Chapter 20

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Hunter's POV

I just got off the phone with my mom. She told me the whole story about Harper. How she cried for hours until Liddy finally figured out that Harps was upset about Jazzy, her stuffed horse having a hole in her ear. Renee, my mom and probably even I couldn't have figured it out, but she did. Liddy just amazes me. We are so lucky to have her in our lives.

I want to do something nice for her to thank her for all her help with Harper. I think when we're on our Thanksgiving break from the tour I'm going to take her to MK's. It's the #1 restaurant in Nashville right now. I'm not sure how long the waitlist is to get in, but I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes to get a reservation. If it requires some name dropping, which I normally don't like to do, I'll do it. Liddy's worth it.

My mom also told me that Craig and Lid had a big fight. He left her at my place. Her sister came to get her. She told my parents that Craig had an appointment he was late for and that's why he left without saying goodbye. What Liddy doesn't know is that my dad accidentally over heard part of the argument they were having while in the apartment. I guess Craig doesn't understand Lid's attachment to Harper. From what my dad could tell Craig resents Harper and isn't happy that she took this nanny job.

I'm really not surprised with Craig's reaction. Ever since Liddy shared with me that Craig doesn't really like kids I suspected they would eventually start having problems. It reminds me of Renee and I. It's better they realize their issues now rather than later. Although I wouldn't trade Harper for anything in the world, divorce is hard on everyone involved. I'd hate to see Liddy go through it. To be perfectly honest, I would hate to see her married to Craig.

"Hunter, are you already for your Meet and Greet? It starts in 10 minutes."

"I sure am Betsy. Thanks for checking."

"I know I made today and tomorrow super busy for you. I hope you don't mind. I just thought if your schedule was packed you would have less time to worry about Harper."

"It's fine, I figured that's what you did and I appreciate it, but please don't do it again. There was an incident earlier with Harper and my family needed to get a hold of me and they couldn't. She's fine now thanks to Liddy, but I feel really bad that I wasn't there for Harper. So in the future, just a normal schedule will be fine. Okay?"

"Absolutely Hunter. I am so sorry! I am glad to hear that Harper is okay. Do you want me to see if I can reschedule anything for tomorrow?"

"No, hopefully everything will be fine. They come home tomorrow night, thank goodness." I miss Harps so much. I pull out my cell phone and smile. I have just enough time to call my little princess.

The Next Day

Liddy's POV

"Liddy, what are thinking about?" My sister asks.

"What do you think? Craig. The argument we had yesterday made me realize a few things that I didn't want to see about our relationship."

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