2: Eternal Grief

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

"No-no-no-no-no-no... Ian, you're joking!" Henwy exclaimed. "I'm serious... the serial killer overpowered them, we've lost them."

Without hesitation, Henwy rushed to the scene, finding his lifeless friends lying on the ground.










They're gone.


I should have gone with them.


Now, they're gone because of me.


"It's not your faul-" SSundee began, about to reassure Henwy with his hand, but Henwy pushed it away, not seeking comfort. With resolve, he instructed SSundee to take their bodies back to the base, where they'd rest in their own bedrooms, lifeless, while he pondered ways to bring them back. "Henwy, that's impossible. You can't bring someone back," SSundee insisted. "It's possible. It's just... impossible," Henwy replied, his determination unwavering.

With the Regulars no longer with him, Henwy was forever changed. Their deaths, along with Loaf and Pat's, had a profound impact on him. He trained harder, ate only when compelled to do so, but life without his friends was never the same.

Henwy sat near the balcony, where he used to gather with his friends. SSundee approached him, knelt down, and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I've said this many times, Henwy. We can't bring them back, I'm sorry," SSundee said with a look of despair in his eyes.

"You won't know until you try, Ian," Henwy replied, standing up and walking away. SSundee stopped him by grabbing his hand. "You have to let go of the past. Stop dwelling on them. Just like you said, we shouldn't fixate on our comrades' deaths but focus on our main goal: defeating the serial killers at all costs."

"I may have said that, but they weren't in my life for long. I've known the Regulars for years, and I can't bear to forget them," Henwy hissed. "As I said..."

"I will avenge them, no matter what."

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