Chapter 54

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Skye was not working today, and she was relaxing with Chase as he was currently not on a case. "Oh I heard this girl on Tik Tok and it was amazing, I want to know who she is" Skye said, "what do you mean?" Chase said. "She posted anonymously and sang she sounds so beautiful Chase, here listen" Skye said as she found the videos she saved and played them for him. "She does sound good, but why post anonymously?" Chase asked, "I think she is young and doesn't believe how amazing she really is, I think this was a trial run to see if she could possibly eb something" Skye said. "Okay but how on earth are you supposed to find this person?" Chase asked, "I don't know, something familiar about her voice though" Skye said. "I don't know babe I mean there are millions of girls that it could be, don't get your heart set on this to be disappointed" Chase said. "I wish I could help her and tell her to go for it" Skye said, "like I said there is a slim chance" Chase said. "Well you don't know that, I am going to post on her video maybe she will reach out to me" Skye said. "Or she will just ignore you like the millions of other people who have already commented" Chase said. "You are such a downer and keep raining on my parade" Skye said. "That is what I do" Chase said as his phone rang and he had to leave for work.

Sophie was on her lunch break at school, and she saw the post from Skye, she had no idea that Skye even had tik tok, it read *hey girl, you sound so freaking beautiful. I get you wanting to see if you are any good before going out there. Girl you are amazing, and if you need some advice send me a message talk to me. I would love to help you and maybe get you out there* Sophie didn't know if she wanted to be out there. She knew the only one who knew she could sing was Josh. He was the only one that could possibly out her to people but she didn't think he would do that. Sophie wanted to go talk to Skye and tell her but she didn't want to become a singer yet she wanted to see where life took her and possibly figure it out later. She knew there were a lot of producers that also messaged her but singing was personal to her and she didn't know if she was ready for a big commitment. 

Marley walked up to her and said "girl have you heard this?" playing her singing on Tik tok, "no" Sophie said trying not to overreact. "She is huge on Tik tok right now, and everyone wants her to come out publicly, she could be famous" Marley said. "She might not want to be famous, I mean if she wanted people to know who she was then she would have shown her face" Sophie said. "Woah why so defensive, its not like we know her or anything" Marley said. "Right well still, if she wanted to be known she would be right?" Sophie said. "I guess so anyways she is freaking awesome" Marley said. Sophie felt sick all of a sudden and now she was regretting posting herself singing but she knew that she needed to talk to Josh because she didn't need anyone else knowing right now. She was also thinking about deleting the videos now that she knew she was good. She sent a text to Josh and hoped that he hadn't told anyone yet,

Sophie: hey babe um not sure if you told anyone I can sing, but for me please don't. I am not ready for everyone to know yet.

Josh: Okay but then why post it on Tik tok?

Sophie: I don't know but I did it anonymously and I didn't think it would be so huge

Josh: babe you are amazing, but I won't tell anyone but you should talk to my aunt she could help you

Sophie: I will on my terms, but thank you for keeping my secret

Josh: anytime babe, I love you

Sophie: love you too

Sophie went back to class and she deleted the Tik Tok videos for now, she still had them saved on her computer at home. She was trying to concentrate in class but now all she was thinking about was what everyone was thinking. Sophie hadn't realized class had ended until Marley nudged her, "girl you okay?" she asked. "Yeah fine, I just have a lot on my mind" Sophie said, "so weird that girl I showed you deleted her videos" Marley said. "Why is that weird?" Sophie asked, "well it was not expected, I mean why delete them after so many people liked them?" Marley said. "I don't know I am not her but I am sure she had a reason" Sophie said, "Right well I better get home" Marley said. "Yeah me too I am babysitting" Sophie said as she drove home and Ella was already out the door, she had a house staging to get too and Rocky was out for work. "I am hungry" Oliver said, "okay, what do you want?" Sophie asked, "Cookies" Oliver said, "how about something healthier like fruit?" Sophie said as she cut up watermelon and strawberries. "Cookies too?" Oliver said, "fine one cookie" Sophie said handing him a cookie, "arlie ookie too phie!" Carlie said. "See what you started" Sophie said as she handed a cookie to her sister, "not my fault, can I ask you a question?" Oliver asked. "Sure" Sophie said, "why did you post this and then delete it?" Oliver asked showing her the tik tok account. "What makes you think that is me?" Sophie asked. "You are my sister and I live with you, and I am smart it wasn't hard to figure out any genius could" Oliver said. "Well pardon me mister genius but I am not ready for the world to know okay, I did it anonymously for a reason" Sophie said. "Okay but why delete it?" Oliver asked, "I got scared" Sophie said, "well you are good Sophie and I think you should be proud of that" Oliver said. "Thanks Ollie that was really nice" Sophie said giving him a hug, she played with Carlie for a bit then Rocky came home with dinner. 

