Chapter 102

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The next few days were hard for everyone as there was still no update on Chase, Skye on left his side to talk to and see there kids. Everyone came by every once in while to bring Skye food and get any sort of update. Ella was there now, "hey honey how are you?" she asked, "I am trying Ella but I am just not sure" Skye said, "I get it your kids are with me tonight so if you need anything just call me" Ella said, "thank you guys so much for caring for them" Skye said, "anytime we know you would to do the same for us" Ella said. Skye hugged her as she sat and stared at her husband, "there is no change at all?" Ella said, "nope and he gets checked on every hour, I mean its been 4 days and he has not shown any signs of movement" Skye said. "This sucks, he has brain function though right?" Ella said, "yes as far as I know he does, and the swelling is going down according to Dr. Shepard so I am holding out so much hope for him" Skye said. "We all are hang in there girl he will pull through" Ella said, "I hope so I am not sure how the kids would take to losing him or me for that matter" Skye said. "The whole town would suffer without Chase, but I get where you are coming from. We love you Skye and Chase and if you need anything don't hesitate to call we will be here for you" Ella said, "thanks" Skye said as Ella left and Skye cried again holding Chase's hand. 

Jax was finally able to leave Katie's clinic and she knew he was anxious to see Chase, she figured it couldn't hurt. Katie drove him to the hospital and Jax being a police dog as given special privileges in the hospital. Katie took him to Chase's room, Skye smiled when he entered and he put his head in Skye's lap, "hey buddy I am glad you are doing better, now if only we can get Chase to wake up too" Skye said as she pet him. Jax whined as he looked at his owner and he carefully put his paws on the bed and licked Chase he knew it wouldn't do much but he wanted Chase to know he was there. Katie hugged her son one more time, "now that Jax is better I am going to stay with the kids at your place I feel like they need their own beds" Katie said, "thanks Katie, please tell them I love them" Skye said, "I will but I think they know that already" Katie said as she hugged her daughter in law. Skye really hoped the feeling of Jax close by would bring Chase back to them as she couldn't bring herself to leave his side.

People kept coming and going in Chase's room everyone at this point just didn't know what else they could do. Max was sitting with his dad, he begged his grandma and she agreed letting Max have today while she took the girls to school. Skye was getting a much needed shower and stuff in, Max was talking to his dad, "you can't leave us now dad not after everything we have been through. You are supposed to be tough and you are my hero! I need you dad please don't leave me" Max said. Dr. Shepard came in and checked Chase again, "Dr. Shepard when will he wake up?" Max said. "I don't now sweetheart, he is showing signs of improvement so I am not losing hope yet" Dr. Shepard said. "He is getting better?" Max said, "yes and no, his  brain swelling has gone down so I am hoping that means he is going to wake up soon, everything else looks good and we are just waiting on him" Dr. Shepard said. "Come on dad wake up please" Max said, Skye came back and hugged Max as they just sat there in silence, Skye was holding his hand and she felt him squeeze it she gasped. "What mom?" Max asked, "I think he just squeezed my hand" Skye said, Max grabbed it and said "Dad?" and he felt it too, "he did I felt it too, mom does this mean he is waking up?" Max said. "I don't know lets call someone in here" Skye said as she pressed the nurse button. "What do you need honey?" a nurse said as she entered the room, "he squeezed our hands" Max said, "I will get the doctor but it could just be a reflex thing" the nurse said. "She knows nothing mom I think he is coming back" Max said, "I hope so bud" Skye said as Dr. Shepard came back into the room.

"I heard he squeezed your hands?" she said, "yes" Max said, Dr. Shepard did an exam and said, "alright this might not be anything but I am going to see if he can breathe on his own, if he can do that then I feel he might wake up soon" Dr. Shepard said as she turned the ventilator off and watched. Chase's vitals remained strong and Max smiled, "see he is in there" he said, "I think he might be out of the woods for right now" Dr. Shepard said removing the breathing tube all together and Chase's vitals remained strong. Skye texted everyone to let them know and everyone was super grateful as they all continued to pray. A few hours after being taken off the ventilator Chase opened his eyes, and now all his kids were there along with Skye and Katie. "Daddy!" Orianna said as she hugged him, Chase hugged her back but Skye noticed he looked confused. "Guys let's let the doctor have a look okay and give daddy some space" Skye said, "but he is awake mom" Max said, "I know but we need to make sure he is all good okay just let's go for a few minutes" Skye said, "I'll take them you stay" Katie said as she took her grandkids out of the room as Dr. Shepard came into the room, "How you feeling?" Dr. Shepard asked, "Sore and confused" Chase said. "I can help with the sore part but what are you confused about?" Dr. Shepard said. "Everything I have no idea what is going on" Chase said, "can you tell me who you are?" Dr. Shepard said, "No" Chase said, Skye felt her heart sink, "you are Chase Chapman and the towns hero as you are the best detective. This is your wife Skye and those were your kids" Dr. Shepard said. "Wife and kids, oh man my head hurts" Chase said as he closed his eyes. Dr. Shepard gave him some pain meds, "the memory loss is understandable given the extent of the head injury I am hoping it is not permanent I will let you get some rest" Dr. Shepard said as she left the room.

