Chapter 68

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Chase ended up having to work all night, and he was getting more and more agitated as the night went on. "Chase you alright?" Ian asked, "fine, do we have anything yet?" Chase asked, "no but I am trying, you are making me nervous" Ian said, "sorry, I just I am so annoyed Ian I can't do this, we have nothing, I am so tired and I just hate that my dad died and just like that I mean no warning nothing" Chase said. "It does suck and I am sorry, I know its taking me a while with this case and I am sorry. I wish I could bring your dad back" Ian said. "Its fine just let me know when you have something" Chase said as he went to his desk and gave Jax a pet. Ian wanted to work quickly he didn't want to irritate Chase even more, it being summer and all he could be with his family.

The next morning Skye woke up and Chase was still not at home and she sighed she knew he needed a break. Skye went down to make breakfast for her kids as they all came downstairs, "mom where is dad?" Max asked her. "Still working baby he didn't come home" Skye said, Max's eyes grew with concern, "I am sure he is fine baby, you always jump the wrong conclusions" Skye said. "Do you know for sure though?" Max said, Orianna jumped in too, "fine I will text him" Skye said as she sent a text. Chase replied that he was fine and Max and Orianna were satisfied for now. Skye and the kids spent the day outside by the pool, "mom its after lunch and dad is still  not home" Max said. "I know bud, but he is busy and there is nothing we can do about it" Skye said as she heard the doorbell. Skye went to answer, "hey Skye, I got your message" Sophie said, "hey girl come in" Skye said as she sat with Sophie on the couch, "everything okay?" Sophie asked. "Yes, I received a call from my producer James he heard your songs from Tik tok and he wants to know if you would want to make an album, he thinks you would be huge" Skye said. "Oh um well my songs are personal, and I never meant for anyone to hear them, I regret doing the Tik tok thing, and I just don't know" Sophie said. "Its cool in the end its your choice, just know that you are incredible Sophie and could literally make millions. It is hard because you would need to go out on tour and stuff, and I get that you want to just be a normal teenager and you should be" Skye said. "I just don't know if I am ready for the world to hear my problems, I write my songs for me and they are personal. I never wanted to be a singer and I don't know if I will want too" Sophie said. "That is fair, I won't say anything then, I told him I didn't know you and it can stay that way" Skye said. "Thanks Skye, is Chase here?" Sophie said, "no he is working why?" Skye asked. "My dad is worried about him, and I was hoping I could tell him that he is fine" Sophie said. "He will be Sophie, thank you" Skye said as she gave Sophie a hug and went back out to her kids and Sophie left.

Meanwhile Chase was trying to figure out this murder but the further he and Ian dug into the more confused they were. "I just don't get it" Ian said, "why is this so damn hard, like it had to have been more that one person" Chase said, "I don't know but it was 5 different blades, which is what I find disturbing this man suffered, was he being tortured?" Ian asked, "I don't know and there is no information on him, like nothing as far as the database goes he doesn't exist, unless this is not his real name" Chase said. "According to his DNA it is and I mean I can run it again but I am sure it will come up with the same results" Ian said. "Its fine I can't look at this anymore, I need to go home and sleep. I am going to pass out" Chase said. "Me too, I am sorry we couldn't solve this" Ian said. "I am too, if you do end up coming up with something let me know" Chase said as he drove home. Chase didn't see anyone home so he ran upstairs and collapsed on the bed. Jax also went to sleep, Skye and the kids were still outside not knowing Chase was at home. Lynne went inside to pee and came out "mommy Jax is home" she said, "really?" Max said as he ran inside and Jax was asleep on his bed. Max ran upstairs and saw Chase asleep, he closed the door and went back outside. "Dad is home but he is sleeping, mom we need to take him on a vacation" Max said. "That is not always easy he can't always take time off work, I will look into maybe like a day where he can have off with all of us" Skye said. "Okay daddy needs a break mommy" Leila said. "I know baby" Skye said as she hugged her kids, she hoped Chase was alright as she went in to make dinner. 

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