116: Blossoms of Reflection

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After the battle, the assassins and serial killers joined bases, now the bases could move with the prick of a guitar string, like they used to have it last time. After the deaths of a few of the assassins and serial killers, SSundee's leader role remains, and now Slogo takes over the vice-leader role again like he did in the past.

In the following days, the fighters took time to pay tribute to their fallen friends. Cherry blossom trees, a symbol of remembrance and friendship, were planted across the base. Each tree held a plaque with the names of those who had sacrificed their lives for a cause greater than themselves.

Nico and Biffle hurried through the maze of cherry blossom trees, their footsteps muffled by the soft carpet of fallen petals. They found Sigils standing in his usual spot, a serene oasis amidst the chaos of their world. But something was different about him. His silhouette against the fading light was hauntingly unfamiliar.

"Biffle, look," Nico whispered, pointing towards Sigils.

Biffle's heart sank as he saw the figure standing before them. Sigils, once vibrant and full of life, now seemed shrouded in shadows.

His usual attire was overshadowed by a coat of many colors, reminiscent of Henwy's signature garment. But what caught their attention the most was the blind eye, a stark reminder of the sacrifices made in their line of work.

"S-Sigils?" Biffle called out tentatively.

The figure turned, revealing Sigils's weary face. His gaze, once sharp and piercing, now held a hint of resignation.

"Nico, Biffle," he greeted softly, "I didn't expect to see you here."

"We were worried when we didn't see you at the table," Nico said, his voice filled with concern.

Sigils sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I needed some time alone," he admitted. "To... to think."

Nico stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on Sigils' shoulder. "You don't have to face this alone, Sigils. We're here for you."

As they stood in the midst of the cherry blossoms, SSundee approached, his expression somber.

"Sigils," he began, "can I ask you something?"

Sigils nodded, his gaze fixed on SSundee.

"Why did you think I made Henwy a coat like that?" SSundee inquired, gesturing towards the vibrant garment.

Sigils furrowed his brow in confusion. "I... I didn't realize the significance," he confessed. "I thought it was just... random colors."

Slogo joined them, his expression grave. "Each color on the coat represents someone's favorite color," he explained gently. "Red for Nico, green for you, and blue for Biffle."

Sigils's eyes widened in realization, the weight of his actions settling heavily upon him. "And the yellow? Is it representing him?" he questioned, his voice barely a whisper.

Slogo hesitated, his gaze flickering towards Nico. "Yellow... yellow represents Crainer. Crainer was the person who taught Henwy to be an assassin when he first joined," he revealed quietly.

(And I thought it was Slogo who would teach hi-)

(I'm gonna stop talking now-)

A pang of guilt pierced Sigils's heart as he remembered the friend who had stood by his side in the darkest of times. He had failed them all, Henwy most of all.

"We... we owe him an apology. The apology we said to Henwy wasn't good enough," Nico murmured, his voice thick with regret.

The realization hung heavy in the air as they stood beneath the blossoming trees, their shadows stretching long into the evening. Determined to make amends, Sigils, Nico, and Biffle each donned a piece of Henwy's essence – the coat, a necklace, and the responsibility of caring for his cat, Koda.

Later, as the fighters gathered for their final meeting, a sense of finality hung in the air. SSundee and Slogo stood before them, their voices steady as they delivered their proclamation.

"The time has come," SSundee declared, his tone firm. "The fighters shall be disbanded."

There were murmurs of agreement amongst the assembled group, a mixture of relief and sadness in their eyes.

Sigils stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over his comrades. "But let us not dwell on the past," he suggested, a hint of optimism in his voice. "Instead, let us embrace the future. Let us go out and enjoy the peace we have fought so hard to achieve."

The suggestion was met with nods of approval, the tension of the past months slowly dissipating.

But as they made their way towards the night market, a piercing scream shattered the tranquility of the evening.

The fighters exchanged worried glances, their instincts kicking into overdrive as they rushed towards the source of the sound.

And as they disappeared into the shadows, the cherry blossoms whispered secrets of the past, their petals falling like tears upon the earth below.




To be continued...?

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