"Chase I know all this is hard but your kids aren't going to understand, Max might and he is usually pretty good. Orianna your oldest daughter stresses enough when you are at work she won't handle you not knowing her very well. Lynne and Leila are still young but they are usually pretty good. We all love you so much and we won't overwhelm you and then there is all our friends who are also going to be worried for you" Skye said. "Okay I will try, so you are Skye, and my kids are Max, Olivia, Lynne and Lila?" Chase said, "Orianna and Leila" Skye said, "Okay Lynne and Orianna. I am sorry, but can you tell me what happened and why I am here?" Chase said. "You and your partner Jax went to investigate someone you though to be trapped in a old house. Turns out it was a trap and the house blew up with you inside" Skye said. "Oh man, so someone tried to kill me?" Chase said, "yes it comes with your job I guess you have a new threat every hour. Someone is always trying to kill you" Skye said. "Sounds like I have a pretty exciting job then is my partner okay?" Chase asked, "yes your mom was able to fix him up he is doing better" Skye said. "My mom?" Chase said, "yes she is the town vet" Skye said, "vet so my partner is a?" Chase said. "Dog Chase he is your best friend his name is Jax" Skye said. "This is all a lot to remember" Chase said, "I know but let's just start off small, okay your children are coming back" Skye said. Chase sighed he was not sure how he was going to pull this off and he hoped that theh memory thing was temporary.

"Dad are you okay?" Max asked, "I am sore but I am okay Max" Chase said happy he remembered his name. Orianna climbed onto the bed and hugged him, Chase knew she was the oldest of his daughters and he hugged her back. "We missed you daddy" Orianna said, "I missed you too Orianna" Chase said. Orianna looked at him confused he normally called her princess but she decided to just let it go for now. Lynne jumped up next and Chase looked to Skye and she mouth Lynne to him, "Hi Lynne" Chase said, "Hi daddy I am glad you are better" Lynne said, "I am getting there, Leila are you going to hug me too?" Chase asked and Leila jumped up and hugged him. Skye smiled for someone who didn't have his memory he was doing pretty good. "How you doing sweetie?" Katie said, "I am hanging in there, its all a lot to take in" Chase said, "it is Chase and you mom is going to take the kids home" Skye said helping him out a bit, "right good idea, and mom thanks for fixing up Jax" Chase said. "Your welcome he is going to be very glad you are okay" Katie said hugging him. All his kids hugged him but Max felt something was wrong but he knew he had to go with his grandma.

"You did good there Chase" Skye said, "thanks I tried and Lynne and Leila are going to be a problem to tell a part" Chase said. "You will get there Lynne is more quiet and Leila is a daredevil. Oh and you also call Orianna princess" Skye said. "Right okay, I am going to get some rest Skye" Chase said as he fell asleep. Skye kissed his head and texted her friends to let them know. She didn't want them to overwhelm him but she knew they would understand. Cassie came into the room with Ryder and sat beside brother. "I am glad you are awake" Cassie said, Chase opened his eyes he heard a baby. "Hi" he said, "hi you scared me you know" Cassie said, "sorry um I don't really know who you are" Chase said, "yeah Skye mentioned that, I am your sister Cassie and this here is your nephew Ryder Chase Chapman" Cassie said, "Ryder Chase that name sounds familiar" Chase said, "yes he is named after dad and you" Cassie said, "oh, dad where is he?" Chase said, "he died Chase just a little over 6 months ago" Cassie said. "Oh man I feel like there is just so much" Chase said. "Its okay Chase you will get there we all understand and you take as much time as you need" Cassie said, "thanks I just hate not remembering my kids I mean I feel like I am forced to be fake in front of them" Chase said. "No don't be they are all pretty smart Chase and they will figure it out just be yourself and I know they will do whatever they need to in order to help you" Cassie said. "Thanks Cassie, is he okay?" Chase asked referring to his nephew who was crying. "Yeah he is fine he cries like all the time" Cassie said, "Oh poor guy" Chase said, "yeah here want to hold him" Cassie said, "Ooh um" Chase said as Cassie handed her over. Ryder stopped crying almost immediately, "well looks like even despite everything you have been through you still have the baby touch" Cassie said. "Baby touch?" Chase said giving her a confused look, "yup you are the baby whisperer Chase, they somehow just calm down when you are holding them" Cassie said. Skye came back into the room, "you look good holding a baby" Skye said. "Well I have enough on my plate as it is" Chase said. "No its okay I can't have anymore kids anyways but Chase I am going to go home and explain things to the kids. Are you okay here?" Skye asked, "yes I am good" Chase said as he handed Ryder back over to his sister and she kissed his head before leaving. Skye gave Chase a kiss and she also left. 

Chase sighed and fell asleep hoping that when he woke up he would have his memories back and he could put all this stuff behind him. 

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