111: Final Battle Arc; Final Resolve

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"Enough games," Asmodeus growled, his voice reverberating through the chaos. With a sweep of his massive wings, he unleashed a torrent of dark energy, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

Mitzefy, her resolve burning bright, charged forward once more, her sword flashing in the dim light. She aimed for Asmodeus' weakened side, determined to land a decisive blow.

"You won't defeat us!" she shouted, her voice ringing out with defiance.

But Asmodeus was quick to react, his remaining tentacles lashing out in a whirlwind of motion. Mitzefy dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding the deadly strikes.

Henwy, his resolve unwavering, engaged Asmodeus in a fierce duel. With every swing of his sword, he aimed to strike a blow against the demon king's tyranny. Asmodeus, however, proved to be a formidable opponent, his strength seemingly limitless.

Henwy darted forward, his blade gleaming in the dim light, as he aimed a precise strike at Asmodeus. The demon king, however, anticipated the attack and swiftly countered, sending Henwy staggering backward with a deep gash across his chest.

Sigils, witnessing Henwy's injury, felt a surge of desperation. "We can't keep going like this," he muttered to himself, his mind racing for a plan.

Meanwhile, Mitzefy, fueled by fury and determination, launched herself at Asmodeus from the side. With a ferocious yell, she swung her broken sword with all her might, aiming for the demon's vulnerable spots.

Asmodeus, caught off guard by Mitzefy's relentless assault, stumbled backward, a growl of frustration escaping his lips. He retaliated with a powerful blast of dark energy, sending Mitzefy tumbling to the ground.

Sigils, seeing Mitzefy in danger, rushed to her side. "Are you okay?" he asked urgently, helping her to her feet.

Mitzefy nodded, her gaze never leaving Asmodeus. "I'm fine," she replied, her voice filled with determination. "But we need to keep fighting. We can't let him win."

But as the battle raged on, Asmodeus seemed to only grow stronger, his dark powers swirling around him like a malevolent storm. The group, battered and bruised, began to falter under the relentless onslaught.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a sudden flash of light illuminated the battlefield. A figure emerged from the shadows, wielding a sword wreathed in flames.

It was Tubbo, his eyes blazing with determination as he stepped forward to face Asmodeus. "I won't let you destroy everything we've fought for," he declared, his voice ringing out with unwavering resolve.

With a sudden surge of power, Asmodeus unleashed his final form. Wings unfurled, additional tentacles writhed, and pet dragons circled menacingly. The ground trembled as a dragon crashed down, causing a destructive earthquake.

Nico, still recovering, found himself on a precarious building that crumbled beneath him. As he fell towards certain doom, a swift figure intervened, scooping him out of harm's way. Nico's vision cleared, revealing Loaf's mutilated face.

"Loaf! You saved me," Nico exclaimed, his gratitude mixed with horror at Loaf's injuries.

"Loaf! Your face-!" Nico exclaimed, but the assassin, unfazed, replied, "Focus on the fight. I've got a good sense of hearing and touch; I can handle this."

Loaf swiftly engaged Asmodeus in a one-on-one battle, dodging the demon's attacks with uncanny precision. Sigils rushed to assist, splitting Asmodeus' attention.

Muzan, infuriated by the simple animal's ability to dodge his attacks, confronted Loaf. "How can a mere dog outmaneuver me?"

Meanwhile, Nico, concerned for Loaf's well-being, observed Asmodeus' gradual weakening. The aging potion's effects were evident, but Nico noticed a strange transformation in the demon's body—old scars surfaced across his form.

"Loaf, we need to exploit his weakness!" Nico shouted, determined to aid his rescuer.

Asmodeus, realizing the impact of the aging potion, grew frustrated at his inability to finish off the seriously wounded humans. The fighters, fueled by their tenacity, pressed on.

Crainer, Henwy, and the others rallied together, pushing back against Asmodeus. The battlefield was chaotic, with tentacles lashing out unpredictably. Slogo, despite his worry for Zud and Crainer, joined the relentless assault.

Slogo's voice rose above the din, "Keep pushing, find any weaknesses!"

Biffle, Mitzefy, and Nico coordinated their attacks, the group showcasing an unwavering determination to triumph. Even as Sigils mourned the injuries to his friends, he fought with a renewed fervor.

Henwy, undeterred by the demon's taunts, faced Asmodeus with determination. Sigils, grasping Henwy's hand, pleaded again, "Don't die."

Henwy, confident yet realistic, replied, "I can't promise that." He charged at Asmodeus, ready to defy the demon king.

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