Chapter 55

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Orianna pointed out the boy to Max and he knew who he was, "Orianna just ignore him okay, his older brother picks on me too" Max said. "I don't like it" Orianna said, "I don't either but there is nothing I can do without getting hurt by his brother. Tell dad or a teacher or something please" Max said. "I told a teacher and they told him to stop but he never did" Orianna said, "then tell the teacher again, Orianna I want to help you but the only way I can is to tell you to talk to a grown up" Max said. "Fine" Orianna said as she ran off, Max walked up to Hunter, "everything okay?" he asked, "Drew's brother is picking on Orianna, she thinks I can help" Max said. "I see and you can't?" Hunter asked, "I don't want to get creamed by Drew so no I can't,  she is a big girl she can figure it out" Max said. "I hope so man, for both your sakes" Hunter said, "my dad said there is a lot going on for them at home, not sure why that makes them mean but it does I guess" Max said. The rest of the school day went well and the teacher was able to help Orianna this time as she witnessed him picking on her. She sent him to the office and his parents were called, the principal had enough bullying in his school. Something was being done now no matter what, there was enough going on in this town without children taking it out on each other. 

The weekend finally came and Marshall was at home with Owen, Riley was off with her friends and Everest was working today. "Daddy what are we doing today?" Owen asked, "not sure bud what did you want to do?" Marshall asked, "I want to play at the park" Owen said, "okay go get ready, I will clean this breakfast up" Marshall said as the phone rang. "Hello" he answered, "hey Marshall its Jessie I was hoping you could come in and pick up an ambo shift with me, my partner is sick and I need someone I trust" Jessie said, "I would love to Jessie but I got my kid with me" Marshall said, "is it your son?" Jessie said, "yeah" Marshall said, "bring him, he is the one that wants to be a firefighter right? I mean he can see what his daddy does, I promise we will keep him safe" Jessie said. "I don't know Jessie I mean he is only 7 I don't need him traumatized" Marshall said. "He won't be please, I need you Marshall" Jessie said, "fine if you clear it with the chief I will come" Marshall said. Jessie was able to clear it with the chief, "hey bud how would you feel about coming to work a shift with me at work?" Marshall asked, "really? like go to the firehouse?" Owen asked, "yeah Jessie needs me on ambo, what do you say?" Marshall asked. "Yes daddy! can I ride on the truck?" Owen asked, "sure, okay let's  go" Marshall said as they drove to the firehouse instead. The team was able to make it a lot of fun for Owen, and he was even able to ride around in the truck and turn the lights on. Marshall went on a few calls with Jessie and Owen was having a blast at the fire house. "Daddy this is awesome, when do we get to go to a fire?" Owen said, "well you won't be able to go into the fire, its dangerous bud" Marshall said. "I know daddy but I want to watch" Owen said, "we will see okay" Marshall said. He really didn't know how he felt about his son seeing an actual fire, being at the firehouse was different. He know how much Owen wanted to be like him but he was worried it would traumatize him. 

They did end up getting called to a fire, Owen sat in the truck as he watched everyone run in and out of the building. He had a smile on his face the whole time it was very exciting for him, he watched his dad save a lot of people and he was proud of his dad. It made him happy knowing his dad was a hero. "I loved today daddy" Owen said, "that's good bud, thank you for being so good today. I am glad I didn't have to worry about you on top of my job" Marshall said as he tucked Owen into bed. "I want to be just like you daddy, and save people" Owen said as he closed his eyes. Marshall kissed his head and smiled, as he left the room. Everest came home and Marshall told her about their day, "oh man I hope it doesn't affect him later on" Everest said. "He had a great day babe, everyone really made him feel welcome and I know he will probably follow in my footsteps one day" Marshall said smiling knowing it was what he did. "I love that he is just like you when you were a kid. I don't want what happened to you to happen to him though so please be careful" Everest said. "I know babe but my parents died in our own house, and I have this house very safe. I love you and I promise to be careful" Marshall said. Everest kissed him and she went to bed as Marshall did his duty and waited up for Riley. He didn't know what she was doing but he would not be able to sleep until she came back home.

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