Chapter 30

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Zoe wasn't getting much sleep she was constantly worried about Annabelle despite doctors and Zuma telling her she was fine. Zoe would watch her daughter breathe all night long as she was afraid if she even closed her eyes for 1 second something would happen. "Zoe you need to sleep, I get you are worried but you are not going to be any good to her or our other kids tired" Zuma said. "I am afraid Zuma I am so afraid" Zoe said, "will it help if I watched her for a bit, you really need to sleep. I can't work and take care of both Zola and Wyatt on my own" Zuma said. "I know and I am sorry I am it is just so damn hard" Zoe said. "Annabelle is strong she is going to be just fine, she is a Thorne and she is a fighter" Zuma said. "Okay but please wake me if something happens" Zoe said finally closing her eyes. Zuma knew nothing was going to happen and he watched her for a few minutes but ended up falling asleep himself. Wyatt and Zola were awake and Wyatt noticed Annabelle was crying he grabbed her and cuddled her. "Zola get me a bottle" Wyatt said, "where?" Zola asked, "mom keeps them in the fridge I think, make sure its warm first" Wyatt said. "How warm?" Zola asked, "I don't know like luke warm not to hot" Wyatt said, Zola really had no idea what she was doing. She found the breast milk in the fridge and warmed it up, she tested it thinking it was good and brought it over to Wyatt. He was able to feed his sister and burp her before Zuma noticed her missing and woke up. "Hey bud you helping?" Zuma asked finding them in the living room. "Yeah she is fed dad, but I draw the line at her diaper" Wyatt said. Zuma laughed as he changed her, "we are going to let mommy sleep okay so we need to go outside and play" Zuma said. "Okay can we go for a walk?" Zola asked, "sure I think Annabelle would loved that" Zuma said getting her dressed and putting her in the carrier as he wrote Zoe a note. 

Zuma brought some diapers and milk with him just in case they ended up at the park or something. Which they did as Zola and Wyatt played on the playground, Zuma bought them both some breakfast as well from Mr. Porter's. Just after 12 Zuma brought them home and noticed Zoe was still asleep, he knew she needed the rest, he managed to get the kids fed and Annabelle down for a nap. "Alright lets watch a movie" Zuma said, "Okay daddy" Zola said as her and Wyatt picked a movie and sat down to watch Zoe finally woke up and she loved that Zuma let her sleep. "Thanks Zuma" Zoe said, "no problem babe we all went to the park and were out of the house all morning. Annabelle did great, even woke up to Wyatt and Zola feeding her this morning" Zuma said. "Aw my babies all so very helpful, where is Anna?" Zoe asked, "asleep over there" Zuma said pointing to her bassinet. Zoe went over and kissed her infant and made something to eat bringing her close and watching the movie with her family. Zola cuddled into her mom and they all had a pretty decent day.

Chase was finally able to get over to see Callie he had been kept pretty busy with this Kyle business. Skye was also hounding him every 5 minutes making sure he had everything ready for Max's 11th birthday this weekend. Chase knocked on his brother's door he knew Marshall was and Everest were at work, but he was hoping the kids were home. Josh answered, "hey uncle Chase everything okay?" Josh asked, "yeah I am looking for your sister Callie she home?" Chase asked, "um I have no idea, I just got here" Josh said letting Chase come inside. "Callie!" Josh yelled upstairs, Riley came down, "she is not here" she said, "hey kiddo how you doing?" Chase asked her, "good I am better Uncle Chase, the therapist mom and dad set me up with helps. Plus Klea and Chantelle help too" Riley said. "Awesome glad to hear it, you guys have Callie come see me if you find her" Chase said. "Okay is she in trouble?" Josh asked now getting worried, "no of course not I just have to ask her something" Chase said. "Okay and we still on for the raptors game Friday?" Josh asked. "Of course I bought the tickets but we can't stay in Toronto Max's birthday is Saturday" Chase said. "Its cool I am excited for it" Josh said, "I am too and glad you invited me" Chase said. "I wouldn't have dreamed of going with anyone else" Josh said and this made Chase smile. He decided to go check on his dad and wait for Callie he was worried about her.

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