Chapter 47

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It was 2 am Feb 1st when Alyssa gave birth to her son Maverick, Jasper was asleep at home with his grandma. Alyssa and Trevor were over the moon but they were really hoping Maverick was nothing like his brother they needed easy. Jasper now 3 was finally sleeping at night so things were getting easier but he still basically controlled their days he was a very busy toddler. Maverick was a healthy 8 pound boy and there were no complications during childbirth, Alyssa and Trevor were able to take him home the next day. Jasper was so excited to see them and he was happy to have a brother. "Baby" Jasper said, "yes honey this is your brother Maverick" Alyssa said, "Mavick?" Jasper said, "yes honey Maverick, what do you think?" Alyssa said, "he small mommy" Jasper said, "he is right now but in time he will get bigger. He is very little right now so we need to be careful okay" Alyssa said. Jasper nodded as he held him for a few minutes before getting bored and running off to play. Alyssa and Trevor were busy over the next few days as everyone came and went visiting with the new baby. Both Alyssa and Trevor made sure to spend time with Jasper as they didn't want him to feel like they were ignoring him. "Mommy play with me" Jasper said. "I will just after I feed Maverick okay so 10 minutes" Alyssa said, "Okay mommy" Jasper said, Alyssa was so happy he was taking this well. Everyone was adjusting to Maverick and he was actually not that bad of a sleeper so everyone was able to get enough sleep.

Rocky was teaching Sophie how to drive she was going for driving test soon and she was nervous. "Daddy I don't want to fail" Sophie said, "you won't you are a good driver, I honestly mean that but if you are worried go for a lesson with Chase he would tell you and know more than me" Rocky said. "Can you ask him for me?" Sophie said, "sure but he is probably at work" Rocky said. "Please daddy" Sophie asked him, "okay, drive us home I will text him" Rocky said as he sent a text to Chase.

Rocky: Sophie goes for her drivers license in 3 days she is worried she might fail. I told her she was a good driver but she doesn't believe me. I think if she heard it from a cop she might believe it.

Chase: Oh man, I would be super hard on her and I don't need her hating me

Rocky: she needs that and honestly she is a good driver, I think she would be fine

Chase: alright fine, I can take her tomorrow if I don't get called in but I will be honest hope she can take it

Rocky: she can

"Chase said if he isn't called into work tomorrow he can take you" Rocky said, "tomorrow is Saturday though" Sophie whined, "look if you want the help then take it if not I am sure it won't bother him to much" Rocky said. "Okay fine thanks daddy" Sophie said as she pulled into their driveway. Sophie ran into the house and into her room, "everything go okay?" Ella asked a she attempted to feed Carlie. "Fine yeah she is actually a good driver, she will drive with Chase tomorrow" Rocky said. "Chase?" Ella questioned, "yes she is worried about failing and Chase would be able to tell her if she is doing anything wrong" Rocky said. "Right so things are okay with you two then?" Ella asked knowing they still had trust issues. "They are not perfect but I think they are getting better" Rocky said. "You know how they will improve, letting her go see her boyfriend more often" Ella said. "Ella please don't bring this up again" Rocky said not to keen on the idea. "You need to let her grow up sometime, I know its hard but I want to trust her, once she has her license she can drive herself and trust me on this she will find a way" Ella said. "She will not be driving to Toronto alone" Rocky said raising his voice a little, "Rocky I am not sure you can stop her and she will find any excuse in the book to lie to you about it. So do us both a favor and trust her and talk to her. I for one don't want her resenting you forever"  Ella said as she took Carlie upstairs to get her cleaned up. Rocky sighed he hated when his wife did this did he want to trust Sophie of course. It was the fact she would be alone in a big city that scared him and he didn't 100 % trust Josh either. He liked him but this was his little girl and he hated the fact she was already having sex.

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