"Dad, mind if I go out for a bit?" Sophie asked, "where are you going?" Rocky asked, "just to talk to a friend, I will be close by" Sophie said, "okay be home by curfew" Rocky said as he tried to get Carlie to eat more. Sophie grabbed her keys and left she went and sat in the park she wanted to talk to Skye but she was nervous. She wasn't expecting someone to sit beside her, "hey" Riley said, "oh hey, you doing okay?" Sophie asked, "yes are you?" Riley asked. "I have a lot on my mind" Sophie said. "I bet, my aunt can help you" Riley said, "with what?" Sophie asked her, "the singing" Riley said. "Ugh does everyone know?" Sophie said, "no I don't think so" Riley said, "how did you know?" Sophie said, "Josh sent me the tik tok told me see if I could figure it out. He never said anything and he also told me if I did figure it out to keep it a secret. After listening to it a few times I figured it out" Riley said. "I am so torn between whether or not I want it to be something" Sophie said. "If you aren't ready don't I mean it will take up a good chunk of your time, and although you were good I get it" Riley said. "Thanks Riley, how is the boy thing going?" Sophie asked. "Well he still hasn't asked me out and honestly I am not holding my breath" Riley said. "Yeah boys are weird like that" Sophie said, "anyways I better get home but you do you Sophie" Riley said. "thanks Riley" Sophie said as Riley walked away and Sophie made her decision.

She drove over to Skye's house and knocked on the door, "hey honey everything okay?" Sophie asked, "yeah um can I talk to you?" Sophie asked. "Of course, me or Chase?" Skye asked, "you" Sophie said. Skye had no idea what this was about and why Sophie couldn't talk to her own mom but she was going to be open minded. "Are you okay Sophie?" Skye asked, "I am okay, I am just replying to your post but in person" Sophie said, "My post?" Skye asked confused, "yes on tik tok" Sophie said, Skye's mouth dropped open, "no freaking way that was you?" Skye said, "yup but I am not sure I am ready to be public yet" Sophie said. "Oh my word Sophie, you were freaking incredible and from one singer to another I mean that. Why don't you want to be public?" Skye asked. "My singing is personal and until a few days ago I didn't even think I was that good. My songs are personal and I don't know I am not even 17 yet and I am just starting my life out" Sophie said. "I get that, and trust me being a pop star is not always easy, I barely have time for it now. I know you could do amazing things though" Sophie said, "I know but for now I would like to keep it personal" Sophie said. "Okay when you are ready though you come talk to me because I really think you could be a star" Skye said. "Thanks" Sophie said as she drove home.

"What was that about?" Chase asked, "nothing, are the kids in bed?" Skye asked, "yes and Max is asking for you" Chase said. Skye gave Chase a kiss and went up to see her son, "what is up handsome?" Skye asked him. "Mom how do you know if you like a girl?" Max asked, "you feel butterflies, and your hands get sweaty. You feel weak when you are around her, do you like a girl?" Skye asked, "I might but I am not sure yet" Max said, "awe honey, well you will know trust me. Just for right now don't tell your dad he is not ready for that yet" Skye said. "I won't and I am not sure I am yet either" Max said. "Well goodnight bud I love you" Skye said, "I love you too mom" Max said as Rex curled up next to him and they both fell asleep. Skye went to check on her girls too and they were all asleep. Chase was sitting on the couch and she joined him, "what did Max want?" Chase asked, "nothing important" Skye said, "you keeping secrets from me?" Chase asked. "Not important ones I promise" Skye said giving him a kiss as they watched a show on TV.

Max was having a hard time getting to sleep, he kept think about what his mom said, "Rex, I think I might be in trouble" Max said to his pup as he scratched his ears. Rex liked him he had no idea what his owner was saying. Max did in fact like a girl but it wasn't someone he could just tell because things would not go well for him. Especially since he knew Korra would not take it well and he didn't want to lose her as a friend. Plus he felt he was to young yet and everything was just so confusing getting older was way to complicated. Max tried to fall asleep again as he dreamt about everything going wrong with him liking a girl. He also didn't know if this girl liked him back but she did go out of her way to say hi to him everyday. The next morning he woke up tired and he groaned as Rex licked his face, Max knew he wanted to go out so he had to get out of bed. Max let Rex outside and went back upstairs to get ready for school as Orianna came into his room. "What?" Max said, "I have a problem" Orianna said, "okay like I said before what?" Max said. "There is this boy at school who keeps picking on me" Orianna said, "and?" Max said, "and you are my big brother you have to help me" Orianna said, "fine but if this is going to backfire on me in anyway" Max said. "It won't" Orianna said as she hugged him and left, Max had no idea what he was getting himself into but he didn't want anyone picking on his little sister. 

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