21: Unmasking Shadows

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(There's an Easter Egg hidden in here! 🥚)

"WHAT?!" Sigils exclaimed, his voice echoing through the room. "You mean Lanceypooh, Ian and Crainer's ex-best friend and associate, was behind all this?!"

LoafX, confused, interjected, "Who's he anyway?"

"Well, as far as I know, Ian and Crainer have recorded and pretty much worked with Lancey before. But they each had a falling out, so they weren't really friends anymore," Henwy explained, setting the stage for the unfolding drama.

"I don't know much about their rivalry, but Ian obviously knows, and if he figures it out, he'll lose focus on our main goal," Henwy added, glancing at the group with a sense of urgency.

"That's true. We've not told Ian that we've been on a secret mission with you guys," Nico replied, revealing the clandestine nature of their recent endeavors.

"Do we tell them?" Sigils asked, prompting a thoughtful silence.

"If you want to tell them, go ahead. But if you don't, it's fine," Henwy replied, leaving the decision to the group.

"I think it's time you go back; otherwise, Ian would be concerned about where you are, and he'll get suspicious about what you were doing," Loaf suggested, prompting Henwy to open a portal to the real world, allowing Sigils and Nico to return to the base.

As expected, SSundee and Jerome were waiting for them upon their arrival. "Where were all of you?" SSundee inquired. "We were going to have a meeting, but you both took so long to come back..."

Before Nico could explain, Sigils intervened, "Hold the meeting now. Nico and I have some information."

SSundee and Jerome exchanged confused glances, but Jerome agreed, "Okay, we'll hold the meeting now."

In the meeting room, SSundee addressed the group, "Alright, what I wanted to say earlier was that we need to figure out who the billion-year-old Shadowcaster's identity is. Any clues?"

"Well, I only know his height," GarryBlox offered.

"That's good enough. How tall is he?" SSundee inquired.

"7 feet tall," GarryBlox revealed, drawing surprised reactions from the group.

"Geez, that tall? That's 1 foot and 1 inch taller than Sigils," Ambrew teased, eliciting laughter.

After the light-hearted moment, SSundee refocused, asking, "Is there any more information?"

"Apparently, from my research, he was best friends with two people but then they had a falling out. I don't know what happened and how it happened," Kate added, adding a layer of mystery to the unfolding plot.

"Jeez, what a people pleaser," Zud mocked.

The room fell silent, prompting Jerome to ask, "Anything else?"

When no one responded, Jerome turned to Sigils, "Maybe Sigi, would you like to share your information?"

Sigils sighed, "Well, the information I have is... you can say, shocking." He proceeded to reveal the involvement of Henwy, the Time Guardian, in a mission to locate the serial killers' hideout.

"Henwy assigned you to locate the base? So did you find it?" Biffle asked with curiosity.

"Yes, I did. It appears to be an exquisite house that looks abandoned," Sigils disclosed.

"As they always do," SSundee remarked. Sigils continued, describing the second part of the mission involving Nico.

"He had to disguise as a serial killer and convince the Shadowcaster not to proceed with his plan," Sigils disclosed, capturing the group's attention.

"What plan?" Jerome asked, eager for more details.

"He planned to blow up our base as revenge," Sigils dropped the bomb, leaving the room in shocked silence.

As the tension mounted, Nico explained further, revealing his role in the mission. "Oh yeah, I was supposed to kill a serial killer, disguise as him, and figure out what the serial killers are up to."

The room erupted in disgust when Nico admitted, "I had to drink his blood..."

"EW!" Almost everyone exclaimed.

"Disgusting, I know," Sigils acknowledged, attempting to diffuse the discomfort.

The revelations continued, uncovering that Karan and Gold, Nico's high school friends, were the serial killers. Sigils apologized for poisoning Zud, creating a brief moment of tension that was eventually defused with a shared laugh.

Nico went on to unveil more crucial information, explaining that Karan had discovered the group's connection to a specific swordsmith in the night market. "The Shadowcaster's planning to go there himself to ask the swordsmith. I think some of us should go to the night market later before he arrives," Nico suggested, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

"Also, the Shadowcaster's not a billion years old. The Shadowcaster is just a code name for the serial killer leader."

"Wait, if the Shadowcaster wore a mask, it'll be easy to tell who he is, right?" GarryBlox asked.

"Yes, but he said he would remove his mask to avoid suspicion. And when he removed his mask, I was in total shock," Nico replied.

"You know his identity?! Job well done, Nico!" Kate praised.

"Wait. Don't reveal his identity yet. If that's all the information you have left, then tell us all the remaining information," Jerome replied.

"I do have some more information. I convinced the Shadowcaster not to blow up our base as I told him we used high-quality surveillance that could detect disguises, invisible people, and even ghosts. And I also mentioned that if they blew our base up, we'd most likely get revenge and blow up theirs too. I hope that's okay..." Nico explained.

"I see why Henwy chose you for the other part of the mission," Sigils remarked.

"Ian... I think you shouldn't know this information. You might... become traumatized," Nico stammered.

"Oh, but why? I'm the leader, I should know everything," SSundee replied.

Jerome pleaded, "It's for your own good, Ian. Please?"

Sigils escorted SSundee away, and Nico hesitated before revealing.

And then came the final bombshell. "The Shadowcaster's..." Nico hesitated, building suspense in the room.





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