Chapter 84

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Cassie and little Ryder were able to go home the next day and Cassie was so in love, Cassie decided to stay with her mom for now. "He is so perfect" Katie said as she was currently holding him, "he is isn't he I am so glad I did this" Cassie said. "I am glad too, I just wish your dad was here to see him" Katie said. "Me too I miss him everyday" Cassie said, "I know so do I but I feel like he is inside this little baby and it makes me love him so much more" Katie said. "It is so weird because I felt it too as soon as Dr. Samson told it was a boy I knew that was all dad. I knew instantly that I was going to call him Ryder" Cassie said. "Its perfect because now every time I look at his sweet face I will see your dad and this brings a smile to my face" Katie said as she handed Ryder over to his mom and Cassie fed him. 

Max was home alone as his sisters were in school and both his parents were working, he loved this. It was a little easier for him to get around now using the crutches and he knew if he needed anything Zoe was next door as she agreed to come help. Max heard a knock on the door and he wasn't expecting anyone, "who is it?" he asked, "Lillia" Lillia said, Max opened the door not expecting her. "Hi why are you not in school?" Max asked her, "I had an appointment, I am sorry Max I have been ignoring you" Lillia said. "Its cool I get it and I am not going to pressure you into anything if you like someone else" Max said. "Max, I haven't been ignoring you because I like someone else. I am sorry I had so much fun with you on our date and I do like you a lot actually but I can't help but feel like you might like someone else" Lillia said. "Korra and I are just friends, I don't feel that way for her. I would never have asked you out if I liked her, I am sorry you got that impression. I do really like you Lillia" Max said. "That is good because I really like you too" Lillia said as she kissed him. "Wow" Max said, "you are so cute, anyways I need to go to school now but I can come by later?" Lillia said. "I would love that, but Lillia does this mean you are my girlfriend?" Max asked. "I sure hope so" Lillia said as she walked away, Max closed the door and screamed, "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and he scared Roxy, "oof sorry Roxy" Max said as he sat on the couch with a huge smile on his face. Max was enjoying his day so much more now and he was excited for Lillia to come by after school.

Alyssa was having a hard time with Maverick today he was not feeling good and Trevor was working. Jasper was also running around like crazy and she just needed to do something with him but Maverick was sick. She texted her friends for help,

Alyssa: hey I am hoping someone can help me out! Maverick is sick and Jasper is terrorizing my house. Can someone take Jasper for a few hours please?"

Skye: I am working but Max is at home if you can't find anyone else

Everest: I would take him but I am not exactly the most energetic person these days given that I am 6 months pregnant.

Zoe: I can take him!

Alyssa: thank you Zoe and everyone else, I love you all!

Skye: we need a girls night soon!

Everyone agreed and Alyssa was able to get Jasper into the car, she wanted to take Maverick to the doctor. "Thank you Zoe" Alyssa said as she arrived at her besties house, " no problem I hope Maverick is okay" Zoe said. "Maverick is sick" Jasper said, "I know buddy, do you want to help me make cookies?" Zoe asked, "yes!" Jasper said as he followed Zoe inside and Alyssa drove off with Maverick. Jasper was only interested in helping with cookies for so long, "can we play outside?" Jasper said, "sure bud in a few minutes, I just need to feed Annabelle" Zoe said. "What does she eat?" Jasper asked. "I am giving her a mixture of veggies and chicken blended together" Zoe said. "Yuck" Jasper said, "hey you ate like this once upon a time" Zoe said, "I did?" Jasper said. "Yup you sure did and she eats solids a but she doesn't have all her teeth yet" Zoe said. "Does Maverick have all his?" Jasper asked, "I am not sure, everyone gets them at different times" Zoe said. "I miss school" Jasper said, "you will go back tomorrow the kindergarten class just had a pro d day today" Zoe said. "What is that?" Jasper asked, "an extra day off, so the teachers can get things ready" Zoe said. "Oh, can I eat lunch?" Jasper asked, "sure bud" Zoe said as she cut him so veggies and fruit and gave him a sandwich. She also gave some fruit to Annabelle who made a huge mess with it. After Jasper finished eating Zoe cleaned Annabell up and took the kids outside to play. Anna who was just learning to walk was unsure about the grass, "it won't bite you baby girl" Zoe said. Jasper laughed, "Maverick didn't like the grass either" Jasper said. Zoe laughed she like have Jasper here she felt like he was really smart and he was really good with Annabelle as she watched him play with her. 

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