Chapter 15

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Hunter's POV

We are in the middle of eating our dinner. Harper is sitting between Liddy and I. Devo is sitting on the end next to me and Andy is located on the other end of the table, next to Liddy. Matt, Steve and East are sitting across from us. The conversation is going well. I can tell the guys are really starting to feel comfortable around Lid. They are teasing her and she's giving it right back to them.

"So Liddy, who was the guy you were saying goodbye to earlier?" Matt asked

"That was Craig, my boyfriend."

"What does he do for work?" Steve asks.

"He's an accountant."

"Cool" Matt says before taking a bit of his pasta dish. "I'd like to meet him sometime."

"I can do that. I'll be sure to introduce him to you and the rest of the band, the next time we are in Nashville."

"Did you get a chance to meet Kelly yet? Andy asks.

Liddy looks bewildered. "No, who's Kelly?"

"Oh, she's the pretty blonde who's dating Hunter." Matt eagerly replies. "You might have seen her. She was hanging around Harper and Hunter the whole time we were getting ready to leave."

I am starting to get uncomfortable. I don't like where this conversation is going.

"So Hunter, are you and Kelly still only dating or is she your girlfriend now? From the kiss you two shared I would say things are heating up." Matt says with a smirk.

Yup, I was afraid this was coming. I blush. I really don't want to have this conversation, especially in front of Liddy. "Matt, let's talk about this another time, when little ears aren't around." I look at Harper and Matt immediately understands.

"Sure, but I won't let it rest until we get the whole scoop."

That's just great, I don't even know what's up with Kelly. How can I explain it to them.

The waiter stops by and asks if we want dessert. Everyone says no, except for Devo, so he orders his to go. I pay the check and we all head back to our buses. I am carrying Harper because she is half asleep.

When Liddy and I reach my bus, I pass Harper off to her and grab Cole to take him for one more walk before we take off. By the time I get back, Liddy has changed Harper into her yellow nightshirt with the words "Daddy's Girl" written on it.

I hear them heading towards the bathroom talking about brushing Harps' teeth. I quickly remove Cole's leash and tell the bus driver we are ready to leave. Then I hurry to help Liddy. I know how much Harper hates brushing her teeth. As I stand in the doorway of the cramped bathroom I am amazed. Liddy has everything under control. Harper was a bit fussy at first, but Lid was patient with her and before I knew it, Harper was all done and ready for me to sing her to sleep. I am impressed.

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