Chapter 41

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School was going well for most of the kids, Wyatt was getting better with his R's and was actually getting decent grades. Zola was of course bright and helped her brother and they easily made friends. Oliver was doing extremely well and was getting an excellent education at his private school. He was an honor student and Rocky was very proud of him and all his achievements he was honored Oliver took after him. Sophie was not handling the long distance thing very well but Rocky was trying and they did see each other more than Sophie was expecting. Thanksgiving was comin up and she couldn't wait for Josh to come home. Riley and Klea were best friends and she was surprised high school wasn't that bad and she was easily able to fit in. Owen was smart and mostly hung out Wyatt as they were best friends and he didn't let anyone tear him down. Max and Hunter ruled the elementary school or so they thought and with Korra by their side now they were all doing well in school. Orianna was getting better with the whole Chase thing and she even had her best friend Penelope who made it a lot easier for her. Lynne and Leila even started making friends and didn't bother Max so much anymore and were confident in themselves in getting on the right bus home. 

Another school week went by and it was the last week of September, Riley was staying over at Klea's house. "Riley we should go to that party" Klea said, "I don't know it sounds like its going to be bad. I also don't think we were invited" Riley said, "the whole school was invited" Klea said, "I really don't think its a good idea" Riley said. "Please you will have me and if anything goes wrong we can leave" Klea said, "Okay fine" Riley said agreeing even though she didn't want to go at all. "Mom we are going to a party" Klea said, "okay be careful please" Rebecca said as she was getting ready for work. Once Klea and Riley arrived Klea was excited as they entered the house, Riley was nervous. Klea was mingling with other people and Riley was having a hard time keeping track of her. She turned around for 2 seconds and was alone, "hey you lost?" a boy said to her, "no" Riley said walking away from him. Riley went outside and sat on the porch she wanted so badly to leave. She knew here parents were having a night out so they weren't home and Owen was at Wyatt's house. She knew she could go home but she didn't want to ruin her parents night they were expecting an empty house tonight. Riley knew she needed to go back inside to at least try and find Klea and she really didn't want too. Riley saw a car pull up and she panicked she had been watching the news and she knew her uncle was working the case. She watched the car stop and then it moved on. She was paranoid, "I really need to stop watching the news, not every person driving that car is an abductor" Riley said to herself as she turned to go back inside. She heard someone call out to her, "hey sorry, I am lost can you help me?" a man's voice said. Riley hesitated she felt like this is how a kidnapping started she turned and looked at him, "sorry I am trying to find 35th street" the man said, "its 3 blocks that way" Riley said pointing. "Thanks can you show me on this map, I just want to be sure" the man said, "I am good, its 3 blocks you can't miss it" Riley said as she tried to go back inside. The door was locked and she thought that was strange. She panicked as she heard the man walking up to her and she screamed but he grabbed her so fast and covered her mouth. Her scream was muffled by his hand and he said, "it could have all been a lot easier if you just showed me on the map" the man said as he shoved her in the trunk after tying her hands. 

Riley was easily able to get her hands untied, and she was trying to catch her breath she was scared the car was moving, it was late. She thought about calling 911 but felt it would be easier to call Chase. He answered on the second ring, "Detective Chapman" "Uncle chase I am in trouble" Riley said, "where are you? why are you whispering?" Chase said, "I don't know where I am, I am in the back of some guys car in the trunk. Uncle Chase I am scared" Riley said. "Riley don't panic okay I will track your phone, you are going to be okay. Where were you?" Chase asked, "at Violet's house party, I didn't want to come and now I am being kidnapped, what if it is the guy on the news" Riley said she was crying. "Riley listen to me okay, I will find you I promise" Chase said as he was already in his cruiser driving, he still had her on the phone but he was tracking her location with his computer. "We stopped" Riley said, "I am tracking you Riley I think you are at a red light, Riley do you know the make of the car?" Chase asked, "It was dark, I don't know" Riley said. "Okay its fine I am getting close" Chase said as he turned his sirens on and felt like he was right behind the car. Chase as thankful the guy pulled over, "Riley I am right here" Chase said as he walked over to the car, "is there a problem officer?" the man said, "yes you went through a stop sign a block back" Chase said, "Oh really I didn't even see it" the man said, "not a lot of people do, you have your license?" Chase asked, the man handed it over. Chase looked at it, "Mr. Adams where you headed to?" Chase asked, "just on my way home" Mr. Adams  said, Chase was trying to stall, "any reason why there would be banging coming from your trunk?" Chase asked, "I have paint cans in there maybe they fell over" Mr. Adams said, "Do you mind showing me?" Chase said, "I have no reason too" Mr. Adams said, "I am asking you too, please step out of the vehicle" Chase said, "I feel like I never ran a stop sign and you are lying to me and I have no reason to step out of the car" Mr. Adams said. "Riley bang on the trunk" Chase said as he heard it, Chase gave a signal to Jax who bit a hole in the man's tires, "Open the trunk right now" Chase said drawing his gun, "Okay' the man said as he pushed the trunk button, "Riley you good?" Chase asked "yes" Riley said as Chase pulled the man out of the car and called it in. "Dispatch this is Detective Chapman badge 457 and I have a child abductor in custody" Chase said. "Units are on there way detective" dispatch said, Chase had the man cuffed and Jax was watching him as he checked on his niece.

