Chapter 80

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Sophie waited for the ambulance and police but she wasn't expecting someone to come up behind her. "It wasn't wise calling the police Sophie" Caleb said in her ear as he knocked her out leaving her phone on the lawn next to Marley. Caleb picked her up and took off with her, the ambulance arrived and noticed Marley and the attended to her while the police broke up the party. "She alright Jessie?" Callie asked, "she is very drunk, but she will be okay. Who called it in?" Jessie said. "I'm not sure" Callie said picking up the phone she noticed a picture of Josh, "Melissa this is Sophie's phone, something is wrong" Callie said. "What makes you think something is wrong maybe she went back inside" Melissa said. "I don't think so she wouldn't leave her friend. Melissa I have a bad feeling" Callie said, "okay let's not jump to any conclusions okay, go look inside and I will call dispatch see if the detective is busy" Melissa said and Callie nodded. She knew if anyone could find her it was her uncle Chase, Callie searched inside but didn't find Sophie. She even asked a few people but no one noticed her leave either, Callie went back out to join her partner. "She isn't inside" Callie said, "your uncle is on his way, Callie we will find her" Melissa said. Sophies phone started ringing and Melissa noticed dad pop up, "looks like her dad is looking for her" Melissa said. "Oh no, do we answer it?" Callie said, "lets wait for your uncle to come" Melissa said.

Chase arrived with Jax, "what is going on?" he asked, "we think Sophie called 911, and when we arrived her friend Marley was passed out really drunk. We broke up an outrageous party there was a lot of underage drinking and Sophie is no where to be found but we have her phone. I am not sure she would leave it behind or leave Marley for that matter uncle Chase" Callie said. "Okay, so you think Sophie is missing?" Chase asked, "yes and I am worried I have a bad feeling, plus Rocky has called her like 6 times" Callie said. "I will find her and deal with Rocky, for now make sure all the drunk kids get home safe" Chase said, Callie and Melissa went to get all the kids home. "Jax bud find Sophie" Chase said, his pup started sniffing around, Chase in the meantime called Rocky. "Chase I am so glad you called, I can't get a hold of Sophie" Rocky said with panic. "I know" Chase said, "she is late for her curfew and wait how do you know?" Rocky asked confused, "I am at the party she was at with Marley, she was taking in an ambulance very drunk. Sophie is currently missing but Jax and I are looking for her, please don't panic" Chase said. "Don't panic! Chase are you kidding me where is my daughter?" Rocky said, "I am looking for her I am sure she can't be far, I will find her" Chase said. "Oh god Chase! I knew I should not have let her go!" Rocky said. "This is not on you and I am sure she is fine but Rocky listen to me I will find her okay" Chase said. "Chase, she is my baby" Rocky said, "I know and I will find her, I have Jax searching now" Chase said. Rocky was not listening to Chase he had a million scenarios going on his head. Chase knew his friend was panicking but he needed to focus on finding Sophie, Jax took off running and Chase followed him.

Sophie woke up and she had no idea where she was, "I am sorry I had to do that Sophie" Caleb said, "let me go please, I won't tell anyone" Sophie said, "I can't do that, Sophie I am in love with you and I want you to be mine" Caleb said. "I don't want this please, I have a boyfriend" Sophie said. "Who is not here! your so called boyfriend left you behind, I would never leave you Sophie, I will always be here for you" Caleb said stroking her hair, "Stop this you are crazy! Please let me go" Sophie said as she screamed, "No, and I can't have you screaming either" Caleb said as he taped her mouth, she was already handcuffed to the bed. Sophie knew she was in trouble and she began to panic. Did the police arrive to help, Sophie tried really hard to free herself. Caleb in the meantime was trying to figure out how to make her his and he needed to come up with a plan.

Jax lost the trail and he was angry as he sat down and growled, "its good bud you did good, she has to be somewhere in this neighborhood. Chase needed to ask some questions he headed to the hospital to talk to Marley. He arrived and was shown to Marley's room, "I won't drink so much next time detective I am so sorry" Marley said, "Good I hope not, Marley have you talked to Sophie?" Chase asked. "No not since last night, I don't remember much is she okay?" Marley asked. "I am not sure she is currently missing, Marley was she talking to anyone at the party?" Chase asked. "Missing oh man this is my fault! I forced her to come, I don't know there were so many people at this party" Marley said. "Just think was there anyone that was taking a interest in Sophie?" Chase asked. "Are you joking? Have you seen Sophie everyone takes an interest in her! she is gorgeous. All the guys drool over her, I remember her talking to Caleb but he is a nice guy" Marley said. "Okay thank you Marley, I hope I don't have to see you like this again Marley you are much to young for this" Chase said as he walked away. Marley sighed she knew he was right and she hoped desperately that her friend was alright.

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