Chapter 96

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Josh was having a hard time on this road trip, he missed Sophie more and more now that she was pregnant. "You are worried for her aren't you?" Angela said, "yeah, I am not even sure I know what is going to happen next year" Josh said. "Next year you will have a cute little baby joining us, trust me you are not the first NBA player to have a kid" Angela said. "I am probably the youngest" Josh said, "maybe but you are going to be just fine and we will all help you" Angela said. "Speak for yourself I hate kids" Rory said, "you do not" Angela said, "how would you know?" Rory said to his girl, "because you still are a kid!" Angela said, "oh whatever babe" Rory said and Josh laughed, they finally made it to LA and they would be playing the lakers tonight.

Word had got out that Sophie was pregnant around school and no one was making it easier for her, "serves her right, I mean I just feel bad for Josh" one girl said. "Why?" her friend said to her, "he just started his career and his girlfriend which he should never should have had by the way couldn't stand the thought of losing him so she did this on purpose" the girl said. Marley wanted to say something but Sophie stopped her, "don't its not worth it you and I both know I didn't do this on purpose. Josh is fine with it and as scared as I am we are going to get through this together let them think what they want" Sophie said. "I hate how everyone is so quick to judge like it bugs me" Marley said. "Its fine I don't care and its my life" Sophie said, "I will be there for you" Marley said. "Thanks and this is why you are my best friend" Sophie said, "yeah it is to bad we couldn't convince Dylan to like me" Marley said. "To be honest I don't think Dylan will ever get over Callie" Sophie said. "I guess I just wish I could have a boyfriend like you" Marley said, "girl you will one day don't worry, we are only 17 years old" Sophie said. "I know but still prom is coming up and I have no date" Marley said. "You and me both we can go together" Sophie said, "Josh isn't going with you?" Marley said. "I don't know why would he even want to he had his prom" Sophie said. "Yes and you went with him the least he could do is return the favor" Marley said. "Meh it doesn't matter to me" Sophie said as the bell rang and class was starting. 

Max was finally able to enjoy school again he of course hated dealing with the love triangle he had managed to get himself caught in. Even though he told Korra he just wanted to be friends he could feel how much she hate Lillia. It bothered him but there was nothing he could do about his feelings he cared for Lillia and he cared for Korra but in different ways, Korra was one of his best friends but Lillia was his girlfriend. "Max, I don't think Korra will ever like me" Hunter said, "sorry dude, I have told her that I am not interested but there is only so much I can do" Max said. "She still doesn't get it even though you have a girlfriend" Hunter said. "I know" Max said as Lillia came up to him "hi boo" Lillia said, "hello" Max said as he hugged her, "okay well I have somewhere else to be" Hunter said walking away. "Max, I am having a party at my house this weekend I want you to come" Lillia said. "Cool I will be there" Max said, "cool and you can bring Hunter" Lillia said. "Right but not Korra?" Max said, "no I don't like her Lillia said, "she is my friend" Max said. "Who has as massive crush on you and you are my boyfriend I thought but by all means if you want to he her friend then we can't be together" Lillia said. "Wait stop you can't force me stop being her friend" Max said, "your right I can't but if you want to keep me as your girl then you will" Lillia said giving him a kiss before walking away. Max didn't like this at all and he at this point didn't know if he even want her to be his girlfriend anymore.

Owen rushed home after school he wanted to check on his little sister, "hey bud what is the rush?" Marshall said as he saw him run into the house. "Nothing" Owen said as went over to Evelynn who was awake at the moment. "He really is amazing with her" Everest said as she sat down, "reminds me of Josh and Riley when we brought her home" Marshall said, "yes and I think they were the same age" Everest said. "We have great kids" Marshall said, "yes we do" Everest said as she kissed Marshall and handed Owen a bottle so he could feed his sister. "For someone who wasn't sure about her he is amazing" Marshall said, "I knew from the minute he saw her he would be hooked" Everest said. "Go get some rest babe I have them" Marshall said, "thanks" Everest said as she ran upstairs to take a nap. Marshall started on dinner and Owen was cuddling with Evelynn and she fell asleep in his arms, in this moment Marshall new Evelynn would be okay as she had the best siblings.

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