Chapter 49

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It was finally Saturday and Sophie woke up early she was so excited to go see Josh today. Ella was up with Carlie and Rocky was getting Oliver breakfast they were hanging out today. Ella was surprised to see Sophie up, "you are up early" she said, "yes it's Saturday and I'm going to see Josh" Sophie said. Rocky felt sick all of a sudden he forgot all about her leaving today, "aw man Sophie do you have to go today?" Rocky said. "Yes daddy you said I could and I miss him, plus he has a game today and I want to watch please don't do this to me" Sophie said. "Alright but remember the rules, no stopping anywhere except the school, you call me or Chase if you are in trouble. No sleeping with Josh and Sophie don't talk to anyone you don't know understood" Rocky said, "yes daddy I know I will see you tomorrow" Sophie said as she climbed into the car and drove away. "She is going to be fine honey" Ella said, "my baby girl is all grown up" Rocky said, Ella laughed he was taking this well but she knew he was going to worry the whole time she was gone.

Sophie was enjoying her drive and the closer she got the more excited she was, of course she was stuck in traffic. There was a road block and she was annoyed as she locked her doors and called her dad. "You are there already?" Rocky questioned, "no I'm stuck in traffic but I just wanted you to know I'm safe" Sophie said, "okay lock your doors and call me again when you are there" Rocky said. Sophie agreed as she hung up and noticed traffic was moving again, it took her another hour but she finally arrived. After calling her dad she parked her car and walked towards the school, she texted Josh already to let him know she was here. Josh met her and picked her up spinning her as he kissed her. "You are so beautiful, I missed you baby girl" Josh said, " I missed you too, do we have time before your game?" Sophie said, "yes my game starts at 3 and it's only 11, let me show you my dorm" Josh said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the school. Once they arrived Sophie noticed the mess in the corner, "damn it I told Dylan to clean that up, that is his side" Josh said, Sophie laughed, "it doesn't bother me, I just want to be with you" Sophie said. "Me too I almost wish I didn't have a game because then I'd have more time with you" Josh said. "No way I came to watch my boyfriend kick some butt and I'm excited for your game" Sophie said, "alright we'll I'm excited for this" Josh said kissing her and making her smile. She did miss him so much and they cuddled and had sex just before Josh had to get ready for the game.

Sophie found Callie and sat with her, "hey girl I am glad you are here Josh has been so sad" Callie said, "well he isn't today, and I'm glad to be here, I'm excited to see him play" Sophie said. "Well they are undefeated so far, I am wondering if you being here will make a difference" Callie said. "You mean like I will bring them bad luck" Sophie said sounding worried, "if anything I think you will bring extra good luck, Josh has not stopped smiling and staring at you" Callie said, "well I hope I am lucky I would hate for them to lose when I am here" Sophie said, Callie laughed, "Josh hates to lose and trust me he will do whatever he can to impress you" Callie said. " he doesn't need to impress me. I feel like he will be just fine and they will win by a landslide" Sophie said. The game started and the Bulldogs were pulling ahead quickly as predicted Josh was playing super well. With Dylan by his side they were unstoppable, " my man being so helpful" Callie said, " yeah they are a really good team. I feel like this game is gonna be over quick." Sophie said, Josh was fouled a bunch and he was able to score a lot of free throws making the score 43 to 20 going into the second half.

The game ended with the Bulldogs winning 72 to 60 and Josh ended up being the MVP like always, Sophie ran up to him, giving him a kiss " you were amazing baby" she said. Josh kissed her back, and smiled " Thanks babe with you here, I feel like I played a lot better." Josh said. "In my opinion you always play awesome I don't think you needed her here." Dylan said. "thanks man I get the dorm tonight." Josh said. "Really I mean come on that's not fair. Where am I supposed to sleep?" Dylan said, " you can still sleep in the dorm. I'm not allowed to spend the night with him. I think I'm bunking with Callie." Sophie said. " if you were to stay in my room, how would your dad know?" Josh asked. "My dad knows everything I'd rather not risk it just in case I I won't get to come back. I want to be able to see you as much as I can before school ends" Sophie said. " yeah and if I get into the basketball camp this summer, it's gonna be a long one without you." "I am sort of hoping my dad might let me stay a little bit longer in the summer if I don't have school but in order for me to prove that I'm trustworthy I need to not rock the boat. So with that being said, I'm spending the night in Callie's dorm" Sophie said. "Good call ok, Dylan until she's in Cali's dorm you stay out of ours" Josh said. "All right fine I'll give it to you. Have fun you two" Dylan said as he took Callie out for dinner. "Let's go eat and then we'll go back to my dorm. I want to spend as much time with you as I can before you leave tomorrow." Josh said. Sophie smiled as she followed him, she would do anything to stay, but she knew she had school on Monday.

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