Chapter 83

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The day was getting away from Chase and he was no where near solving this case, even with Callie and Melissa's help. Chase decided to go home and get some sleep as it was currently 1 am and he was tired. Callie and Melissa also went home but Callie couldn't stop thinking about the case. "Why would someone do this? Like I just don't understand and being a cop is hard sometimes and I don't get how my uncle can do this all the time. I like just being a regular cop the whole murder thing is hard" Callie said to herself as she lay on her bed. She kept thinking about the case and she fell asleep having a dream. Skye could tell that Chase was stressed when he lay down and she cuddled him. "You okay?" she asked him, "yeah just I have nothing to go on and I have 2 dead couples and I just don't get why we have nothing. Whoever did this really covered there tracks the only we have is the victims knew each other" Chase said. "You will figure it out I know it" Skye said as she kissed him and they both fell asleep. Chase felt like he barely slept at all before his phone rang again. "Detective Chapman" he answered, "Chase I found something out that might be able to help us" Ian said, Chase yawned, "I am coming" he said as he looked at the time it was 5 am. He rolled out of bed and ran out the door with Jax, and found Ian at the station. "What do you have?" Chase asked, "first I think that whoever did this didn't expect the men to be there. The women were the target and I am not sure he meant to kill them, but this one here he left some DNA behind it was small amount but I was able to get a hit off it. I suggest for this one maybe taking some back up" Ian said. "Why who is it?" Chase said, Ian showed Chase a name and he just couldn't believe it. 

Chase sighed as he had Callie and Melissa with him, Chase was going to do some looking around while Callie and Melissa asked some questions. Callie knocked on the door and a young teen answered, "what?" he said. "Hello, Duke we are here to ask you some questions" Callie said, "about what it is 7 am!" the Duke said, "yes sorry to wake you, we are just trying to figure out what happened to 2 of your neighbours yesterday and we were hoping you could tell us" Melissa said. "I know nothing" the duke said as he closed the door, "Jean-claude we might be in trouble" the duke said to his pet as he tried to run out the back door. "Going somewhere?" Chase asked him as he was there, "oh um no" the duke said, "I hate to ask about your where about yesterday duke but since your shoes match the prints we found at the scene you are under arrest" Chase said. "You have nothing" the duke said as he tried to run but Melissa and Callie were still there and he was taken into custody. It didn't take long before he confessed to killing them and he didn't mean to do it but at this point it was to late. "Thanks for the help ladies" Chase said, "I am glad it was solved" Callie said, "want to be a detective yet?" Chase asked his niece, "No way not for me, I mean I will help where I can but its not what I imagined when I wanted to be a cop" Callie said. "I hear you its not all that glamourous and its not for everyone" Chase said knowing his job was hard but he liked it and loved being able to help people when he could.

Chase went home and found Max asleep on the couch, Skye was at work and his sister's were at school. There was a knock on the door and Chase opened it, "hey long time no see, is Skye around?" Coral said. "Nope she is at work, what can I do for you?" Chase said, "nothing really I was just hoping to catch up with Skye I have loads to tell her" Coral said, "she should be home later" Chase said, "thanks, I heard from here what happened to Max how is he doing?" Coral asked. "He is getting stronger everyday" Chase said, "that is great to here well I will be by later on" Coral said. Chase still felt uneasy about her but when she was away for work she kept in contacted with Skye and his wife trusted her. It was just her choice in men that was questionable. Max woke up and saw his dad, "oh I thought I was alone" Max said, "you were for a bit" Chase said. "Did you solve the case?" Max asked, "I did how did therapy go today?" Chase asked, "It was hard, she made me so tired, we did the stairs today" Max said. "That is good you still need the crutches?" Chase asked, "yeah but I am getting stronger" Max said, "that is good I am glad, what do you want for lunch?" Chase asked. "It don't care" Max said and Chase went to make his famous grilled cheese. 

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