Chapter 31

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It was Friday and Chase and Josh were headed for Toronto while Katie and Ryder took, Lynne, Leila, Orianna and Max for the night so Skye could get Max's party ready. Max knew it was his birthday and he knew it wasn't a surprise because he invited all his friends. "Why am I stuck here when my party is tomorrow?" Max whined, "you don't want to hang out with us?" Katie asked, "no I want to help set up for my party" Max said, "I am hurt bud" Ryder said, "well I am sorry but I just want to enjoy my party" Max said. "You will bud I promise your mom has put a lot of work into this day" Katie said. "I am really excited to solve a fake crime" Max said, "I know it should be really interesting, but your mom needed some time to set it up" Katie said. "Okay I guess so" Max said as he settled on the couch. Skye had her song ready to go and she was very proud of it she would keep this song for all her kids close to her heart. She was able to get everything se tup for Max's party and she was excited and really hoped it went well.

Chase and Josh were sitting in their seats and Josh couldn't help but dream of playing in this arena one day. "I feel like I am in a dream" Josh said, "its pretty surreal, but playing in it will be even cooler" Chase said. "Is that how you felt?" Josh asked, "it was probably one of the scariest and exciting days of my life. I hope that you actually get to live the dream of this Josh you are definitely in my mind good enough" Chase said. "Thanks uncle Chase" Josh said as they watched the game, and the Raptors ended up winning by a landslide, "I can't believe it this was awesome" Josh said. "I bet but I have something even cooler" Chase said as he walked over to Scottie Barnes, "Chase Chapman, I never thought I would see you again" Scottie said, "yeah well had to bring my nephew to a game, he is an unreal player and hopes to play for the raptors" Chase said. "I though the same thing about you man and you turned our offer down" Scottie said, "well he won't and he is better than me this is Josh Davis" Chase said, "pleasure to meet you and if you are as good as he was then we will be lucky to have you" Scottie said. Josh was so overwhelmed he couldn't believe it and he was stoked. "This was fucking amazing" Josh said as they drove home. "I am glad you had fun" Chase said, "I did, hope Max's party goes well" Josh said, "I am sure it will Skye has been planning it for months and she is super dedicated to it" Chase said. "Well if the actual murder part goes well then I hope Max solves it" Josh said, "well If I know him well enough he won't give up until he does" Chase said as he dropped Josh off and went home. 

Chase walked into his house, "damn babe this place looks awesome" Chase said, "you don't think its to much?" Skye said. "Are you kidding, it looks like a real crime scene and I just hope you can get all that off the walls and stuff" Chase said. "Its all stickers and fake carpets and stuff it will be easy to clean up, cost me enough to by it" Skye said. "Well this party will be a huge hit" Chase said, "I hope so Max was pretty bummed he had to go to your parents place" Skye said. "Hmm so we are alone?" Chase said, "yes but I am busy" Skye said, "I am sure you can spare 30 minutes" Chase said dragging her upstairs. Skye laughed they didn't get enough time together alone so she was grateful to this moment. 

The next morning Max was getting impatient he just wanted to go home and have his birthday. "I can't take it any longer!" Max said, "I know honey and we can go soon lets finish breakfast" Katie said, "then we can go?" Max said. "Yes" Katie said getting him and his sister's fed, "I am glad you invited me Max" Orianna said, "not like I had a choice in the matter" Max said, "hey be nice" Katie said, "what she acts as if it was my choice to invite her, I mean mom and dad told me I had to" Max said. "Still don't be so rude, and you should appreciate your sisters more" Katie said, "I do appreciate them just not when they are hanging out with me and my friends" Max said. "Just because it is your birthday doesn't mean you get to be a jerk" Ryder said. "Fine, I am sorry Orianna" Max said, "Its cool I love you Max" Orianna said, "gross" Max said causing Katie to roll her eyes it was hopeless. Katie and Ryder drove them home as they were staying to help out with the party. "Happy Birthday bud!" Skye said as he walked in the door, "Wow mom this looks awesome!" Max said hugging her, "I hope it goes well" Skye said, "it really does look amazing" Katie said, "thanks, your friends will be here soon bud go get changed, you to Orianna" Skye said as they headed upstairs. Katie helped her get Lynne and Leila settled, it was going to be an fun day. 

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