35: Unraveling the Mystery

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Kate's skeptical gaze lingered on the note in SSundee's hand. "Eeeh? Are you sure that's Henwy's handwriting?" she questioned.

"I'm pretty sure it is. I know it!" Zud confirmed.

"So this is Henwy's handwriting? So that means he was the leader!" Kate asserted.

SSundee, wearing a furrowed brow, interjected, "But I don't get it."

"What?" Zud questioned.

"If Henwy was the leader, why did he make me the leader? I'm being completely honest, though; Henwy does make a great leader." SSundee inquired, confusion reflected in their eyes.

"Oh, that's right," Zud replied.

"But actually, why did he make you the leader? If we were all to be honest here, Henwy has great leadership because he's the high-ranked assassin."

"Uh, hello? I'm here!" Kate reminded.

"Sorry," Zud apologized.

"Let's hold a meeting. Maybe we'll get to the bottom of this, or maybe someone knows the reason why," SSundee suggested, and the others agreed.

Gathered in the meeting room, SSundee took charge. "Kate, Zud, and I have been researching, and we've figured out something." He gestured to Zud and Kate, signaling them to share their findings.

"I'll start. The serial killer base currently was actually our old base, but the vice leader in the 2015-2020 batch decided to evade their base and find a new one since their base was exposed. The serial killers have managed to make their base an endlessly vast extra-dimensional space. It can move, shut doors, teleport serial killers, and confuse victims who enter their base," Zud began.

"Hey, Nico, do you remember if the base moved when you were disguised as a serial killer?" Jerome asked.

"I think so... only the doors, though. I heard a pluck of a string, and then the doors will either open or close," Nico recalled.

"Well, that theory is confirmed. I thought it was fake," SSundee replied. "Continue, Kate."

"Apparently when Ian became the assassin leader, he wasn't declared the leader in front of the former assassin leader. The former assassin leader gave it to someone else, but we don't know what happened to the newly declared assassin leader, as he left a note for Ian saying that he made a better leader," Kate continued.

"Wow, what a coward," Sigils jeered.

"Sigils, that person is Henwy," Kate replied.

"Wait, what?!" Everyone exclaimed, with Sigils being the most shocked.

"Henwy was the assassin leader? But then he gave up the leadership role?" Ambrew asked.

"Henry's not like that. I know it! Why would he reject being a leader?" Mitzefy stated.

"How are you so sure the one who made Ian the assassin leader by note was Henwy?!" GarryBlox asked.

"Read the note he gave me," SSundee replied, placing the note on the table.

Everyone read the note SSundee placed down, but some of them couldn't recognize the handwriting, except the Regulars.

"Yeah, this is Henwy's handwriting!" Nico confirmed.

"I still don't understand why. Who would dismiss an opportunity like this?" Biffle pondered aloud.

"Where are the answers?! Does the book not say anything?" GarryBlox asked.

"Well, I don't think they have the answers to that, judging from the knowledge in this book," Biffle replied, examining the book that the others found the information from.

"That's because you don't have the knowledge to understand anything," Ambrew joked.

"Tch, meanie," Biffle replied. "You don't even know the answer to why Henwy gave Ian the leadership role!"

"That's because none of us knows the answer, Biffle!" Jerome replied.

"Well, I do," someone said from above.

The assassins looked up to see the Guardian of Heaven and Hell.





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