20: Deceitful Confrontation

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

"Do I really have to drink the blood? Is it nice?" Nico asked, concerned.

"Do you have a choice, Flico?" Loaf asked.

"I don't think I do..." Nico said, gulping the blood.

Seconds later, he turned into Dill in the flesh. "Oh come on! Why am I shorter than Sigils?!" Nico grumbled.

"I'm 6 feet tall! I'm not that short!" Sigils exclaimed.

"Stop arguing! We still have to convince the Shadowcaster to not destroy your base!" Loaf exclaimed, trying to break up the fight.

Sigils and Nico paused, and sheepishly laughed. As Nico approached the house, Sigils gave him some encouragement.

"You've got this, Nico!" Sigils exclaimed. "But if you mess up, we're doomed..." he reminded.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard you." Nico replied.

Nico, disguised as Dill, walked into their base without their fellow associates knowing. He hung out like how he usually did, and no one seemed suspicious, but he had to drink another syringe of blood in secret as time flies really fast.

Not long after, a serial killer meeting was called. All of them gathered and the leader, presumably the Shadowcaster, wearing a plague doctor mask, standing about 7 feet tall.

"Jeez, he's so tall." Loaf commented from Nico's head. Nico rolled his eyes and listened to what the Shadowcaster had to say. Nico gulped when the Shadowcaster stared at him dead in the eyes. "Dill... as a newly appointed serial killer, did you get rid of the assassin?" He asked, with a stern voice. Nico sighed. "I inflicted really bad damage to him, and he ran off, because I poisoned him." He explained.

"We don't even have poison. How did you poison him?" The Shadowcaster asked.

"He tried to poison me, but it backfired. He dropped the poison needle on the ground and I picked it up, stabbed it into his shoulder, and there, he got poisoned." Nico explained calmly.

"No wonder the assassins had been killing our associates so easily. They had poison. That's great to know." The Shadowcaster commented.

"But I don't think they have that much poison left. PatP and Henwy were the assassins physicians, but Lawler killed Pat, and Henwy sacrificed his life to bring his stupid friends back because Lookumz killed him." Corey, a serial killer, reminded.

"That's true." Nico replied.

Nico thought to Loaf, Am I doing good?

Loaf thought back. Yes, you are, I'm curious to see what you're up to next.

"Did anybody found more info about the assassins?" The Shadowcaster asked.

"I do." Karan, a low ranked serial killer replied.

Of course, he's a low ranked killer... he sucks at killing. Nico thought.

"I know you sent me to investigate the surroundings and not to kill, because I suck at killing, but I did found out that assassins go to the night market to a specific swordsmith to upgrade their tools whenever they're chipped or broken. I tried to ask what he did for a living, but he said he wouldn't talk to anyone except for assassins. He probably worked for them, that's probably why he said that." Karan recalled.

"Huh. In that case, I will go there an investigate about that swordsmith." The Shadowcaster replied.

"But sir, people are going to suspect you, especially when you are wearing the plague doctor mask." Dill reminded.

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