't cry" the teacher said, "alright thank you" Skye said getting the girls in their seats, Skye noticed a voice clip text, she looked at Orianna knowing it was for her. "Listen honey" Skye said as she  pressed play, "Orianna princess I am good, really busy I will try be home before you go to bed, I am safe and I love you" Chase said. This made Orianna smile and Skye drove them home knowing Max would be home on the bus soon. Skye decided to make spaghetti for dinner as she was tired and this was fast, Max came in the door and he looked frustrated. "What is with you?" Skye asked, "nothing" Max said, "something is up" Skye said, "its fine mom" Max said as he ran upstairs. Leila was jumping on the couch, "Leila honey that is not safe, you are to big for that and will break the couch" Skye said, "watch me mommy!" Leila said as she bounced and jumped off, "yes very good please be careful" Skye said. Max came back down and started on his homework, "is Orianna good mom?" Max asked, "yes she is fine why?" Skye asked, "I don't know she was at the doctor today right?" Max said. "Yes and we are working through it right baby girl?" Skye asked her. "Right mommy" Orianna said as she patiently waited for her daddy to come home. 

Ella decided to talk to Rocky as they just finished putting Oliver to bed and Sophie was in her room. "Rocky our daughter has a crush" Ella said, "Carlie a crush no way" Rocky said, "Rocky I am serious here" Ella said. "Yes she did mention boys but she actually likes one?" Rocky said, "yes and one we know very well. I am not sure if anything will ever happen but she can't help her feelings" Ella said. "One we know? I am confused" Rocky said, "How many boys do we know that are close to our daughter's age?" Ella said, "One but he is to old for her and doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Rocky said. "Yes he does and he is not that much older, how do you feel about it?" Ella asked, "I feel like she is to young to be dating anyone but I mean I at least like Josh. I just don't want her to get her heartbroken when he moves away or doesn't like her back" Rocky said. "I don't either but at her age heartbreak is going to happen probably a lot, I know you felt it when your first girlfriend left. I am glad she did though because it meant I could make you mine" Ella said. "Yes break ups suck but this is different because he has a girlfriend and rejection is worse. I am glad you are mine too" Rocky said kissing his wife. "She will be okay she is strong, but we need to let her grow up Rocky or she will resent us and push harder" Ella said. "Okay but I need you on the same page as me when it comes to her clothes please, she is beautiful and I would hate for someone to take advantage of her. Are we going to do anything about Josh?" Rocky said. "I am on the same page with the clothes, and no it is up to her to figure out if she wants something done she needs to do it on her own" Ella said, "okay lets get this one to bed" Rocky said as he held a sleeping Carlie. "Yes, you get her to bed I will check on Sophie" Ella said as they both went upstairs. 

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