Chapter 37

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Hunter was curious what his dad was doing, "what is your dad doing?" he asked, "I don't know he is undercover for something. Makes me wonder too" Max said. "That sounds cool though, do they not know he is a detective?" Hunter said, "I have no idea Hunter I wish I could help him so badly" Max said. "What could we do though?" Hunter said, "well nothing we are 11 so I am pretty sure we are not qualified to do anything but sit like ducks and wait" Max said. "Come on man where is the fire that used to drive you to want to help?" Hunter said. "It realized that I am only 11 and I don't want to die" Max said. "Ugh fine I get it but you are better at this stuff then you think" Hunter said. "I am not" Max said, "you solved the murder at your party and literally no one else did" Hunter said. "That was different that was not a real situation and if you had actually pieced everything together you would have figured it out too" Max said. "Still the fact you pieced it all together means you are good at this stuff" Hunter said. "Even if I wanted to help my dad, one I have no idea where he is, two I have no idea what the situation is and don't want to end up hurt. Three I am 11" Max said. "Okay point taken, it would be cool though to go undercover" Hunter said. "Sure, I just want my dad back in one piece" Max said, "Max do you think dad will come back?" Orianna asked, "I don't know Orianna, I want to say yes but like I said I don't know" Max said. This made Orianna sad, even though Chase confirmed he was okay he left his family sad and wondering.

Chase was feeling the pressure to nail this guy, he knew his family was worried and he knew Jax was waiting to strike. "Boss when do we move out?" one of the guys said, "soon Greg just be patient" the boss said. Chase looked around the room there were 8 guys now instead of 3 and he began getting more and more anxious by the second. "You okay Paul?" a guy asked Chase, "me yeah I am good just anxious to get this done" Chase said his undercover name was Paul and he almost blew it a few times by not answering to it. "Why you anxious man it will get done the boss knows what he is doing" the man said. "I know, but there are a lot of factors and something could go wrong" Chase said. "Nah stop questioning it" the man said as it was finally happening as the truck rolled in. Chase knew that Ian was the one driving the truck as this was his first undercover mission too. Chase needed this to go perfectly, he helped load in the drugs and there was a lot of it. Chase glanced at Ian and he looked nervous, "you need to pull yourself together kid if you go through the border like that they will stop you for sure" a man said to Ian. "Right" Ian said as he climbed back into the truck, Chase climbed in the back with 2 other men. The boss sat up front with Ian and Chase just hoped he didn't screw up. Chase secretly hid Jax in one of the crates and he was closest to it as he unlocked it Jax knew to only strike if Chase was in trouble. 

As soon as Chase felt like they traveled enough distance he said, "hey Mark" "yeah?" Mark asked as Chase punched him in the face and cuffed him, Frank reacted and went for Chase but he also took him down. Chase had both men cuffed and he sent a signal to the chief to go to the warehouse and arrest the others. It was just Chase, Ian and the boss who they were trying to take down. Ian stopped and said, "holy shit", "what?" the boss asked, "did you not see that bear!" Ian said, "I didn't see shit move it kid" the boss said. Chase climbed out of the back and opened the passenger door. "Claw you are under arrest please step out of the truck" Chase said, "I am not stepping out of the truck" Claw said as he tried to drive. Ian removed the keys out of the ignition and opened his door, Chase used force and pulled Claw out. "You are under arrest for smuggling illegal drugs, anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you can't find one then one will be appointed to you. Do you understand what I said?" Chase asked. "Bite me" Claw said, "I take that as a yes" Chase said as several cop cars pulled up and arrested them, the chief was with them. "Great job Chase, your family is going insane" the chief said, "I know, good job Ian you did good on your first undercover" Chase said. "I was terrified though not going to lie" Ian said, "still its over now we can go home and get some sleep, and I can see my kids and wife" Chase said. "Great work Chase, Claw has been smuggling drugs a long time getting him was what we needed" the chief said. "Glad I could help" Chase said as he was driven back to the station and drove his cruiser home. It was currently 1 am and he knew everyone was asleep, he fed Jax and went upstairs, and tried to be quiet he needed a shower. Skye heard something and sat up she didn't know why the shower was on, then it hit her and she jumped out of bed. Chase came out and smiled at her, "hi" he said, Skye jumped into his arms she didn't care that he was wet. 

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