39: Infernal Intrigue

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"Huh?! What do you mean he's escaped?" GarryBlox asked, his brows furrowed in concern.

"He managed to break free after one of their fellow associates found him and broke him out," Slogo replied with a grave tone.

"Pfft, how bad can it be?" Zud asked, initially unconcerned.

"If his power grows, he could very well find a way to escape into the real world, and he can tell the serial killers about our plan! Even the one where Nico camouflages into a serial killer to get information from them!" Slogo explained, and Zud recoiled at the gravity of the situation.

"Okay okay okay! That sounds bad! Really bad!" Zud exclaimed, panic evident in his voice.

"What do we do?" Jerome asked. "Ian, what should we do?"

"I-I don't know!" SSundee replied.

As the group deliberated on ways to prevent Fox's escape, Sigils came up with a daring idea.

"I have an idea!" Sigils exclaimed.

"What is it?" Ambrew asked.

Sigils turned to Nico and asked, "Nico, do you still have the syringe of blood from the last time you camouflaged into a serial killer?"

"I think so. I asked Kate to keep it in the freezer so that it could still be used and wouldn't dry up," Nico replied.

Biffle caught on. "Are you planning to get either Nico to camouflage as a serial killer to distract him from escaping?" Sigils nodded.

"But if he knew about the camouflaging incident, he'd suspect us!" Mitzefy warned.

"Slogo can turn him into a devil, and he'd know that he's legit as camouflagers can't turn into devils," PatP replied.

"Great idea. But it's not permanent, right?" Mitzefy asked.

"No, it's not," Slogo reassured them.

"Wait, but how are we going to the Hell Realm, Pat? You can't open portals to any realm," Slogo asked.

"Oh right. That's a good point," Jerome replied.

"What about Henwy? He's the Time Guardian, he can open up portals," Kate suggested.

"Well yes, I can, but that's only through time. I can open portals to realms too, but you have to be in the Time Capsule to do that," Henwy explained.

"That works. Is Nico going to do it?" SSundee asked.

"I'll do it," Biffle replied.

"That means... you're gonna be drinking blood. That's disgusting..." Sigils commented.

Biffle recoiled and tried to back out. "No nevermind! I don't want to do it!"

"There's no turning back, Biffle!" Jerome replied, commanding Kate to get the blood syringes from the freezer for Biffle to drink it.

"Ugh... why did I volunteer in the first place?" Biffle murmured to himself.

Kate took the blood syringes out and gave them to Biffle. Biffle grabbed the syringe and kept the syringes in his pocket, and Henwy ushered Biffle into the Time Capsule. "Good luck, Biffle!" SSundee called from the real world. Slogo and PatP then walked into the portal, which closed behind them.

"Alright, the plan. Slogo turns you into a devil, pretend to act mean and it'll get a bad reputation so that Fox can be attracted by your behavior. Then you figure out what he's planning and tell us when we need to send him to the Cage of Death," Henwy instructed.

"There's a Cage of Death?" Biffle asked.

"Only in the Hell Realm, when they misbehave," Slogo replied.

"How does it work?" PatP asked. "I actually don't know how it works."

"Well, I have to decide whether he deserves punishment or not. If I think he does, I have to ask the divine being for permission to serve the punishment. Once he agrees, I either choose a punishment, be it being impaled, reborn back but with no brain cell, and so on," Slogo explained.

"I see," PatP replied. "No wonder you come to me and ask me for permission."

"But we need a code word for like, getting ready to strike and to lunge on him." Loaf, who was listening to their conversation, suggested.

"I think I've got one. But..." Biffle said.

"But...?" Loaf asked.

"You might not like it," Biffle added.

Henwy sighed and groaned. "I think I know what it is. It's foot mommy, isn't it?"

"Actually, no," Biffle confirmed.

"Oh, it's not? My bad," Henwy replied.

"I wanted the code word to be a little more... related to hell," Biffle suggested.

"Like 'the temperature is really hot' and 'it's getting hot in here'," Biffle added.

"That's a great idea. Punned related code words, so no one will know!" PatP agreed.

"Kinda genius, gotta say." Slogo praised.

"Not in real life." Henwy jeered.

"Hey!" Biffle exclaimed.

"The code word for getting ready will be 'the temperature's so hot' and the code word for lunging at Fox will be 'it's getting hot in here'," Biffle declared.

"Temperature's so hot and getting hot in here. Got it," Loaf replied, noting down the code words in case they forget.

"Okay, I've told Crainer, his assistant and my assistant about the plan. I'm going back to the Afterlife to welcome streams of souls," Slogo replied. "Loaf, type in a fake percentage for Biffle. Make it believable."

"Got it!" Loaf replied, and Slogo goes into the portal to the Hell Realm, which Henwy opened.

Biffle drinks two syringes of blood, transforming into Dill, the serial killer Nico and Sigils killed a month ago.

"Wait. If he's dead, does that mean he's be there, and Fox would know?" Biffle asked.

"Well, he is actually at Heaven, because apparently, he was forced to be a serial killer because he was too weak to become an assassin. It's sad," Henwy replied.

"Well, at least Fox doesn't know he's dead," Biffle replied.

"Alright Biffle. You ready?" Henwy asked, opening a portal to the Afterlife.

Biffle took a deep breath...

And said...




"I was born ready."

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