90: Final Battle Arc; Sigils and Karan vs. Caim

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The air crackled with tension as Karan deftly maneuvered around Caim, dodging his relentless onslaught with practiced ease. Every strike from the demon was met with a calculated counterattack, the clash of their weapons reverberating through the battlefield.

"Your skill is impressive," Caim acknowledged, his voice tinged with grudging respect. "I've rarely encountered someone of your caliber."

Sigils, ever vigilant, seized the opportunity to strike from behind, aiming for Caim's vulnerable neck. But the demon was quick to react, evading the blows and retaliating with a swift attempt to sever Sigils' head from his shoulders.

"Damn it! He's behind me!" Sigils cursed inwardly, bracing himself for the inevitable strike.

However, before Caim's blade could find its mark, Karan intervened, slicing off the demon's arm in a flash of steel. Yet, to their astonishment, Caim's limb regenerated almost instantly, showcasing his formidable regeneration abilities.

"Not bad for someone of your rank," Sigils remarked, admiration lacing his words.

"Thanks," Karan replied, his focus never wavering from their opponent.

The trio clashed once more, their movements a blur of precision and power. Sigils pressed the attack, his blade flashing in the dim light as he aimed to strike down the demon. But Caim proved to be a formidable adversary, parrying Sigils' blows with ease and launching his own counterattacks with deadly accuracy.

As the battle raged on, Caim's movements became more fluid, more unpredictable. His sword danced through the air with lethal grace, each strike sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. Sigils gritted his teeth as he felt the force of Caim's attacks, blood trickling from his nose from the sheer impact.

Is this guy for real? How can he hit so hard? Sigils wondered, his mind racing to keep up with the ferocity of their opponent.

Meanwhile, Karan continued to hold his own against Caim, his focus unwavering as he deflected blow after blow. Despite the demon's overwhelming strength, Karan remained steadfast, his determination unyielding.

"State your name!" Caim demanded, his voice echoing with authority. "I want to remember the name of the one who dares to challenge me!"

But Karan refused, his lips set in a firm line. "I have no name to give to the likes of you," he replied coldly. "And I have no interest in idle chatter."

Caim's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Oh, you don't like to talk? Well, I do," he taunted. "And I'll enjoy making you scream your name before I'm through with you."

With a series of lightning-fast kicks, Caim sent Karan hurtling through the air, crashing through walls with bone-jarring force. Sigils watched in horror as his comrade disappeared from view, a surge of panic rising within him.

"Karan!" he cried out, his voice echoing through the chaos of battle.

But before he could move to aid his friend, Caim was upon him once more, his blade flashing in the darkness. Sigils fought with all his might, his movements fueled by desperation and fear.

"You've grown stronger, quicker than I anticipated," Caim admitted, a hint of begrudging admiration in his voice. "I must admit, I'm impressed."

Sigils gritted his teeth, his anger bubbling to the surface. "You know nothing of strength," he spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "You're nothing but a coward, preying on the weak to feed your own twisted desires."

Caim's laughter echoed through the battlefield, a sound filled with malice and disdain. "Weakness is a disease, a blight upon this world," he declared. "I simply seek to eradicate it, to cleanse this world of those unworthy of existence."

Sigils felt a surge of rage coursing through his veins. "You talk of strength, yet you know nothing of sacrifice," he retorted. "True strength lies in protecting those who cannot protect themselves, in lifting others up instead of tearing them down."

Karan, battered but unbowed, reappeared at Sigils's side, his gaze steely and determined. "We fight not for ourselves, but for those who cannot fight for themselves," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction.

"None of us can forgive your way of thinking!" Karan exclaimed.

"Your days... of doing whatever you like..."


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