Chapter 71

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Skye made it home just as Chase pulled dinner out and she immediately hugged Max, "are you okay honey?" she asked, "I am good mom I promise, Rex saved my life" Max said, "I know I heard, but are you hurt?" Skye asked, "No I am good, please don't make it a big deal, I called dad and he came fast. Plus it was the guy who murdered the girl in the alley last night. So I kinda helped" Max said. "He really is fine Skye and he didn't try to be a hero, he did the right thing" Chase said. "I know but I just don't like the idea of someone breaking into our house" Skye said. "Neither do I but I do think he is old enough to be home alone and he did really good despite the little hiccup" Chase said, "alright, if you want to Max you can stay home tomorrow too" Skye said, "Yes I want too" Max said. "Deal then" Skye said as they all had dinner and watched a movie, "I want to stay home too mommy" Orianna said, "not this time honey, when you are 12 like your brother you can stay home too" Chase said. "Fine but daddy when do we get to hang out?" Orianna asked, "I am not sure princess soon I hope" Chase said as he was determined to have a good evening with his family.

Alyssa and Trevor were finally getting into a routine with Maverick he was now sleeping through the night at 4 months old. Jasper was finally staying in his room at night as well, he did still wake up at 6 am but Trevor didn't mind mornings. It was 6 am and Jasper woke up his dad and they together fed Maverick and changed him letting Alyssa get some sleep. "Daddy I like being a big brother" Jasper said. "I know bud and you are great at it such a big help" Trevor said, "can I help make mommy breakfast?" Jasper asked, "sure bud just let me get Maverick settled in his chair" Trevor said as he placed him in and gave him a few toys. Jasper helped Trevor cook eggs and toast, and he even spread out the bacon so it could cook in the oven. "Awesome bud" Trevor said, "can we bring it to mommy in bed?" Jasper asked, "sure just let me get her coffee first" Trevor said as he gave Jasper the tray and he carried it carefully while Trevor carried the coffee and Maverick. "Mommy we made you breakfast" Jasper said as he entered the room, "awe thanks baby" Alyssa said as she sat up, Alyssa ate her breakfast sharing it with Jasper and cuddled with him and Maverick, "I have to go to work babe, but I love you and I hope you have a good day" Trevor said giving her a kiss and hugging his kids. "Love you too good luck" Alyssa said knowing he had a court day today. "Mommy can we go swimming today" Jasper asked, "Oh um maybe bud I will have to see" Alyssa said, knowing Skye probably worked and she didn't want to take them to the pool it was to much work. Alyssa was able to compromise with Jasper as she set up a blow up pool in the yard and he loved it. Maverick was also playing in it and Alyssa was able to relax a little as Jasper was just so good with him. "Mommy I think he pooped in the water ew gross" Jasper said, "its okay bud I will clean it out after I change him" Alyssa said as she changed Maverick and refilled the pool for Jasper. They even had a picnic lunch outside and the day went really well. 

Josh and Sophie drove home and Josh made Sophie sing him songs as she blasted the radio and sang to him. "Do you have more songs?" Josh asked, "I do, but I have never sang them to anyone and I am not sure I want to be a singer" Sophie said, "why babe you are amazing" Josh said. "My songs are personal and I never meant for anyone to hear them, I regret putting them in tik tok" Sophie said. "I get that being famous can be hard but my Aunt Skye was able to make it work" Josh said. "I know I spoke to her and she made me rethink the whole thing, I would love to record my songs but I never want them exposed to anyone other than me" Sophie said. "Why don't you ask if you can borrow my aunts studio?" Josh asked, "she already told me I can use it whenever but I am in no hurry to do it. Like I said I don't want to be a singer" Sophie said, "what do you want to be?" Josh asked, "I am not sure yet, I always liked the idea of being a social worker but I don't know" Sophie said. "That is a good job, you can help those less fortunate children" Josh said. "Yeah but I still have 1 more year of high school" Sophie said, "yes and I won't be away as much so maybe we will have more time together" Josh said. "I really hope you get into the NBA" Sophie said, "me too I am not ready to go back to school" Josh said, "well my sexy NBA player we are home" Sophie said as they pulled up to her house. "I will see you later Sophie, I need to go see my family for a bit" Josh said, "Okay I love you" Sophie said giving him a kiss. "I love you too beautiful" Josh said as he drove to his house.

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