9: Divine Mystery Unveiled

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

After several days of contemplation, SSundee made the decision to confide in the Regulars about what he, Zud, and Kate had witnessed. He hastily gathered them for a meeting in a dimly lit, secretive chamber.

"We must discuss something of utmost importance," SSundee stated with a grave tone, sending a shiver down the spines of the others.

Biffle, the bravest of the trio, found his voice first. "What is it?" he inquired, his voice trembling slightly.

"It's about something we witnessed," SSundee replied, his eyes locked onto the group. "We saw what some call the 'divine being,' and it was Pat."

"The 'divine being'? Pat as the divine being? The one who can communicate with the living even though they are deceased?" Sigils exclaimed, astonished.

"How did you come by this knowledge?" Zud asked, genuinely curious.

"I've been delving into random books in Henwy's extensive library," Sigils began. "One particular tome, 'Afterlife Ancients,' caught my attention. It's a compendium of individuals who hold sway over the afterlife."

"So, you're familiar with this 'divine being' concept?" Nico inquired.

"In fact, there's more to this than we initially thought," Sigils responded. "Turn to page 113."

Biffle, with an air of intrigue, read aloud, "Guardians of the Afterlife?"

"Yeah," Sigils confirmed. "There are five guardians, each with a unique domain. The Guardian of Heaven controls heaven and the forces of good. The Guardian of Hell governs hell and the malevolent. The Guardian of Heaven and Hell is responsible for those who led both virtuous and wicked lives, maintaining a sense of neutrality. And then there's the Time Guardian, who wields control over the past, present, and future."

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"So, they're guardians within the afterlife," Biffle concluded

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"So, they're guardians within the afterlife," Biffle concluded. "So Pat is this 'divine being'? Could the other assassins be guardians too?"

"Biffle raises an intriguing point," Zud chimed in. "What if the other assassins are guardians as well?"

"It's a possibility," SSundee conceded.

Nico interjected with excitement, "Wait, read about the Time Guardian!" He practically shouted, enthusiasm dancing in his eyes. "The Time Guardian has the power to create portals, connecting with the living in the present. They can influence those in the present to alter the future if it is in peril."

Kate pondered this revelation. "So, let's assume the future is indeed in danger. The Time Guardian could be selecting individuals to change the course of events."

Biffle, always the inquisitive one, posed another question, "But who is the Time Guardian? Does the book offer any clues?"

Sigils shook his head, furrowing his brow. "No, the book doesn't provide a name or any identifying information."

"Perhaps we should conduct further research," Biffle suggested, eager to uncover the truth.

SSundee, however, fixed the group with a stern gaze, his tone unyielding. "Don't even consider it," he warned, his kunai drawn and ready.

The Regulars, overcome by fear and uncertainty, swiftly retreated from the meeting room to their respective chambers. Nevertheless, their curiosity burned within them, compelling them to continue their investigation in secret.

When SSundee found out, he was exasperated, and nearly killed them.

...but was stopped by his wife, Madelyn.

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