Chapter 91

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It was what Chase was hoping to be a regular day he was sending it with Leila, and she was super excited. "Daddy can we go to the park?" Leila asked, "sure but nothing crazy okay I don't need you getting hurt" Chase said. "Daddy I am a big girl now I won't get hurt" Leila said, "you might be a big girl but doing crazy things at the park could wind up getting you hurt" Chase said. "I won't be crazy I promise" Leila said, Chase took her to the park and of course she was hanging upside down on the monkey bars. "Leila I don't like this" Chase said, "Daddy I am fine watch me" Leila said as she jumped down. Chase was having a hard time watching her but she was actually very careful while she was doing it, Chase's phone rang and he answered. "Detective Chapman" he said, "Detective you should be watching all your daughters instead of just the one" a male voice said. "Who the hell is this?" Chase said looking around but not seeing anyone, "come to your house and find out" the male said as he hung up. "Leila we need to go" Chase said grabbing her hand and not letting her have a chance to protest. Chase walked in the door and Skye looked at him, "everything okay?" she asked, "I don't know I received this weird call where is Orianna?" Chase asked only seeing Lynne. "She went to her friends house, what is happening Chase?" Skye said. "Skye as of right now I don't know okay, keep Lynne and Leila in the house and do not open the door, got it" Chase said. "Yes but you are scaring me" Skye said, "I know" Chase said as he ran out the door with Jax. Skye locked the door behind him, and she was worried now as Chase didn't give her much information.

"Jax find Orianna" Chase said and his pup ran off as Chase followed, it didn't take long for them to find Orianna and she was with her friend. "Daddy what is going on?" Orianna asked, "nothing princess, I just received a weird phone call" Chase said. "Okay but can I stay at Penelope's?" Orianna asked, "I don't know I would feel more comfortable with you at home where I can keep you safe" Chase said. "Safe from what?" Orianna asked, "I don't know yet come on let's go" Chase said. "I guess I am leaving by Penelope" Orianna said as she went home with her dad, Chase was now more confused than ever. He called the number into Ian, and he traced it back to a burner phone so there was nothing to go off. Chase and Orianna made it home, and Skye looked at him. "I don't know Skye okay" Chase said, "I am just wondering, I have things to do outside of the house" Skye said, "then go do it" Chase said, "you told me to stay here" Skye said, "I just need the girls to stay" Chase said, "okay I will be back then" Skye said as she left, "Daddy what is happening?" Lynne asked as she was supposed to go with her mom. "I don't know daddy received a weird call" Chase said. "Did it involve us somehow?" Leila asked, "yes it did actually and now I am not sure" Chase said. The girls were bored they wanted to go outside and play, "daddy can we go build a snowman?" Lynne asked, "I guess we can go outside" Chase said as he didn't even really know who the threat was or if it was some sort of prank. 

As soon as they went outside there was a teenager waiting for them, "well I guess now you have them all, tell me detective which one do you want me to get rid of" the boy said. "Really? I mean what a question to ask, girls go inside" Chase said. "No that is not how it works" the boy said as he pulled out a gun. "I am not even going to ask how you were able to obtain that but lets talk about this while my kids head inside" Chase said. Lynne and Orianna were able to get inside but Leila hesitated, "daddy come with us" she said, "I will" Chase said as the teen shot the gun and it went off before Chase could react, "OW, Daddy" Leila started to cry, Chase looked at her and she was hit in the leg. "What the hell!" Chase said as he ran to his daughter, "Daddy it hurts, daddy" Leila said crying, "I know baby, this detective chapman badge 457 I need an ambulance and an officer at my house now" Chase said. "They are on their wait detective, before Chase could do anything else the teen ran off, "daddy" Leila cried, "its going to be okay baby" Chase said as he tried to figure out where she was hurt, Chase didn't know who the teen was either and he had no idea what he wanted. The paramedic arrived, "Daddy it hurts" Leila said, "Jessie she was hit but I can't figure out where and I see no blood" Chase said, Jessie lifted her pant leg up, "I think it was a bb gun" Jessie said, "really so she wasn't actually shot?" Chase said, "well she was but not by a real bullet, she is going to have a nasty bruise but I think she should be okay. I can give her some meds for the discomfort" Jessie said, "Yes please do that, you are going to be okay Leila" Chase said. "Daddy it hurt me" Leila said, "I know lets just be glad it was not a real gun" Chase said. He knew Skye would be mad as now another threat hurt another one of his kids and Chase still had no idea who this teen was and why he used a decrypted voice on the phone. 

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