30: Cloaked in Secrets

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"What do you have in mind?" Kate inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"You know how Ian hates us researching so much?" Sigils asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Zud said, until he caught on. "Oh... you want us to 'research' so that Ian can go mad and focus his attention on us?" Zud suggested.

"You're on my wavelength, Zud!" Sigils exclaimed, eager for mischief.

Kate, always practical, inquired about the plan, "But what's the strategy?"

"We'll 'research,' and you'll be the one to snitch on us," Sigils disclosed.

"Will this actually work?" Kate questioned, voicing her concern.

"We've disappointed him plenty; it's bound to work," Sigils assured with confidence.

Later, Kate approached SSundee, sharing her intel.

"Hey, SSundee?" Kate greeted.

"What's up?" SSundee responded.

"I saw Sigils and Zud researching... again," Kate reported.

"These bots..." SSundee grumbled, storming towards his library.

"Who's researching again?!" SSundee exclaimed, surprising Sigils and Zud.

"Kate, we told you not to snitch!" Sigils scolded, but SSundee silenced them.

"Kate's a higher-ranked assassin than all of you for a reason! She reports everything she sees!" SSundee declared, leaving Sigils and Zud disheartened.

"Why were you researching?" SSundee demanded.

"Actually..." Sigils hesitated.

"We faked it to get your attention," Zud admitted, finishing Sigils's sentence.

"Wait..." SSundee said, then continued, "Did you involve Kate in your plan?!"

"Yeah," Kate confirmed.

"Are you kidding me?! What for?!" SSundee questioned.

"We wanted to reveal the Shadowcaster's identity and thought it was the right time," Kate explained.

SSundee looked annoyed but agreed, "Fine, tell me. But first, I have something to prove."

"Prove what?" Zud asked.

SSundee pulled out a blackboard and started explaining his recent investigations.

"I've ruined one of the Shadowcaster's plans before, but this one was different! Magical feedback, evocation, incantation—the possibilities are endless! And once Nico suggested disguising as a serial killer, I delved into the library again," SSundee explained excitedly.

The trio exchanged confused glances, and Kate asked, "What do you mean?"

"I've been investigating. Jerome's handling assassin work while I uncover the Shadowcaster. Someone here is pretending to be a serial killer, the leader! And I suspect it's you, Zud!" SSundee accused fiercely.

"This is your investigation technique? Lame," Sigils scoffed. "Not even close!"

"Is it Ambrew? Garry? Mitz?" SSundee questioned randomly.

"You can't just guess using our assassins' names," Kate sighed.

"But Ian, it's not even close. The Shadowcaster is none other than your arch-nemesis..." Zud revealed, signaling Sigils to continue.




"Lance Welch, better known as Lanceypooh."

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