"Thank you uncle Chase is it the same guy?" Riley asked, "I don't know he isn't talking but once I have you safe at home I will find out" Chase said. "Mom and dad are out tonight I don't want to ruin their night" Riley said. "Riley Paige your parents are going to be so happy you are okay and trust me you will not ruin their night. Klea called them said you went missing they are expecting you home. Riley talk to them don't bottle this up, I know you are scared and your parents will help you okay" Chase said as the other officer arrived to take Mr. Adams while Chase drove Riley home. Riley hugged Chase and went inside where she was hugged by her parents, "Riley are you alright?" Everest asked, "I am okay, I was so scared mom" Riley said, "I know baby I am so thankful to your uncle and I am glad you called him" Everest said, "I am too, I thought about 911 but knew uncle Chase would be faster" Riley said, "smart girl your uncle is the best" Marshall said. "I am sorry" Riley said, "for what?" Marshall asked her, "for letting Klea take me to that party, I should not have even went outside but I was uncomfortable and then the door was locked. He asked me for directions I told him but he wasn't happy and I was just scared" Riley said and she cried. Everest hugged her close she wished bad things would stop happening to Riley but she knew they would be able to get her through this. Riley was a tough kid and this time she was actually telling them her problems rather than hiding it. Everest trusted her a lot more and she was making better choices. 

Chase went to the station and was told Mr. Adams had admitted to taking the other girls and was given an address. Chase drove their with the chief he wanted to make sure all these girls were safe. They were not expecting what they walked into the room he had them in was horrifying to say the least. They were all taken to the hospital and reunited with their families, Chase was thankful he was finally caught. He hated his niece had to be his next target but he was glad she never made it to that horrible place. Ian and a few others were there now as there was a dead body. Chase looked to Ian, "she has been dead about a week, I'd say she died of starvation. She can't be more than 15" Ian said. Chase sighed he hated this so much, the horrible thing was is that he just left her in the room with all the others. There were 4 of them just left with a dead body in the room. "I hope he rots in prison" Chase said he was just disgusted, "any ID on her?" Chase said. "Not yet but I will have it soon" Ian said as he was checking her dental records, Chase went home it was early in the morning and he needed to get some sleep. The chief said he would let the parents of the girl know when they found out.

The next morning Klea was over at Riley's, "I am so glad you are okay" Klea said, "yeah well I was locked out of the house party and you left me" Riley said. "I am so sorry but I am so jealous you solved the case" Klea said. "Jealous of me getting kidnapped?" Riley said confused, "well no but that you caught the kidnapper" Klea said. "First my uncle did and second it was the most terrifying thing ever" Riley said. "I am sorry I didn't mean to say it wasn't, I am a terrible friend I am sorry" Klea said. "No you aren't and your love for crime scares me honestly, but I get what you are saying. I swear you need some help" Riley said. "I am glad all those girls were found, I will stick to the crime shows for now. I know I am still to young and your uncle is right a lot of it is way over my head" Klea said. "Good thinking, and I will watch the crime shows with you I actually like them too" Riley said. Klea laughed as they turned on CSI and watched the fake crime on TV. Riley felt she was going to be okay she was thankful to her uncle and that this guy was finally caught. She would talk to her counselor on Monday and she was just glad that things didn't end up worse. 

Skye took the kids out of the house letting Chase have the much needed rest as she knew this case bothered him. She wanted him to rest knowing it was behind him and that he could sleep peacefully. Chase knew he owed Orianna a weekend and he was going to do it soon as this case had finally been solved and he was going to make it up to his kids.

Little humans of the future Paw patrol next generationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon