115: Final Battle Arc; Mourning and Reflections Pt. 2

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the battlefield, a stark contrast to the somber mood that hung heavy in the air. Karan stood amidst the scattered remnants of the battle, his heart heavy with grief for those they had lost. He approached Sigils, who sat in quiet contemplation, his eyes reflecting the weight of their recent defeat.

"Sigils, how are you holding up?" Karan asked, his voice filled with genuine concern as he approached his friend.

Sigils looked up, his eyes weary but determined. "I'll be alright," he replied, his voice hoarse from exhaustion. "But we've lost so many."

Karan nodded in agreement, his gaze drifting to where Slogo sat, cradling the lifeless form of Crainer. "We have indeed," he murmured, his thoughts drifting to those who had fallen in the heat of battle.

Sigils looked up, his gaze haunted by the memories of their fallen comrades. "As well as can be expected," he replied, his voice heavy with emotion. "But it still doesn't feel real, you know? To think that they're gone..."

Karan nodded in understanding, his own heart aching with sorrow. "I know what you mean," he said quietly. "It's hard to believe that they won't be coming back."

Just then, Tubbo approached them, his expression grim as he carried the lifeless form of Jerome in his arms. Slogo followed close behind, his face etched with grief as he cradled the body of Crainer.

"We've lost too many good people," Tubbo said solemnly, his voice barely above a whisper. "And for what?"

Sigils shook his head, his eyes brimming with tears. "I wish I had the answer," he replied hoarsely. "But all I know is that they fought bravely until the end."

As they stood in silent mourning, Mitzefy approached, supporting Loaf who still struggled to see clearly due to the scars and cuts. Despite his own injuries, Mitzefy's determination to help his friend never wavered.

"How are you holding up?" Mitzefy asked Loaf, concern evident in his voice.

Loaf managed a weak smile, grateful for Mitzefy's unwavering support. "I'll be okay," he replied, his voice tinged with sadness. "But I'll miss them, you know? Jerome, Crainer, and the others..."

Mitzefy nodded in understanding, his own heart heavy with sorrow. "We all will," he said softly. "But we'll honor their memory by continuing to fight for what they believed in."

Amidst the aftermath, a sudden scream pierced the air, jolting the fighters out of their mixed emotions. It was a familiar scream, one that echoed with desperation and sorrow. The group turned in unison toward the source, their hearts sinking as they recognized the voice – it was Zud's scream.

Rushing towards the sound, Biffle, Sigils, and Nico found Zud cradling an injured Henwy, who lay in his arms, eyes barely open. Zud's tear-stained face revealed the gravity of the situation. The trio, with a sense of urgency, implored the serial killers for assistance to reach the scene of distress.

As they reached Zud and Henwy, the latter weakly revealed the dire situation. "He's badly poisoned; he might not make it," Zud whispered, his voice heavy with sorrow. The friends gathered around Henwy, their faces etched with concern and disbelief.

"Henwy, you've got to pull through. We promised to be friends forever," Biffle pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.

Nico, unable to hold back his tears, added, "You can't leave us, Henwy. The world is not a better place without you."

Sigils, usually composed, struggled to find words. "We need you, Henwy. Fight it, please, we're so sorry," he said, his voice choked.

Henwy weakly declined, his words barely audible. "Sorry for what? I'm sure... most people would say... that the world would be a better place... without me. And I don't disagree. In fact, I've... been trying to... leave it for as long... as I can remember," he mumbled, closing his eyes slowly.

Cries of denial and desperation filled the air as the Regulars begged Henwy to reconsider. The other fighters, sensing the gravity of the situation, surrounded them, their expressions a mix of sorrow and disbelief. Henwy, with his final vows, breathed his last, leaving behind a heavy silence.

The fighters, struck by grief, sat in solemn silence, processing the loss of their friend. The once victorious battlefield now bore the weight of their collective sorrow.

Tears welled up in their eyes as they watched their friend slip away, his final words echoing in their ears. And as they gathered around him, mourning the loss of yet another comrade, they vowed to never forget the sacrifices that had been made in the name of victory.

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