Chapter 24

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Chase didn't know how long it would take Klea's mother to get to Adventure bay but he knew he needed to talk to Klea. Chase knew that Riley was his best bet, he knew that Everest and Marshall were both working tonight and Owen was staying at Rocky and Ella's. Chase had a feeling Josh was with Sophie but he went to their house regardless. Chase knocked, not expecting anyone to be home, Josh answered the door he was surprised, "hey uncle Chase, what's up?" Josh said, Chase noticed his appearance, his shirt was on backwards and it looked like he just threw on dirty pants. "I am hoping you are not doing what I think you were" Chase said, "umm, why are you here?" Josh asked, "I am looking for Riley" Chase said, "right she is not here. Said something about hanging with a friend at the park" Josh said. "I hope you are at least being safe" Chase said as he turned and walked away. Josh ran back upstairs to Sophie, he was hoping she wouldn't ask who was at the door. "Who was it?" Sophie said, "doesn't matter they are gone" Josh said kissing her again and taking his shirt back off. "Josh" Sophie said, "fine it was my uncle but he was looking for Riley and he left" Josh said. Sophie looked mortified, "did he now I was here?" Sophie said, "I assume so, I mean he told me to be safe" Josh said, "Oh man, Josh we can't do this" Sophie said, "babe" Josh said. "No, just the fact that he knew ugh I feel ashamed" Sophie said. "You shouldn't he is the last person to judge and he doesn't care he is not my father or yours so who cares" Josh said, "I do Josh, my dad does not know we had sex and I would like it to stay that way" Sophie said. "He will not tell your dad" Josh said, "he is my dad's best friend he will tell him. I can't do this babe I am sorry" Sophie said and she put her shirt back on and left. Josh was annoyed, he wasn't going to pressure her but ever since they had sex it felt like she was making excuses now not to do it again. Josh followed her downstairs, "at least stay we can watch a movie" Josh said. "Fine" Sophie agreed as Josh found something they could watch hoping she would change her mind.

Chase went to the park, he didn't see any sign of Riley or Klea but he spotted Max, "hey bud does your mom know you are here?" Chase said. "Yes" Max said, "what are you doing?" Chase asked him, "hanging out with Hunter, Riley and this cool chick named Klea" Max said, "where are they?" Chase asked, "I don't know" Max said, "you just said you were hanging out with them" Chase said to his son. "I was but I am not anymore" Max said, "go home Max, I don't have time to deal with this" Chase said. "I am hanging out with my friend though" Max said, "its late Max go home please" Chase said as he searched the rest of the park for Klea. "Thanks Max for not telling him where I was" Klea said as she appeared from inside the playground. "I just lied to my dad for you so I hope whatever it is you are hiding from he doesn't find out" Max said. "I just don't want to go back home, I like it here" Klea said. "He is coming back" Max said and Klea hid again, Riley at this point went home and so did Hunter. "Max, what did I tell you?" Chase said, "I'm going, what are you looking for?" Max asked. "Klea, is she still here?" Chase asked, "nope its just me" Max said as he walked in the direction of home. Chase knew he was lying but he didn't have time to deal with him right now. "Where is she Jax?" Chase said he knew his pup was looking for her, he stopped in front of the jungle gym but seemed confused. "Klea you might as well just come out, I am not leaving until you do" Chase said.

Klea sighed as she came out of the tunnel, "I don't want to go home" Klea said, "well that is up to your mom. Does your grandma even live here?" Chase asked, "no, I have no idea where she is. I came here to find you" Klea said. "Where are you staying?" Chase said, "in random places" Klea said. "Klea you are 13 years old, I get you want to have a career as a detective but you need to finish school first. Stay with your mother and actually learn something. Once you are done college come see me and we can talk" Chase said. "College is so far away, I don't have the grades for it but I watch a lot of CSI and stuff I am good I promise" Klea said. "I am sure, but CSI is all fake you know that right? I mean sure it looks real but a lot of that doesn't actually happen. Solving a murder is a lot more complicated and you actually need a real degree in criminology not one from a TV show. Study hard Klea you will make it, I was never the best at school either but I ended up doing well in criminology because I had a passion for it" Chase said. "I still don't want to go home" Klea said, "your mom is on her way here you will have to take that up with her" Chase said as he brought Klea to his house.

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