Chapter 10

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Sophie could see Josh in the distance but there were currently people trying to talk to her, "Sophie do you want to go swimming with me?" Dylan asked her. "No she wants to go with me" Brad said. Josh was not sure what he wanted yet and Sophie didn't really want to go swimming with anyone. "Oh um sorry I have to go" Sophie said as she ran home. She was not sure what was going on with Josh and Melody or where she stood but right now she was emotional and she rant o her room and slammed the door. "What was that?" Rocky asked Ella, "I don't know, something must of happened at the beach" Ella said. "Do I even want to know?" Rocky asked, "I will go talk to her" Ella said going upstairs to her daughter. "Sophie honey are you okay?" Ella asked, "yes I am fine mom please just go away" Sophie said. "Okay but we are here if you want to talk" Ella said leaving she knew Sophie needed sometime but she really had no idea what was going on.

Josh also made it home and went to his room, Riley followed him she could tell he was upset. "You okay Josh?" Riley asked, "No I am confused" Josh said, "Oh can I help?" Riley said. "Probably not you are to young" Josh said, "despite what you think I am 13 and technically a woman so I am not as young as you think" Riley said. "Still to young" Josh said, "is it about a girl? I know you were stalking to Sophie yesterday did something happen?" Riley asked. "A lot happened okay Riley please just let me figure this out" Josh said. "Okay I will but if you are needing an answer I like Sophie and I know she likes you. Plus Melody never really did it for me and her sister sucks so there is that" Riley said. Josh threw a pillow at her, "okay I get it I will leave" Riley said as she walked out of his room. "Boys, this is why I don't like them" Riley said as Marshall walked upstairs, "that is good to hear, your mother needs you downstairs" Marshall said, "okay" Riley said as she went downstairs. Marshall knocked on Josh's door and walked in, "everything okay?" he asked, "yes dad its fine" Josh said. "Are you sure I heard about the beach" Marshall said. "How did you hear?" Josh said, "I am a firefighter I hear everything and my friend Jessie was on a call close by she told me you might need to talk" Marshall said. "I don't know what to do dad, like I am so confused" Josh said. "About which part?" Marshall asked, "what do you know?" Josh said. "I know you kissed Sophie and told Melody and she basically broke up with you. Then after that nothing" Marshall said. "Yes Melody dumped me but I deserved it I mean I did kiss Sophie and I have no idea why. She is 15 and I mean I have known her for so long I just don't understand where these feelings came from" Josh said. "Josh you are 18 and 15 is not that much younger, but ask yourself this do you think she is cute? Do your feelings have anything to do with the fact that she likes you?" Marshall said. "Of course she is cute, she is one of the hottest girls in school. Every guy literally wants her, but for some reason she likes me. I never thought anything of it until last night but we talked and she is really easy to talk too. I care for Melody but like she said earlier today we are sort of drifting. I just don't know if I want to keep trying with Melody or see where things go with Sophie" Josh said. "I know this isn't much help bud but you need to follow your heart. Both Sophie and Melody are great girls and I feel like you already know which one you want to be with" Marshall said. "You are right that didn't help" Josh said, "well you have time to think about it dinner is ready" Marshall said as he left his son in his room.

Skye was thankful that Orianna's tantrums were getting better and Chase being at home right  now gave her time to relax. "Are you going to write more songs?" Chase asked her, "I don't know I haven't been feeling it lately" Skye said. "Well if you want to go try I have the kids, Max is at Hunter's and Orianna is out back with Korra and these guys are watching a movie" Chase said. "Thanks Chase" Skye said as she kissed him and went downstairs to her studio. "Daddy can we have more popcorn?" Leila asked, "more popcorn? what you had wasn't enough?" Chase asked her. "No daddy the movie is still playing" Lynne said, "oh well then I guess we need more" Chase said as he jumped up to get them more. Chase gave them popcorn and there was a knock on the door. Chase opened it and was not expecting to see Zuma, "what is up?" Chase asked, "I am losing my mind" Zuma said, "why?" Chase asked, "Zoe is researching everything that could go wrong with her pregnancy and she is finding reasons to think this baby won't be healthy. She is scared and I don't blame her but we have zero reason to doubt this baby right?" Zuma said, "I am not sure what you want me to say, I mean do you have an ultrasound sometime?" Chase said, "yes she goes in tomorrow but what if there is something wrong? Then what do I do?" Zuma said. "First off dude breathe you are overreacting because you don't know anything is wrong. Go home to your wife and think happy thoughts" Chase said. "Right happy thoughts" Zuma said as he walked back over to his house. "Weird" Chase said sitting down to watch the movie again.

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