58: Night Market Arc; Blades of Resilience

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Amidst the cliff tops, he sees something moving in his direction and watches as a sword stabs itself into the dirt in front of him; the polished ancient blade hurled by Henwy. As the high ranked assassin tells him to use it, a less-than-pleased Alxton begins to choke him and orders Sigils to not use Henwy's blade. With his last strength, Henwy tells him, "Sigils! Use my sword! Use it to defeat the demon!" giving Sigils his resolve to fight. The angry swordsmith then strangles him, demanding, "Give me the sword back! Only you can use it!" And with Henwy not listening to him, the swordsmith punches him in the head, leading him to groan. "That hurts!"

But as they watch Sigils and the others battle Abaddon, Henwy smiled weakly, and thought to himself, Defeat it... Sigils...

After thinking that, it caused the assassin to lose consciousness; Aiden accuses Alxton "You killed him!" in spite of his confusion, but explains that it was his fever and Dagon's poison. Despite losing unconsciousness, Henwy notes that everyone's hopes are now in the blade Sigils wields.

With the demon in his sight, he brought his blade onto the demon's neck, he twists his body and is able to decapitate him.

Despite its complete decapitation, the headless giant clone is still in pursuit of the swordsmiths. Sigils looks to the severed head nearby and sees its tongue has the kanji for "resentment" etched on it; remembering that the main body had the kanji of "hatred", he realizes he has failed to kill the true demon.

As he makes a move to finish the demon and Kate joins to help him, the sun finally rises above the mountains. Sigils looks back to see the demon continuing to chase his prey; as he tries to find help, he sees Nico struggling to climb down the cliff and Henwy unconscious in Aiden's arms, realizing they will not be able to help him now. I can't help them now...

Realizing that allowing the demon to burn will only leave the swordsmith dead by then, he lands down and resolves to kill Abaddon once and for all, detecting the clone's scent and seeing it has not travelled far. Running across the field, he realizes that the main body is also nearby, looking at the giant headless clone and sharpening his sense of smell to triangulate its position, finally locating Abaddon inside the giant's heart. As the demon holds the fleeing swordsmiths in its grasp, Sigils leaps up to slice off both of its arms to save them, his furious stare striking deep fear into the demon.

Demanding that the demon atone for his sins with his life, he slices the giant's body in half, exposing Abaddon to the sun's light, before bringing his blade down onto his neck; Despite knowing he is about to be killed, the man instead tells the demon of the day when he will atone for his crimes. Confusion strikes Abaddon as he watches his life flash before his eyes. Despite a final attempt to stop him by using his giant clone's body, Sigils successfully beheads the demon and the exposure to the sunlight finally kills the demon for good. "It's done... he's gone..." Sigils managed to utter, breathless.

Nico, having climbed down the cliff to reunite with the two, watches with a content smile at his friends' survival. Though he quickly collapses in exhaustion, supported by the smiths and Kate, Sigils smiles in consolation that she is safe. Elsewhere, in the forests of the village, Crainer continues to get attacked relentlessly by Abaddon's wooden dragons. Without his mark and entirely exhausted by his prolonged battle, he can only swat them with his blade to fend them away and soon breaks down crying that he can no longer continue fighting.

As a dragon opens its jaws to crush him, he could only apologize for his defeat as he is engulfed whole. Suddenly, the dragons soon disintegrate, saving Crainer. Watching as the dragons fades away, he smiles with the realization that Sigils and the others have decapitated Abaddon.

Accompanied by Aiden, Henwy descends the cliff to reunite with Sigils, who is being supported by Kate due to his exhaustion. Thanking Henwy for providing him with his sword, he is surprised when Henwy instead thanks him for helping him recover his lost memories. Sigils denies this due to being unaware of his influence, but Henwy remains thankful of him, before asking what the situation is with Kate. Entering the reunion, the enraged Alxton appears and demands to know the whereabouts of the ancient sword.

Irrespective of Sigils's need for the blade to kill Abaddon and a swordsmith holding the weapon nearby, Alxton prods the assassin's face and threatens to kill him, leading Sigils to order Kate to run away, resulting in the swordsmith chasing the two despite Henwy's beckoning to calm him down. Suddenly, a loud voice calls from behind; Nico, Henwy, and Aiden look behind them as Crainer runs toward the group in relief to see them after the battle. As Sigils and Kate see him appear, Crainer pulls everyone into a hug and cries tears of relief at their survival of the battle. "We did it! We won! Isn't that awesome?! We all won together!"

Crainer cries in thankfulness at Kate's survival and his tears are joined by Sigils, Aiden, and Nico crying as well.

In the aftermath of the battle, the residents of the Night Market begin the process of picking up the pieces and recovering from the battle. Aiden and Alxton, who are carrying a cart with Sigils and Kate, seeing village chief in the distance, who greets them.

"Sigils is leaving and he would like to say his goodbyes." Aiden explained. The village chief asks about his condition. Sigils replies I'm alright, thanks." though the chief adds. "It's I who should thank you."

After the chief explains that the entire reason for him being at the market was to allow Sigils to speak to him, due to his initial refusal to make him a new blade, Sigils sincerely thanks the smith for taking care of his sword. "Thank you for taking care of my sword."

Aiden then pokes fun at Alxton's embarrassment in expressing his feelings, which results in the swordsmith grabbing and spinning him by the legs around as Sigils, Alxton, and the chief watch. Sigils then expresses his desire "I'll work harder. Good luck on your journey."

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