Chapter 108

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Skye made coffee while Chase sat on the couch, he was scratching Jax's ears, Lynne was the first downstairs followed by Leah. "Morning daddy" Lynne said, "morning Lynne" Chase said, "Hi daddy" Leila said, "Hi Leila" Chase said. "He still knows us Lynne we can't trick him" Leila said, "you trying to trick me?" Chase asked them. "Yes we want to know if we trick you and you know who we are does that mean your memory is back?" Lynne said, Chase looked to Skye and she shook her head she wanted them all here first. Orianna came down next, "Hi daddy" Orianna said, "Morning princess, did you sleep good?" Chase asked her, "yeah I think so" Orianna said sitting on the couch. "Daddy how come Jax is cuddling you?" Orianna asked, "I think he just misses me" Chase said, "I miss you to even though you are here" Orianna said, Jax looked at them confused and barked. "Is he okay?" Lynne asked, "yeah he is fine, Jax go get Max" Chase said as his pup ran up the stairs, he was able to get into Max's room and with the help of Rex they managed to wake up Max.

"Why leave me alone" Max whined as he rolled over, Jax was not having it and he grabbed the blanket with his teeth and pulled. "JAX! DAD!" Max said, Chase laughed his pup was really taking his job seriously. Max groaned as he climbed out of bed he knew Jax was there for a reason, and he figured he best just go downstairs. "Why?" Max said, "so we could have breakfast as a family" Skye said. "Seriously?" Max whined, "Oh stop it would you, let's enjoy this while we can before your dad gets called back to work" Skye said. "Wait you are going back to work?" Max said, "I am, are you guys okay with that?" Chase asked. "No" Orianna said, "wait do you remember?" Max asked. "What am I remembering?" Chase asked, "everything dad do you have your memories back?" Max asked. Chase smiled, "YES!" the kids cheered, "so does this mean you know who hurt you?" Max said. "What do you mean?" Chase asked, "well who put the bomb in the house" Max said. "Someone bombed the house? I thought it was just old and had an electrical surge or something" Chase said. "I think it was bombed and Callie caught him dad" Max said. Chase looked to Skye, "go we will be fine" she said, knowing now that he wanted to go find out. Chase had that look in his eyes and Skye knew best not to argue with him, "so much for breakfast" Orianna said giving her brother a death glare.

Chase and Jax made it to the station, "Hey Chase welcome back" Jess said, "thanks is the chief here?" Chase asked. "Yes in his office" Jess said as Chase went in, "Chase are you back?" the chief said noticing him. "I am but what is this I heard about a bomb being in that house?" Chase said. "Well we don't know for sure we couldn't find anything, but as far as the firefighters said there was no other reason that house would have exploded the way it did" the chief said. "Max told me Callie got him?" Chase said, "she arrested someone but we had no proof so we couldn't hold him" the chief said. "Who?" Chase said, "Jayce" the chief said, "I am not surprised honestly, I will be back" Chase said. "Please don't do anything illegal, his parents are already unhappy" the chief said. "I can't promise anything but I will get a confession out of him" Chase said as he took of with Jax. Chase arrived at Jayce's house and his dad answered the door, "Detective what now?" Joel said. "I almost died you realize that right, your son tried to kill me and you are going to let him get away with that?" Chase said. "There was no proof to that! He is 17 years old what purpose does he have to kill you?" Joel said, "I am not sure, but he did stab and almost rape my niece so he is capable I am sure" Chase said. "He is already paying for that too, honestly don't you think you've done enough?" Joel said. "Let me talk to him" Chase said, "why so your dog can attack him again" Joel said. "Jax will not attack unless I command him too and I won't" Chase said. "Fine, Jayce come here" Joel said as Jayce came to the door. 

Jayce looked terrified for a second, "yeah you should be scared, what did you think was going to happen? Did you really think you would get away with that?" Chase said, "I have no idea what you are talking about" Jayce said, "Like hell you don't what if I told you there was a witness and they saw everything" Chase said. "I would say you are lying" Jayce said, "what am I lying about?" Chase said trying to catch him in a lie himself. "There was no one there I made sure of it" Jayce said then he realized what he just said. His dad gave him a look of disbelief, "Jayce are you kidding me?" Joel said. "I didn't mean that, I just" Jayce said, "Save it Jayce you are under arrest for attempted murder. There will be a hearing and you could be tried as an adult, you have the right to an attorney which I assume you have one" Chase said, "yes he does, Jayce do not say anything else" Joel said as Chase took him to jail. Joel met them there with their lawyer, "how did you get him to confess" Ian asked. "I didn't exactly just caught him in a lie, I am hoping he will confess here" Chase said. As the chief and the lawyer questioned him, "did you bomb the house Jayce?" his lawyer asked, "no" Jayce said, "lying at this point will only make it worse" his lawyer said. "Okay fine I did, I wanted him to die okay, I still do!" Jayce said, his lawyer shook his head at this point there was nothing more to do. Jayce would be facing criminal charges and most likely end up in a high security prison as he was a threat to Chase and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. 

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