94.5: Final Battle Arc; Mitzefy's backstory

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Bonus chapter! Comment potato if you found the bonus chapter <3

Mitzefy aspired to be an assassin and trained in secret, hiding it from her mother and sister, who despised fighting. One day, her sister discovered her secret and reported it to their mother, resulting in repeated scoldings whenever Mitzefy was caught again. This time, however, Mitzefy decided to confront her mother.

"I heard what you said the night Dad died. You said I wasn't your daughter," Mitzefy began. "I know I'm just a burden to you, so you can go to Idaho alone. Or maybe take Madison with you. She's the daughter you actually wanted."

"Marisa, that's not fair," her mother protested.

"What's not fair is that I lost the only parent who cared about me," Mitzefy replied, walking out. "I wish you had died that night instead."

That night, Mitzefy left home, unable to find shelter even with her girlfriend. Days passed until someone approached her.

A figure jumped from building to building and sat beside her. "Finally admitted your true colors?" the voice asked.

"How'd you know, Zud?" Mitzefy asked.

"Henwy told me. He saw you standing up to your mom and asked me to check on you since he's busy," Zud explained. "If you want to prove to your mom that you love her, I think—"

"I don't have anywhere else to live," Mitzefy interrupted. "Can I stay with you?"

Zud hesitated. He lived at the Assassin Headquarters and explained this to Mitzefy, inviting her to join the assassins without needing her mother's permission. Knowing her mother would never accept her even as her own daughter, Mitzefy agreed.

Upon arrival, she was shocked to see Henwy. "How did—"

"Who's the weak one now?" Henwy teased.

"Are you sure the leader won't mind me joining?" Mitzefy asked.

Henwy grinned. "Of course! He knows you, and he trusts anyone I recruit because—"

"...He's the highest rank at the headquarters," Zud finished.

"Hey! I was trying to sound cool!" Henwy chided.

"You were never cool," Mitzefy said, laughing as Henwy pouted.

Under the guidance of Zud and Henwy, Mitzefy excelled, eventually becoming an official assassin. She patrolled various areas, rescuing citizens and villagers, and cherished their gratitude.

One day, while patrolling with Henwy, they encountered a serial killer attacking a mother and daughter. They intervened, injuring the killer and driving him away. To Mitzefy's shock, the victims were her mother and sister.

"You... you saved me? A weakling like you?" her mother bellowed.

Henwy stepped in, "Hold on, you're not appreciative that your OWN daughter saved your life? What kind of mother are you?"

Her mother paused, reflecting on her actions.

"A true parent cares about their children. Every child deserves parents, but in this situation, not every parent deserves a child," Henwy stated, pulling Mitzefy away.

"Henry, what was that?! I could have just accepted that I was a horrible—" Mitzefy began.

"Don't let your struggles get to you. You just have to be you," Henwy advised.

Note: If your experiencing parental favouritism, Take a step back and evaluate the emotions attached to your perceived experience of favouritism. Gather the facts, and do your best to remove any raw emotions. Determine based on this if you have experienced genuine favouritism or if perhaps perceived slights have been blown out of proportion by your own feelings.

Personally, I have faced this before even though I was the younger child in the family. My brother always had new clothes, and my parents would constantly pass down his clothes to me to wear them at home, and he always got more help from my parents and attention from my relatives. I did think I was favouritism. My brother knows my pain and intends to include me all the time when no one communicates with me but the reason I never opened up to my parents was because I assumed they would say I was jealous of him and I was not a good sister to him even though I was younger.

Slowly then I understood the reason my parents focus on my brother because he had special needs (which is autism) and he tends to become more immature when he grows up, which is why he needed help when I don't need it since I was kinda doing well (besides my mental health issues, I usually deal with them on my own), and I sometimes vent in a journal because sometimes, the anger will get to me and I'll need to vent. Don't worry, just get your feelings out so you can allow yourself to move on from them.

Thats what I've experienced, but this situation has improved, as both of my parents treat us all equally.

...except my dad, he doesn't give a shit-

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